Quid est AZJCL?

The Junior Classical League is a national organization of students sponsored by the American Classical League.  Composed of local and state chapters throughout the nation, the JCL is the largest classical organization in the world.  Its purposes are to promote a greater knowledge and appreciation of classical languages, cultures, literature, and traditions, and to interest other students in the study of the classics.   The contact with the ideas and members of other chapters distinguishes JCL chapters from local, unaffiliated Latin clubs.  The Arizona JCL is a state chapter of the national organization.  The AZJCL provides a means for local JCL chapters in Arizona to work together, and it also acts as a link between the local chapter and the National JCL.

How to Join AZJCL

In order to be a member of the AZJCL, teachers (sponsors) must be a member of the American Classical League. Then, sponsors must register their students for the National Junior Classical League. Click on this link for step-by-step instructions.

How to Join NJCL

In order to be a member of good standing of the AZJCL, chapters must be members of the NJCL. Click on this link for step-by-step instructions. 

JCL Creed

We the members of the Junior Classical League, strive to promote the study of Greek, Latin, and ancient cultures.

We believe this study will help us examine the world and expand our understanding of literature, language, arts, sciences, and humanity.

We affirm the JCL experience develops leadership, fosters community, promotes enthusiasm, encourages competition, inspires dedication, and enriches our total growth!    

JCL Song - The Purple and Gold

Seeking to learn, with wisdom our goal,
Looking for lessons through stories of old.

Searching the realms of the ancient past,
We study the classics' works so vast.

In knowledge, service, and fellowship, we're growing every day
The friendly hand of J C L aids in every way.

We'll join our arms and sing along
With every dear colleague.

And forever we'll hold to the Purple and Gold,
of the Junior Classical League. 

Sheet music for choir