Azerbaijan's Educational System Key

A Glimpse Into Azerbaijan's Educational System Key Features And Highlights

The educational system in Azerbaijan has gone through significant transformations since the country gained its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The government has implemented various reforms to transform the education system and align it with the needs of the 21st century. In this blog post, we will discuss the key features and highlights of Azerbaijan's educational system.

1. Structure of Educational System

The educational system in Azerbaijan consists of three levels: primary, secondary, and higher education. The primary and secondary levels are compulsory and free, whereas higher education is available through universities, academies, and institutes. The primary level comprises grades 1-4, whereas secondary education is divided into two categories: general and vocational education. The duration of general education is ten years, with four years of primary and six years of secondary education. On the other hand, vocational education lasts 2-3 years and trains students for specific professions such as hairdressing, cooking, or carpentry.


2. Assessment System

Azerbaijan has a centralized assessment system for secondary education, Azerbaijani Culture in School which aims to evaluate students' knowledge and skills objectively. The high-stakes state examination known as the Centralized Entrance Examination (CEE) is taken by students before university admission. A student's CEE score will determine their eligibility for a scholarship and which university and faculty they can attend.


3. Pursuit of Higher Education

Students who successfully pass the CEE exam can enroll in any of Azerbaijan's public or private universities, institutes, or academies. The country has 50 universities, 60 colleges, and 7 academies, offering a wide variety of programs and specializations. The most popular universities are Baku State University, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, and Azerbaijan University of Languages.


4. Technological Advancements

Azerbaijan has been striving to modernize its education system by incorporating digital technologies and online platforms. In 2020, the Ministry of Education launched an e-school portal that offers students and teachers access to a variety of educational resources and online courses. The goal of the platform is to enhance students' academic achievements and increase the effectiveness of teaching methods.


5. Advantages and Challenges

Azerbaijan's education system has come a long way in a relatively short period. However, it still faces several challenges. One such challenge is the low enrollment and completion rates of vocational education programs. Study in Azerbaijan Another challenge is the outdated curriculum taught in some educational institutions. Despite these challenges, Azerbaijan has made significant efforts to improve its education system, and this has led to several advantages. The implementation of standard assessment criteria and a centralized admission system for higher education has contributed to merit-based education decisions. As a result, many Azerbaijani students have excelled in their studies and gone on to build successful careers.



The education system in Azerbaijan has undergone significant transformations in recent decades. The reforms implemented have led to a compulsory and free primary and secondary education system, a centralized assessment system, and modernization through technological developments. Despite the challenges, the country has made strides to ensure a merit-based education system. With continued efforts to improve, Azerbaijan's education system is poised for a bright future.

Azerbaijan's Educational System Key
Azerbaijan's Educational System Key