Project summary

The interdisciplinary project B-RELIABLE aims at the R&D of new methods, theoretical and computational models and respective experimental validation, in human-centered systems, aiming to:

    1. Increase the reliability of brain-machine/computer interfaces (BMI/BCI) intended to people with severe motor disabilities in communication and collaborative control applications

    2. Design new and more natural forms of human-machine interaction (HMI) and new paradigms for neurofeedback intervention, based on the automatic detection of error (originated by the human or by the system), in applications for healthy people or suffering neurodevelopment disorders. Particular focus will be given to the investigation of the use of an electroencephalographic (EEG) signal called Error Related Potential (ErrP), which occurs naturally in the brain as a response to unexpected errors.


B-RELIABLE: Boosting reliability and interaction on brain-machine interface systems integrating automatic error-detection
PTDC/EEI/-AUT/30935/2017, with FEDER/FNR/OE funding through programs CENTRO2020 and Portuguese foundation for science and technology (FCT)
O Projeto B-RELIABLE é uma parceria entre o Instituto de Sistemas e robótica (ISR) da Universiade de Coimbra (entidade proponente), o Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT) e o Instituto de Ciências Nucleares Aplicadas à Saúde (ICNAS /CIBIT)
Duration: 2018-06-20 to 2022-06-19 Project sheet


  • We are very happy to announce that our paper "A Self-Paced BCI with a Collaborative Controller for Highly Reliable Wheelchair Driving: Experimental Tests With Physically Disabled Individuals" received the prestigious Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award, recognizing it as the best paper in the IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems in 2021. This is the most prestigious award for scientific publications given by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Society (see https://www.ieeesmc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/IEEE_SMCS_2022_Awards.pdf). Announced at the IEEE SMC conference in Prague on October, 11 2022. Link of the paper: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9336656

  • The project ended on 19 June 2022, but several outputs of the work carried out during the project will be coming and will be posted here.

  • Our paper "Visuo-auditory stimuli with semantic, temporal and spatial congruence for a P300-based BCI: an exploratory test with an ALS patient in a completely locked-in state", was accepted for publication in the Journal of Neuroscience Methods, July 4, 2022.

  • Gabriel Pires participated on the radio programme "90 segundos de ciência" - RTP-Antena 1, July 1, 2022.

  • Gabriel Pires was a member of the jury of the international BR41N.IO BCI Hackathon - BRR41N.IO is a brainstorming and collaborative marathon designed to be a learning experience for developers, technologists, engineers, students, artists, and scientists who cram and build brain-computer interface (BCI) applications together in teams https://www.br41n.io/Spring-School-2022 . 45 teams from 33 countries!

  • We (ISR-UC and CIBIT-UC) are one of the institutions hosting the international BCI Hackathon - BR41N.IO April 30 - May 1, 2022

  • Our paper "Spatial filtering based on Riemannian distance to improve the generalization of ErrP classification" was accepted in Neurocomputing Journal. Congrats Aniana!

  • The winners of the 2021 Annual BCI Award have been announced! Check it at https://www.bci-award.com/2021 or here and here at Linked-in. "It was a pleasure and an honor to be part of the Jury", Gabriel Pires, October 19, 2021

  • Aniana Cruz successfully defended her PhD thesis today! Congratulations Aniana! June 2, 2021

  • "Exame Informática" dedicated several pages to our BCI work (May month edition). Check it here

  • Our paper "Cross-Subject Zero Calibration Driver's Drowsiness Detection: Exploring Spatiotemporal Image Encoding of EEG Signals For Convolutional Neural Network Classification" was accepted in the IEEE in Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering

  • Our paper about User-Identification based on Code-modultated Visual Evoked Potentials was accepted for the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics 2021. Congrats Francisco!

  • Our paper about Reinforcement learning and CNN applied to electrooculographyc signals was published on IEEE Access . Congrats João Perdiz!

  • Gabriel Pires gave a Radio interview on the "Dias do Futuro" programme - RTP-Antena 1 - March 6, 2021.

  • Some news from the Portuguese press in the follow-up our paper published in IEEE Transaction on Human Machine Systems (Press release and press news based on it,for example Publico and Exame Informática) - March 2021.

  • Our paper recently published in the IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems sparked the interest of "Academic Times" press (see here) and was then featured on the reddit main page - Feb 23, 2021

  • Together with Frontiers in Human Neuroscience we launched a new Research Topic, Error-Related Potentials: Challenges and Applications. jan 2021

  • Gabriel Pires integrates the Jury of The Annual BCI Award 2021.

  • Gabriel Pires is keynote speaker at the Virtual BR41N.IO Brain Computer Interface Designers’ Hackathon, during the BCI & Neurotechnology Summer School 2020, organized by g.tec medical engineering GmbH Austria, June 29- July 5, 2020 [Program]

  • ErrP datasets (IEEEDataPort) are now available at http://dx.doi.org/10.21227/6wpz-g759

  • Organization of the Workshop on Brain-computer interfaces (joint organization gtec/ISR/CIBIT) on November 15, 2019 - Registration here (closed)

  • POSTDOCTORAL Position in the area of machine learning and/or signal processing in one of the following contexts: Brain-computer interfaces / mobile robotics / assistive robotics / driver assistance systems (call link) - open until October 11, 2019

  • Our team member, João Perdiz, will be presenting his work on the Medicon conference this weekend (Medicon2019)