M. Yasemin, A. Cruz, U. J. Nunes, G. Pires, "Single trial detection of error-related potentials in brain-machine interfaces: A survey and comparison of methods" Journal of Neural Engineering, IOP, december 2022, DOI 10.1088/1741-2552/acabe9 [link - Open Access] [software-github]
G. Pires, A. Cruz, D. Jesus, M. Yasemin, U. J. Nunes, T. Sousa, M. Castelo-Branco, "A new error-monitoring brain-computer interface based on reinforcement learning for people with autism spectrum disorders", Journal of Neural Engineering, 19, IOP, december 2022, DOI 10.1088/1741-2552/aca798 [link - Open Access] [Video - Emotional Facial Paradigm].
G. Pires, S. Barbosa, U. J. Nunes, E. Gonçalves, "Visuo-auditory stimuli with semantic, temporal and spatial congruence for a P300-based BCI: an exploratory test with an ALS patient in a completely locked-in state", Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 379, July 2022, [link - Open Access]
G. Pires, M. Castelo-Branco, C. Guger, G. Cisotto, "Editorial: Error-Related Potentials: Challenges and Applications", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience - Brain-Computer Interfaces, July, 2022, doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.984254, [link - Open Access]
Estiveira, J., Dias, C., Costa, D., Castelhano, J., Castelo-Branco, M., Sousa, T., "An action-independent role for midfrontal theta activity prior to error commission", Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 2022, doi:10.3389/fnhum.2022.805080 [link - Open Access]
C. Dias, D. Costa, T. Sousa, J. Castelhano, V. Figueiredo, A. C. Pereira, M. Castelo-Branco, "A neuronal theta band signature of error monitoring during integration of facial expression cues", Brain, Cognition and Mental Health, 2022 PeerJ 10:e12627 doi: [link - Open Access]
R. Pereira, G. Carvalho, L. Garrote, U. J. Nunes (2022), "Sort and Deep-SORT Based Multi-Object Tracking for Mobile Robotics: Evaluation with New Data Association Metrics", Applied Sciences 2022, 12(3), doi: 10.3390/app12031319 special issue on Robotic Wheelchairs , section "Robotics and Automation" [link - Open Access]
A. Cruz, G. Pires, U. J. Nunes (2021), "Spatial filtering based on Riemannian distance to improve the generalization of ErrP classification", Neurocomputing, Elsevier, 440, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2021.10.078, Quartile Q1 [PDF_preprint] [Elsevier link]
J. Paulo, G. Pires and U. J. Nunes (2021), Cross-Subject Zero Calibration Driver's Drowsiness Detection: Exploring Spatiotemporal Image Encoding of EEG Signals For Convolutional Neural Network Classification, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2021 doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3079505, Quartile Q1 [IEEE link - OpenAccess]
J. Perdiz, L. Garrote, G. Pires and U. J. Nunes (2021), A Reinforcement Learning assisted Eye-driven Computer Game Employing a Decision Tree-based Approach and CNN Classification, IEEE Access, 9, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3068055, Quartile Q1 [IEEE link - OpenAccess] [dataset and CNN code: github]
A. Cruz, G. Pires, A. Lopes, C. Carona, U. J. Nunes (2020), "A self-paced BCI with a collaborative controller for highly reliable wheelchair driving: Experimental tests with physically disabled individuals", IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 51 (2), 2020, DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2020.3047597, Quartile Q1 [PDF_preprint] [IEEE link] . Awarded with the prestigious Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award 2022, recognizing it as the best paper in the IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems in 2021 (Link Award and IEEE -SMC website ).
