Privacy Policy

This page aims to provide visitors with a clear understanding of how we manage the gathering, utilization, and sharing of Personal Information for individuals opting to utilize our Service.

Once you decide to engage with our Service, you are consenting to the collection and utilization of information as outlined in this policy. The Personal Information we collect serves the purpose of enhancing and refining our Service. Rest assured, we commit to not utilizing or distributing your information to any parties except as elucidated within this Privacy Policy.

Gathering and Utilization of Information

In order to offer an enhanced experience, while utilizing our Service, we might require you to furnish us with specific personally identifiable information. This information will remain on your device and will not be gathered by us in any manner.

Please be informed that our application does integrate third-party services, which may gather information to identify you.

Links to the privacy policies of third-party service providers employed by the application:


AdMob :

AppLovin :



Google Play Services:

Google Analytics for Firebase:

Logging Data

It's important to note that whenever you utilize our Service and an error occurs within the application, we collect data and information (via third-party tools) from your device. This "Log Data" might encompass details such as your device's Internet Protocol ("IP") address, device name, operating system version, app configuration during Service use, timestamps of usage, and other relevant statistics.


Cookies are modest data files frequently employed as anonymous and unique identifiers. These files are sent from websites you visit and are stored in your device's internal memory.

Our Service does not explicitly use "cookies." However, the application might integrate third-party code and libraries that employ "cookies" to gather information for service enhancement. You have the choice to accept or reject these cookies, and you'll be notified when a cookie is transmitted to your device. Please be aware that refusing our cookies might limit certain parts of the Service.

Service Providers

We might enlist the services of third-party entities and individuals for the following reasons:

- To facilitate our Service

- To render the Service on our behalf

- To carry out Service-associated tasks

- To assist us in analyzing Service usage

It's important to inform our users that these third parties do have access to their Personal Information. This access is granted to enable them to perform specific tasks on our behalf. However, they are bound not to divulge or exploit this information for other purposes.


We deeply value your trust in providing us with your Personal Information, and we are dedicated to implementing commercially acceptable security measures to protect it. However, please remember that no transmission method over the Internet or electronic storage method can guarantee 100% security and reliability. As such, we cannot assure absolute security.

Links to External Sites

Our Service may incorporate links to external websites. Upon clicking on a third-party link, you will be redirected to that external site. Be mindful that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policies of these sites. We have no control over, nor do we assume responsibility for, the content, privacy policies, or practices of these third-party sites or services.

Privacy Regarding Children

Our Services are not designed for individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly amass personally identifiable information from children under 13. Should we discover that a child under 13 has furnished us with personal information, we promptly erase such information from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and are aware that your child has shared personal information with us, please reach out to us so that we can take the necessary actions.

Modifications to This Privacy Policy

We retain the right to update our Privacy Policy periodically. It is best for you to review this page from time to time for any changes. Any changes will be communicated by posting the updated Privacy Policy on this page.

This policy holds effective from September 20, 2023. 

Contact Us

Should you have inquiries or suggestions concerning our Privacy Policy, feel free to get in touch with us at