Photo by:  Robert Murray

Frequently Asked Questions (and Answers)

Please read our Rules, which are part of our online application.

What are the annual dues? 

The annual dues are what you selected when you filled out the Online ANDES Application.

There are also modest event suggested donations to cover expenses for the host. This also helps keep the annual dues low.

How do I learn about events?

Keep an eye out for an emailed invitation. It is our main avenue of communication. You can also check out our Events Calendar.

How do I meet people? 

You can meet other members by participating in events aandnd/or working with the group. You also receive a membership directory via email (if you choose to be a listed member). 

What if I get an erection? 

So what?!  An erection is a spontaneous natural phenomenon and as such should not cause either embarrassment or overt exhibitionism. Towels can serve more than one purpose, as can sitting down or jumping in the pool. Of course, in keeping with our Rules of Etiquette, self stimulation to achieve an erection is not acceptable. 

OK, so how do I join?

You can either join by clicking the link below, or take advantage of our single-event pass, available at our Events Calendar. Please read our Rules which are part of our online application.