A. Cruz, G. Pires, U. J. Nunes (2018), "Double ErrP Detection for Automatic Error Correction in an ERP-Based BCI Speller", IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 99, doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2017.2755018, Quartile Q1 [PDF_preprint] [IEEE link] [video] [dataset: IEEEDataPort]
C. Dias, T. Sousa, A. Cruz, D. Costa, J. Castelhano, G. Pires, M. Castelo-Branco, "A memory-based BCI approach for training of executive function in ASD", Brain Stimulation, 16, 1, January 2023, DOI:, [link]
R. Pereira, A. Cruz, L. C. Garrote, G. Pires, A. Lopes, U. J. Nunes, "Dynamic Environment-based Visual User Interface for Intuitive Navigation Target Selection for Brain-actuated Wheelchairs", 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2022), Napoli, Italy, Aug 29 - Sept 02, 10.1109/RO-MAN53752.2022.9900623, 2022 [link] [video]
T. Sousa, C. Dias, J. Estiveira, D. Costa, J. Castelhano, G. Pires, M. Castelo-Branco, "Studying error perception in complex scenarios stresses the importance of midfrontal theta during social cognition", 9th Iberian Conference on Perception 2022, June 27-29 Barcelona, Spain [link]
C. Dias, D. M. Costa, T. Sousa, J. Castelhano, V. Figueiredo, A. C. Pereira, M. Castelo-Branco, "Classification of erroneous actions using EEG frequency features: implications for BCI performance, 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Mexico, November 2021. [link]
R. Pereira, L. Garrote, T. Barros, A. Lopes, U. J. Nunes, A Deep Learning-based Indoor Scene Classification Approach Enhanced with Inter-Object Distance Semantic Features, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Prague, Czech Republic, Sepetember 2021. [link] [code]
A. Zancanaro, G. Cisotto, J. R. Paulo, G. Pires, U. J. Nunes, "CNN-based Approaches For Cross-Subject Classification in Motor Imagery: From The State-of-The-Art to DynamicNet", 18th IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 13 to 15 October 2021 - Melbourne, Australia. [link] [Code: Dynamic-PyTorch-Net github]
F. Roque, G. Pires, J. Perdiz,, U. J. Nunes, "A User-Identification system based on Code-modulated Visual Evoked Potentials with LED stimulation", 9th IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF) 2021, Rome, Italy, May 2021. [PDF_preprint] [link] [datasets: C-VEP User-Id dataset: github]
R. Pereira, T. Barros, L. Garrote, A. Lopes, U. J. Nunes, "An Experimental Study of the Accuracy vs Inference Speed of RGB-D Object Recognition in Mobile Robotics", 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Napoles, Italy, September 2020. [link]
R. Pereira, N. Gonçalves, L. Garrote, T. Barros, A. Lopes, U. J. Nunes, "Deep-Learning based Global and Semantic Feature Fusion for Indoor Scene Classification", IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Ponta Delgada, Portugal, April 2020. [link]
L. Garrote, J. Perdiz, G. Pires, U. J. Nunes, "Reinforcement Learning Motion Planning for an EOG-Centered Robot Assisted Navigation in a Virtual Environment", 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), New Delhi, India, October 2019. [PDF] [link]
G. Pires, M. Yasemin, U. J. Nunes (2019), "Naturally embedded SSVEP phase tagging in a P300-based BCI: LSC-4Q speller", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2019), Bari, Italy, October 2019. [PDF] [link] [video]
J. Perdiz, A. Cruz, U. J. Nunes, G. Pires (2019), "A Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface Fusing P300 ERP and Electrooculography", 15th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON2019), Coimbra, Portugal, September 2019. [PDF] [link]
A. Cruz, G. Pires, A. C. Lopes, U. J. Nunes (2019), "Detection of Stressful Situations Using GSR While Driving a BCI-controlled Wheelchair", IEEE 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC2019), Berlin, Germany, July 2019. [PDF] [link]
D. Farinha, J. Dias, P. Neves, K. Pereira, C. Ferreira, G. Pires (2019), "Assistive Robotic Hand Orthosis (ARHO) controlled with EMG: evaluation of a preliminary prototype", 6th IEEE Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG 2019), Lisbon, Portugal, February 2019. [PDF] [link]
D. Gomes, F. Fernandes, E. Castro, G. Pires (2019), "Head-movement interface for wheelchair driving based on inertial sensors", 6th IEEE Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG 2019), Lisbon, Portugal, February 2019. [PDF] [link]
A. Cruz, G. Pires , U. J. Nunes (2018), "Generalization of ErrP-calibration for different error-rates in P300-based BCIs", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 2018. [PDF] [link]
J. Perdiz, L. Garrote, G. Pires, U. J. Nunes (2018), “Measuring the impact of reinforcement learning on an electrooculography-only computer game”, IEEE 6th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH), Vienna, Austria, 2018. [PDF] [link]
PhD Theses
Aniana Cruz, PhD Thesis: "Mental state monitoring to improve the robustness of Brain Computer Interfaces in scenarios of human-robot interaction" (FCT PhD scholarship: SFRH/BD/111473/2015), Universidade de Coimbra - Departamento de Física. (Supervisors: Urbano Nunes and Gabriel Pires) - defended on 2nd June 2021
PhD Thesis Projects (PhD preparation document)
