
An intriguing feature that could enhance movie databases is a metric for a movie's non-Markovianity, which refers to how difficult it is to comprehend the plot when joining the movie later. This metric is expected to be higher for films with complex and intricate storylines, and lower for genres such as lighthearted comedies.


Wartime leaders should perhaps be made more aware of the sunk cost fallacy.


Technological uncanny valley - an unsettling experience when faced with a moderately outdated piece of technology. (There seems to be a sweet spot as the feeling is not elicited by slightly or significantly outdated tech.)


There is a certain natural artistry in the way that memories are sometimes stored in temporary, unintentional ways, such as breadcrumbs on the floor, handwritten notes in the margins of books, etc.


Modern technology engages our senses only partially - it relies heavily on the auditory and visual, while neglecting the olfactory and haptic. To provide a more complete and fully human experience, it is necessary to develop new technologies that take all of our senses into account and create a better balance between them.

A telltale sign of 2023: being able to name more cities in Ukraine than in your country. :(