Arizona Division for Early Childhood

A Subdivision of the Council for Exceptional Children

Announcing our 2024 Linda Levine Outstanding Leadership Award Recipient!

Suzanne Perry has been honored with the 2024 Linda Levine Outstanding Leadership Award.  She was recognized for her work in bringing more inclusive practices to Arizona Preschools and providing superior leadership in her work as Arizona's Director of Early Childhood Special Education .  The award was presented during the 2024 ADE Early Childhood Special Education Summit.   Congratulations, Suzie!


A Big Thank you to our sponsors for the 2024 Walk for Inclusion!

Shara Rose of Dysart District, our 2023 Linda Levine Outstanding Leadership Award Winner!

Arizona was well represented at 2022 DEC in Chicago!  

Thank you to all who attended our summer conference!  "Yes, Self-Care, but More Self-Compassion."

Leadership Awards 2022

Congratulations to the following:

Linda Levine Leadership Award:  Robyn Gift, Gilbert Public Schools

Teacher of the Year:  Patty Bennett, Heber-Overgaard Schools

Early Intervention Service Coordinator Award:  Lupita Amayo

Officers 2021-2022!

President:  Kelli Cotter

President Elect:  Gwynne Fullmer

Past President:  Alicia Amundson

Secretary:  Erika Argueta

Treasurer:  Elizabeth Hamilton

Board Support:  Dr. Debbie Pischke, Camille Lachar, Julie Stockton

PCI Flyer 2022 2023.pdf

2021 Child and Family Advocate of the Year

Maria Pimentel

Maria was nominated by DEC Members and chosen based on peer and supervisor recommendations, DEC Committee review, and the DEC executive board. Maria Pimentel is a Disabilities and Mental

Health Coordinator at Chicanos Por La Causa. Maria has dedicated more than ten years to Chicanos Por

La Causa (CPLC) and is an Early Head Start and Migrant/Seasonal Head Start program and provides early

education experiences for families of agricultural workers and are often from marginalized, disenfranchised and invisible communities. Andrea Martinez, the Early Childhood Development Vice President at Chicanos Por La Causa states that ”Maria consistently explores and exhausts all possible options in order to connect a child and family to services, equipment, and support. She understands the complexity of the systems and works to simplify steps.” To continue, Margaret Larsen, the Educator Coordinator at Chicanos Por La Causa writes, “Maria Pimentel is compassionate, dedicated to welfare and well-being to families with children with disabilities. Her passion is to ensure the family and child receive information, support and accessible intervention. Maria’s focus is always what is best for this child and this family.” We are proud to have you in our field and supporting those children and families.

We are so excited to recognize you, Maria Pimentel for the Child and Family Advocate of 2021.

2021 Linda Levine Award

Dr. Debbie Pischke

The Linda Levine award recognizes a teacher, administrator, related services professional, home visitor, or paraprofessional who demonstrates leadership qualities in going beyond the everyday demands of their position to create an exceptional environment resulting in improved services and impacting the lives of young children with exceptionalities and their families. This year’s prestigious Linda Levine Award Winner is Dr. Debbie Pischke. Dr. Pischke currently serves as the Director of Early Childhood Education in Peoria Unified School District for almost 30 years. Dr Pischke has a strong desire to ensure every student succeeds academically, socially and emotionally. Laurie Little, Director of Federal Programs at Peoria Unified states that “Dr. Pischke leaves no stone unturned to find resources for all the classes, provides excellent professional development, and supports site administrators in working with the preschool program. She holds the team to the highest of standards of service to students and families.” Dr. Pischke participates in several state level initiatives such as the inclusion task force, preschool development grant work, and First Things First regional councils amongst many other revision committees, focus groups, and task forces. Dr. Pischke currently serves as a contributing editor for NAEYC! Dr. Pischke through your

leadership and hard work, children and families are on new trajectories! Your supervisor, Ms. Ali

Bridgewater, I think said it best, “You and your team provide a pathway for education success for all

children in your program.” Thank you Dr. Pischke for all you do, for all you have done, and all your will

continue to do! 

The state of Arizona is so lucky to have a leader like you!

2020 Spring Conference

Managing Big Emotions:  Strategies to Empower Young Children       

Dr. Cori More and Dr. Jennifer Butcher

Congratulations to Elena Estrada! She was the recipient of the 2020 Linda Levine award! She is pictured her with her nominators: Natasha Martinez, and Lisa Garcia.  

Congratulations to our new officers for 2019-2020!   L to R: Alicia Amundson, President; Toni Limbrick, Secretary; Jaymie Jacobs, Board Support; Gwynne Fullmer, Past President; Elizabeth Hamilton, Treasurer; and Bonnie Williams, Board Support. Missing: Claudine Sabel, Board Support/Membership; Millie Archer, Board Support ; Sue Shinn, Board Support ;  and Patty Matthews, Board Support 

Passing the torch!  Alicia Sharma is going to be an outstanding President!

Congratulations to Dr. Sue Olson-Shinn, our current Past-President, on being nominated as a Champion for Children and Families, sponsored by Child and Family Resources!