Mine Yasemin, "Error monitoring to improve the reliability of Brain Computer Interfaces and to design new forms of Human Machine Interaction. PhD Thesis Project , Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica da Universidade de Coimbra (DEEC-UC), December 2020. (Supervisors: Urbano Nunes and Gabriel Pires)
Ricardo Pereira, "Deep-Learning Based Perception Modules Using RGB-D Data for Indoor Mobile Robot Applications. PhD Thesis Project , Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica da Universidade de Coimbra (DEEC-UC), December 2020. (Supervisors: Urbano Nunes and Ana Lopes)
MSc Theses
Filipa Botinas, "Emotional error signals in the brain: A BCI approach", Master in Biomedical Engineering, Department of Physics, University of Coimbra, September 2022 (Supervisors: Gabriel Pires, Teresa Sousa and Miguel Castelo-Branco)
Anna Nalotto, "Assessing deep learning approaches to detect error-related potentials in BCIs", Master in ICT for Internet and Multimedia, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, April 2022 (Supervisors: Gabriel Pires and Giulia Cisotto)
Alberto Zancanaro (Erasmus student), "Machine and deep learning algorithms for the analysis of EEG signals for neuroscience and motor rehabilitation". Msc dissertation, Mestrado em Eng. Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Universidade de Coimbra, Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica (DEEC-UC), March 2021. (Supervisors: Gabriel Pires, Giulia Cisotto and Urbano Nunes)
Riccardo Melchiori (Erasmus student), "Signal Processing Techniques for the Control of EEG-EMG-Based Assistive Robotics". Msc dissertation, Mestrado em Eng. Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Universidade de Coimbra, Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica (DEEC-UC), February 2021. (Supervisors: Gabriel Pires, Giulia Cisotto and Urbano Nunes)
Francisco Roque, "Code-Modulated Visual Evoked Potentials for BCI and Biometric Authentication". Msc dissertation, Mestrado em Eng. Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Universidade de Coimbra, Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica (DEEC-UC), November 2020. (Supervisors: Gabriel Pires and Urbano Nunes)
Maria Francisca Machado, "Hybrid BCI based on visual and auditory stimuli". MSc dissertation, Mestrado em Eng. Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Universidade de Coimbra, Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica (DEEC-UC), September 2019. (Supervisors: Gabriel Pires and Urbano Nunes)
João David Santos, "Development of a BCI framework: hardware/software architecture and control of domotic appliances". MSc dissertation, Mestrado em Eng. Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Universidade de Coimbra - Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica (DEEC-UC), September 2019. (Supervisors: Gabriel Pires and Urbano Nunes)
Diogo Farinha, "Processamento de sinal EMG para dispositivos de reabilitação e assistência motora", Msc dissertation, Mestrado Eng. Electrotécnica (M2E), Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, dezembro 2018. (Supervisor: Gabriel Pires )
João Dias, "Desenvolvimento de uma ortótese robótica para assistência da mão", Msc dissertation, Mestrado Eng. Electrotécnica (M2E), Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, dezembro 2018. (Supervisors: Gabriel Pires and Carlos Ferreira)
BSc Theses
Bruno Gomes e Nuno Martins, "Robô para Prova de Condução Autónoma do Festival Nacional de Robótica", Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, LEEC, novembro 2021, (supervisors: A. Lopes and G. Pires)
Brígida Lopes, Ricardo Narciso, "Desenvolvimento de um robô móvel para assistência a pessoas com deficiências motoras", BSc Project, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Licenciatura em Eng. Electrotécnica e de Computadores, dezembro 2020, (supervisor: A. Lopes)
António Rodrigues, Bruno Rosário e Tomás Barros, "TemplarBot", BSc Project, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Licenciatura em Eng. Informática, dezembro 2020, (supervisors: A. Lopes and L. Almeida) ;
Luís Fialho, Nelson Anastácio, “Desenvolvimento de Manipulador Robótico 6-DoF de assistência a pessoas baseado em Visão por computador”, Projeto de Final de Curso LEEC-IPT, outubro 2019, (Orientadores: A. Lopes, P. Coelho);
João Grácio e André Ferreira, "Desenvolvimento de um sistema de interação para um robô móvel baseado num monitor de leds em hélice", Projeto de Final de Curso LEEC-IPT, outubro 2019, (Ana Lopes e Pedro Neves);
Diniz Assunção Cabral Silva, "GreenT V2.0", Projeto de Final de Curso LEEC-IPT, outubro 2019 (Ana Lopes e Pedro Neves);
Eduardo Castro, Filipe Fernandes, Daniel Gomes, "wheelchair HMU - Head Motion Unit - Controlo de uma cadeira de rodas por movimentos de cabeça", BSc Project, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Licenciatura em Eng. Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Outubro 2018, (supervisor: G. Pires)
Carlos Silva, Daniel Cabaceira, "Assistente Pessoal para Seniores: Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma robótica móvel", Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Licenciatura em Eng. Electrotécnica e de Computadores, (supervisors: A. Lopes e Pedro Neves).
