The Blob object represents a blob, which is a file-like object of immutable, raw data; they can be read as text or binary data, or converted into a ReadableStream so its methods can be used for processing the data.

Blobs can represent data that isn't necessarily in a JavaScript-native format. The File interface is based on Blob, inheriting blob functionality and expanding it to support files on the user's system.

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To construct a Blob from other non-blob objects and data, use the Blob() constructor. To create a blob that contains a subset of another blob's data, use the slice() method. To obtain a Blob object for a file on the user's file system, see the File documentation.

In a small Pennsylvania town, teenager Steve Andrews and his girlfriend Jane Martin kiss at a lovers' lane when they see a meteorite crash beyond the next hill. Steve goes looking for it but Barney, an old man living nearby, finds it first. When he pokes the meteorite with a stick, it breaks open and a small jelly-like globule blob inside attaches itself to his hand. In pain and unable to scrape or shake it loose, Barney runs onto the road, where he is nearly struck by Steve's car. Steve and Jane take him to Doctor Hallen.

The film was the first production of Jack Harris, a film distributor from Philadelphia,[3] and was reportedly inspired by a discovery of star jelly in Pennsylvania in 1950. It was originally titled The Molten Meteor until producers overheard screenwriter Kay Linaker refer to the film's monster as "the blob".[4][5] Other sources give a different account, saying the film went through a number of title changes (the monster was called "the mass" in the shooting script) before the makers settled on The Glob. After hearing that cartoonist Walt Kelly had used The Glob as a title for his Pogo children's book, they mistakenly believed they couldn't use that title, so they changed it to The Blob.[6][Note 2] Although the budget was set at $120,000, it ended up costing only $110,000.[1]

In a discussion with biologist Richard Dawkins, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson stated that among all Hollywood aliens, which were usually disappointing, The Blob was his favorite from a scientific perspective.[19] The ethnobiologists Oscar Requejo and N. Floro Andres-Rodriguez suggest that the slime mould Fuligo septica may have inspired the film's eponymous blob.[20]

The 1958 Japanese film The H-Man directed by Ishiro Honda, resembles The Blob. From an original story by Hideo Kaijo, the English version was released in the United States by Columbia Pictures in 1959. In it, a creeping radioactive blob consumes human flesh on contact, leaving clothing behind. As well, a ghostly image of dissolved humans sometimes appear in an illuminated green cloud of radiation.

In computing, a blob is a collection of binary data stored as a single entity. Blobs are typically images, audio or other multimedia objects, although executable code is sometimes stored as a blob. Blobs were originally just big amorphous chunks of data invented by Jim Starkey at DEC, who describes them as "the thing that ate Cincinnati, Cleveland, or whatever" from "the 1958 Steve McQueen movie",[31] referring to The Blob.

Object storage (also known as object-based storage[1] or blob storage) is a computer data storage approach that manages data as "blobs" or "objects", as opposed to other storage architectures like file systems which manages data as a file hierarchy, and block storage which manages data as blocks within sectors and tracks.[2] Each object is typically associated with a variable amount of metadata, and a globally unique identifier. Object storage can be implemented at multiple levels, including the device level (object-storage device), the system level, and the interface level. In each case, object storage seeks to enable capabilities not addressed by other storage architectures, like interfaces that are directly programmable by the application, a namespace that can span multiple instances of physical hardware, and data-management functions like data replication and data distribution at object-level granularity.

Jim Starkey coined the term "blob"[when?] working at Digital Equipment Corporation to refer to opaque data entities. The terminology was adopted for Rdb/VMS. "Blob" is often humorously explained to be an abbreviation for "binary large object". According to Starkey, this backronym arose when Terry McKiever, working in marketing at Apollo Computer felt that the term needed to be an abbreviation. McKiever began using the expansion "Basic Large Object". This was later eclipsed by the retroactive explanation of blobs as "Binary Large Objects". According to Starkey, "Blob don't stand for nothin'." Rejecting the acronym, he explained his motivation behind the coinage, saying, "A blob is the thing that ate Cincinnatti [sic], Cleveland, or whatever."[5]

The Blob has led to scores of scientific papers describing its conditions and impacts. Scientists and managers are also now asking hard questions about what the region has learned. How quickly would they recognize another oncoming blob, or other changes never seen before?

Ten months later, the blob is still off our shores, now squished up against the coast and extending about 1,000 miles offshore from Mexico up through Alaska, with water about 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than normal. Bond says all the models point to it continuing through the end of this year.

The authors look at how the blob is affecting West Coast marine life. They find fish sightings in unusual places, supporting recent reports that West Coast marine ecosystems are suffering and the food web is being disrupted by warm, less nutrient-rich Pacific Ocean water.

That pattern, which also causes the blob, seems to have become stronger since about 1980 and lately has elbowed out the Pacific Decadal Oscillation to become second only to El Nio in its influence on global weather patterns.

For example, I have three data rows and if I wanted to make changes and add a fourth row into the output, so then excel would help me add up the correct numbers. I know that blob input and blob output could help me. However, I keep having errors in my final output. Even though the template was read in, but when open the final excel output it says that data needs to be recover. After recovering the summation, formula is taken out.

In the Blob picker, there are two options - circular and elliptical blob - which can be selected either individually or at the same time. The first of these is self explanatory - it is presumably searching using a gaussian disk. I have two questions re the elliptical blob:

Looking at the log files I can see what it does now - it generates three circular blobs, with diameters, ranging from the min to the max, and a single elliptical blob with the minor axis as the min diameter and the major axis as the max diameter.

I wonder if a better way to go might be just to only use an elliptical blob, but with all possible combos of the min/max/middle dimensions for the major and minor axes. This would give 6 templates with varying degrees of both size and ellipticity, ranging from circular to very elongated, and might better represent the range of views one sees for an elongated particle.

Chrome 65 made a change where anchor download attribute is ignored. This causes anchor click to do a redirect instead of a download. This only happens if clicked URL is cross-origin. Apparently the blob: protocol at start of url makes it cross-origin or something.

As the blob spread, unusually warm waters triggered extended harmful algae blooms. Although such blooms are common, they usually only last a couple of weeks before dissipating. However, the blob fueled longer-lasting and more pervasive blooms, which became toxic to marine life and humans. Higher ocean temperatures also increased warm water algae species, which were less nutritious for marine life.

By the end of 2015, both blob and blooms had shut down much of the Pacific fishing industry and upended the marine food chain. Dead fin whales and sea otters began washing up along the Alaskan coast. Chinook salmon populations in Washington and Oregon plummeted. Hundreds of sea lions starved along California shorelines.

Scientists do not yet know what caused the unprecedented atmospheric ridge, or why it persisted so long. Some research hints that overall ocean warming stimulated this response. Other research indicates the opposite, that the ridge caused the blob to form, and a persistent feedback compounded the multi-year endurance of both blob and ridge. Yet other studies implicate changes in Arctic sea ice that cause shifts in global atmospheric patterns.

If you are planning to store lots of files in MYSQL, it's usually a good practice to have the files stored in a separate table. This allows you to scan the meta info without stumbling over the blobs. Then, when you actually need to fetch a blob, the JOIN is adequately efficient.

atob() is working. Its the part where a blob is created from the unit8 array that has got me stuck. The blob is empty. Do you know what might be happening specifically with the blob part of this problem? 9af72c28ce

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