Hi! 👋 I am Bruno.

I work in academia and am interested in the intersection of evolutionary computation and evolutionary research in biology. 

Currently I am a SMASH MSCA postdoctoral fellow with my project "Few shot evolutionary reinforcement learning in uncertain and dynamic environments" (FERLUDE) 

at the Laboratory for Adaptive Systems and Parallel Processing, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana

For more information about the project, CLICK HERE.


My former and current collaborations:

both at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER), University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia.

Research interests:

evolutionary computation| evolutionary reinforcement learning | (deep) reinforcement learning | decision making under uncertainty | landscape analysis | local search| quality-diversity | divergent search | bio-inspired computing | evolutionary research | intelligent optimization | meta-learning

Application domains: quantitative finance (market making, portfolio optimization) | cryptography (Boolean functions) 

I'm generally interested in applying an evolutionary lens to different problems as well as anything evolution-related 🦎.

You are very welcome to contact me here or here.

Latest updates:

30 June 2024 - a paper submitted to a journal

19 June 2024 - accepted a SMASH Postdoctoral Fellowship offer and started employment at the University of Ljubljana

17 May 2024 - a research project proposal submitted (work for my former lab)

26-27 April 2024 - partly attended the PhD student Symposium at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

18 April 2024 - a paper submitted to a conference.

03-05 April 2024 - attended Evostar2024, presented two papers

22 March 2024 - a poster accepted for GECCO 2024. (Update: will be sent elsewhere)

21 March 2024 - partly attended the EI’24 Conference

XX March 2024 - taking part in an "AI for business" hackathon.

14-15 February 2024 - attended Scinergy '24, an academia-industry matchmaking event under the auspices of the World Bank.

01 February 2024 - a paper submitted to a conference

18 January 2024 - a previously submitted paper accepted to a journal.

11 January 2024 - three papers (two of which I'm the first author) accepted for Evostar 2024. :)

12 December 2023 - attended (partly) the 2023 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and its Engineering Applications, and also Nuqleus Emerging Science Bootcamp

15 November 2023 - Three papers (two of which I am the first author of) submitted to a conference.

04 November 2023 - Our paper "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Goal-Based Investing Under Regime-Switching" has been accepted for the Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference 2024.

25 October 2023 - Our paper on goal-based wealth management was presented at the 8th Int'l Workshop in Data Science (IWDS 2023).

15 September 2023 - A paper (in which I am the 2nd author) submitted to a conference.

29 August 2023 - Partially attending Neuro-Symbolic AI Summer School 2023 (as an attendee).

20 July 2023 - Just got back from Lisbon where at GECCO 2023 I presented two papers. They also appear in the ACM Showcase on Kudos. (LINK). Looking forward to GECCO and EvoStar 2024! Awesome time in Lisbon!

13 July 2023 - "ECF: A C++ Framework for Evolutionary Computation", a paper authored by Domagoj Jakobović, Marko Đurasević, Stjepan Picek, and myself, has been submitted to a journal.

19 June 2023 - The paper, authored by Tessa Bauman, myself, Stjepan Begušić, and Zvonko Kostanjčar, entitled "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Goal-Based Wealth Management", has received the Best Student Paper Award at the AIAI 2023 conference.

12 June 2023 - became a guest co-editor for the special issue "Algorithms in Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning", Algorithms journal. Please see the banner below and the leaflet here. The call for papers is available here.