Pedro Antunes, Activity@Home, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Licenciatura em Eng. Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Outubro 2018, (supervisors: G. Pires e P. Correia)
Communications / Invited Talks
Gabriel Pires, "Brain-computer interfaces", Dia Mundial da Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA), associação portuguesa da ELA (APELA) 21 de junho de 2022 [Program]
Gabriel Pires and Miguel Castelo-Branco, keynote speakers - "Error-related signals: from fundamental neuroscience to human-machine interaction", BCI & NEUROTECHNOLOGY SPRING SCHOOL 2022 April 25 – May 4, 2022 (Vienna)
Gabriel Pires, Keynote speaker - "Usabilidade de Interfaces Cérebro-Computador: fiabilidade e naturalidade de interação", BCI Neurotech Masterclass Portugal 1.0 - g.tec medical engineering GmbH, November 16th 2021 [Program]
Gabriel Pires, "Contributo para a melhoria da usabilidade de interfaces cérebro-computador", 3º Congresso Nacional de Fisiologia Clínica, Coimbra, 15-17 October, 2021 [Program]
Joao Paulo, "Mental States Characterization and Detection Using EEG for Driving and Motor Tasks", Workshop on "Brain-Computer Interfaces and Related Science & Technologies", Coimbra, June 17, 2021.
Miguel Castelo Branco and Teresa Sousa, "Translational Neuroscience Approaches for the Development of Neurorehabilitation Technologies: Current Challenges", Workshop on "Brain-Computer Interfaces and Related Science & Technologies", Coimbra, June 17, 2021.
Urbano Nunes and Gabriel Pires, "Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI): HCMR-lab Activities", Workshop on "Brain-Computer Interfaces and Related Science & Technologies", Coimbra, June 17, 2021.
Gabriel Pires, key note speaker - “A BCI combining collaborative control and self-paced operation towards a natural and minimum-effort wheelchair driving”, Virtual BR41N.IO Brain Computer Interface Designers’ Hackathon, during the BCI & Neurotechnology Summer School 2020, organized by g.tec medical engineering GmbH Austria, June 29- July 5, 2020 [Program]
Marco Simões, "Outcomes from the 2019 IFMBE Scientific Challenge on a multiple-session P300-based BCI dataset", g.tec's Brain-Computer Interface Workshop, Coimbra, November 15, 2019;
Carlos Amaral, "The neural correlates of attention to physical stimuli of variable social meaning: a translational approach to autism", g.tec's Brain-Computer Interface Workshop, Coimbra, November 15, 2019;
Gabriel Pires, "Towards natural BCI interaction: a case study of a brain-actuated wheelchair", g.tec's Brain-Computer Interface Workshop, Coimbra, November 15, 2019;
Aniana Cruz and Diogo Jesus, "Applications of Error-related Potentials in BCI", g.tec's Brain-Computer Interface Workshop, Coimbra, November 15, 2019;
Ana Lopes, "Mobile Assistive Robotics: Brain-Controlled Robotic Wheelchairs", 4th Robotics Craftsmanship International Academy (RobotCraft 2019) Workshop, Coimbra, July 2019.