new text begin (a) The legislature finds that it is a fundamental 

 right of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, and care of the parent's minor child. 

 The legislature further finds that important information relating to a minor child should not 

 be withheld, either inadvertently or purposefully, from the child's parent, including 

 information relating to the minor child's health, well-being, and education, while the minor 

 child is in the custody of a school district. The legislature further finds it necessary for a 

 school to establish a consistent mechanism for a parent to be notified of information relating 

 to the health and well-being of the parent's minor child.

 new text end

new text begin The state, any of its political subdivisions, 

 any other governmental entity, or any other institution must not infringe on the fundamental 

 rights of a parent to direct the upbringing, health, well-being, mental health, and education 

 of the parent's minor child without demonstrating that the potential infringement of parental 

 rights is reasonable and necessary to achieve a compelling state interest, and that the potential 

 infringement of parental rights is narrowly tailored and is not otherwise served by a less 

 restrictive means.

 new text end

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new text begin (i) means assigned, distributed, or otherwise presented to students in any course for 

 which students receive academic credit or in any educational capacity in which participation 

 of the student body is required by the school or in which most students in a given grade 

 level participate; and

 new text end

new text begin (4) "activities" include but are not limited to assemblies, guest lectures, action-oriented 

 civics learning assignments or projects, including the actual or simulated contacting of 

 government officials or any requirement to advocate for or comment on a contemporary 

 political or social issue or participate in organized political activity, social demonstrations, 

 or other field trips or projects, service-learning, internships, or other forms of collaboration 

 with outside organizations after regular school hours for course credit or as a class project 

 or assignment, or other educational events facilitated by the institution's faculty or staff, 

 including those conducted by outside individuals or organizations, excluding presentations 

 given by students enrolled at the school; and

 new text end

new text begin (5) "lesson plan" means the daily, weekly, or other routinely produced guide, description, 

 or outline of the instruction to be provided by a teacher to students at the school.

 new text end

new text begin A school board or board of a charter school must ensure that 

 the following information is displayed on a school's website in an easily and publicly 

 accessible location:

 new text end

new text begin (ii) a link to the learning material, if publicly available on the Internet or, if not freely 

 and publicly available, a brief description of the learning material and information on how 

 to request review of a copy of the learning material according to the curriculum review 

 procedure under section 120B.20;

 new text end

new text begin (iii) if the learning material was created for nonpublic use the identity of the teacher, 

 staff member, school official, or outside presenter who created it. A teacher, staff member, 

 or school official may be indicated by a personal title and last initial;

 new text end

new text begin (iv) the full text or a copy of any learning materials or educational activities, including 

 presentations, videos, and audio recordings used for student instruction at the school, if 

 those works were created by the school's governing board or a teacher or staff member 

 employed under the authority of the governing board. This section does not require the 

 posting of academic assessments or academic tests; and

 new text end

new text begin (v) if the activity involves service-learning, internships, or collaboration with outside 

 organizations after regular school hours for course credit, the name of the organization, and 

 the number of students engaged in service-learning, internships, or collaboration with that 

 organization. The names of the students involved must not be posted;

 new text end

new text begin (4) at each school with a catalog or documented inventory of the resources available to 

 students in its school library, a listing of available resources in the library.

 new text end

new text begin Nothing in subdivision 2 may be construed to require 

 the digital reproduction or posting of copies of the learning materials themselves, where 

 reproduction would violate copyright. When reproduction would violate copyright, a school 

 must offer a link to a publicly available website describing and offering access to the learning 

 materials. If the materials are not available free of charge, a school must offer, if available 

 and upon request, the learning materials for public inspection, as required under subdivision 

 2, clause (2), at the school building where the learning materials or activities are used for 

 student instruction. Materials must be provided, if available, no later than 30 days after 

 requested. To the extent practicable, a school must make all learning materials, including 

 original materials, available for public inspection and allow the public to copy, scan, 

 duplicate, or photograph portions of original materials within the limits of "fair use" as 

 provided by United States Code, title 17, section 107.

 new text end

new text begin Subdivision 2 does not require the separate reporting 

 of individual components of learning materials that are published together as a single volume. 

 Articles, videos, or other materials from websites that are used for student instruction should 

 be identified where possible with an internet address specific to the relevant content used 

 for student instruction.

 new text end

new text begin The information required by subdivision 2 must 

 be displayed online no later than 14 days after the first instance of training or instruction. 

 The information must be organized by school, grade, teacher, and subject and remain 

 displayed on a school website for at least two years. For privacy purposes, teachers and 

 staff employed by a school may request that a school use a personal title and last initial in 

 lieu of a full name. The date of the latest modification or update to the information must be 

 displayed on the same website location.

 new text end

new text begin (1) may but is not required to utilize a collaborative online document or spreadsheet 

 software that allows multiple authorized users to update or make additions to posted content 

 on an ongoing basis if a link to the listing is publicly accessible via a school website; or

 new text end

new text begin (2) may but is not required to satisfy the requirements of subdivision 2, clause (2), by 

 posting a copy or the full text of the lesson plans submitted to a school principal or other 

 staff by instructors at a school in the current year, provided that the lesson plans provide 

 equivalent detail of the learning materials and activities used for student instruction as 

 required by subdivision 2, clause (2), and that any learning materials and activities not 

 recorded on the lesson plans are also disclosed via a publicly accessible portion of a school 

 website in the manner prescribed by subdivision 2, clause (2).

 new text end

new text begin The attorney general, commissioner of education, state auditor, 

 county attorney for the county in which an alleged violation of this section occurs, or a 

 resident of a school district in which an alleged violation of this section occurs, may initiate 

 legal action in the district court in the jurisdiction in which the school district, public school, 

 charter school, or other governmental entity responsible for the oversight of public secondary 

 or elementary schools is located for the purpose of complying with this section.

 new text end

new text begin An attorney acting on behalf of a school district, public school, 

 charter school, or governmental entity responsible for the oversight of public secondary or 

 elementary schools may request a legal opinion of the attorney general as to whether a 

 particular piece of training, learning, or curricular material or activity meets criteria under 

 this section and has been disclosed in a manner that complies with this section.

 new text end

new text begin Upon complaint, the district court in the county in which the 

 school resides has jurisdiction to order the production of any learning materials or other 

 materials or activities, as specified in this section, improperly withheld from the complainant. 

 The court must determine the matter de novo and may examine the contents of the disputed 

 materials in camera to determine whether any part of the materials must be withheld. The 

 court may assess against the governing body of the school reasonable attorney fees and 

 other litigation costs reasonably incurred in any case under this section in which the 

 complainant has substantially prevailed. In the event of noncompliance with the order of 

 the court, the court may hold the responsible school official or employee in contempt. A 

 court must not be required to review a complaint under this section unless complainants 

 have first attempted to remedy the alleged noncompliance by contacting: (1) school officials 

 to resolve the noncompliance within 15 days, or, if still unresolved; (2) the school's governing 

 body to resolve the noncompliance within 45 days.

 new text end 152ee80cbc

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