Final Exam Question --

1. Having looked at the practical issue of how data is used to construct GDP measures for Pakistan - explain three things we could do that would IMPROVE our measures of GDP for Pakistan.

Figures are from last line in Table 8, from PBS website, attached below

Note: HFCE inclluded Government Services -- like Defence. Also, Government Salaries to bureaucrats also come in this figure, because they are counted as a service provided to, and consumed by, households. Government purchases of consumer goods is the second line. GFCF is Investment, which included all three types -- household purchase of durable goods, like houses and cars, Business purchase of machines and factories, and Government investments in infrastructure. Change in inventory also counts as investment. Final two figures are Exports and Imports. Add up first FIVE rows, and Subtract Imports to get the GNP by Expenditure.

Pak Bureau Stat: National Income Accounts — Lecture by Ateequr Rahman, Director NIC, PBS