General information

Definition, types, category and purposes of visa


Visa – is an official document providing legal basis for foreigner, who visits a country in visa requirement regime, to entry to, temporary stay in a period indicated in a visa and leave the country by passing through border crossing points during that period.


2 types of visas – entry visa (single and multiple) or transit visa (single and double) for foreigners and stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan are issued in a following way:

Period of stay in a country indicated in a visa is used during a validity period of that visa. Visa that is not used during this period loses its force.

Categories and Purposes

Entry visa has three categories – diplomatic, service and ordinary.

Persons visiting a country for only official purposes are issued diplomatic or service entry visas.

Attention! Foreigners or stateless persons temporarily residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan more than 15 days must be registered at the place of residence.

Countries eligible for e-visa

For more information please forllow the link of Ministry of Foreign Affairs  of the Republic of Azerbaijan