P2: Core Azure Services

Describe Core Azure Services (15-20%)

Describe the core Azure architectural components

      • describe the benefits and usage of Regions and Region Pairs

      • describe the benefits and usage of Availability Zones

      • describe the benefits and usage of Resource Groups

      • describe the benefits and usage of Subscriptions

      • describe the benefits and usage of Management Groups

      • describe the benefits and usage of Azure Resource Manager

      • explain Azure resources

Describe core resources available in Azure

      • describe the benefits and usage of Virtual Machines, Azure App Services, Azure

      • Container Instances (ACI), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Windows Virtual Desktop

      • describe the benefits and usage of Virtual Networks, VPN Gateway, Virtual Network

      • peering, and ExpressRoute

      • describe the benefits and usage of Container (Blob) Storage, Disk Storage, File Storage,

      • and storage tiers

      • describe the benefits and usage of Cosmos DB, Azure SQL Database, Azure Database for

      • MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and SQL Managed Instance

      • describe the benefits and usage of Azure Marketplace

2.1 Introduction

After completing this learning path, you'll be able to:

      • Understand the breadth of services available in Azure including compute, network, storage, and database

      • Identify virtualization services such as Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Container Instances, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Windows Virtual Desktop

      • Compare Azure's database services such as Azure Cosmos DB, Azure SQL, Azure Database for MySQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and Azure's big data and analysis services

      • Examine Azure networking resources such as Virtual Networks, VPN Gateways, and Azure ExpressRoute

      • Summarize Azure storage services such Azure Blob Storage, Azure Disk Storage, and Azure File Storage

2.1 Introduction

Imagine that you work as a development lead at Tailwind Traders, a company that specializes in hardware manufacturing. Your management team tells you that the company's website has been having a difficult time keeping up with the application demands. The team wants you to investigate a solution. The front-end web servers are operating near capacity during peak periods of the day, and you need to get a solution in place quickly. But there's a problem. You don't have any free servers to scale out your application.

You could ask to buy new equipment, but your department's budget is tight. You want to make a good impression with leadership, but you don't know how many servers are necessary for this project, and you don't want to buy more hardware than you need. Even if you were able to procure several servers, you'd need to invest a lot of time to set them up and install software.

Ideally, you would obtain the resources you need to do the work without too much administration and configure them to do the work. You'd also pay only for the compute resources you need while you're using them.

This scenario is exactly what you can do in Azure. You can create compute resources, configure them to do the work that's needed, and pay for only what you use.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to describe the benefits and usage of:

  • Azure Virtual Machines

  • Azure App Service

  • Azure Container Instances

  • Azure Kubernetes Service

  • Azure Functions

  • Azure Virtual Desktop

2.1.2 Overview of Azure compute services

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  • 4 minutes

Azure compute is an on-demand computing service for running cloud-based applications. It provides computing resources such as disks, processors, memory, networking, and operating systems. The resources are available on-demand and can typically be made available in minutes or even seconds. You pay only for the resources you use, and only for as long as you're using them.

Azure supports a wide range of computing solutions for development and testing, running applications, and extending your datacenter. The service supports Linux, Windows Server, SQL Server, Oracle, IBM, and SAP. Azure also has many services that can run virtual machines (VMs). Each service provides different options depending on your requirements. Some of the most prominent services are:

  • Azure Virtual Machines

  • Azure Container Instances

  • Azure App Service

  • Azure Functions (or serverless computing)

Virtual machines

Virtual machines are software emulations of physical computers. They include a virtual processor, memory, storage, and networking resources. VMs host an operating system, and you can install and run software just like a physical computer. When using a remote desktop client, you can use and control the VM as if you were sitting in front of it.

With Azure Virtual Machines, you can create and use VMs in the cloud. Virtual Machines provides infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and can be used in different ways. When you need total control over an operating system and environment, VMs are an ideal choice. Just like a physical computer, you can customize all the software running on the VM. This ability is helpful when you're running custom software or custom hosting configurations.

Virtual machine scale sets

Virtual machine scale sets are an Azure compute resource that you can use to deploy and manage a set of identical VMs. With all VMs configured the same, virtual machine scale sets are designed to support true autoscale. No pre-provisioning of VMs is required. For this reason, it's easier to build large-scale services targeting big compute, big data, and containerized workloads. As demand goes up, more VM instances can be added. As demand goes down, VM instances can be removed. The process can be manual, automated, or a combination of both.

Containers and Kubernetes

Container Instances and Azure Kubernetes Service are Azure compute resources that you can use to deploy and manage containers. Containers are lightweight, virtualized application environments. They're designed to be quickly created, scaled out, and stopped dynamically. You can run multiple instances of a containerized application on a single host machine.

App Service

With Azure App Service, you can quickly build, deploy, and scale enterprise-grade web, mobile, and API apps running on any platform. You can meet rigorous performance, scalability, security, and compliance requirements while using a fully managed platform to perform infrastructure maintenance. App Service is a platform as a service (PaaS) offering.


Functions are ideal when you're concerned only about the code running your service and not the underlying platform or infrastructure. They're commonly used when you need to perform work in response to an event (often via a REST request), timer, or message from another Azure service, and when that work can be completed quickly, within seconds or less.

2.1.3 Decide when to use Azure Virtual Machines

One possible solution to Tailwind Traders' lack of physical servers is through the use of virtual machines (VMs).

With Azure Virtual Machines, you can create and use VMs in the cloud. VMs provide infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in the form of a virtualized server and can be used in many ways. Just like a physical computer, you can customize all of the software running on the VM. VMs are an ideal choice when you need:

  • Total control over the operating system (OS).

  • The ability to run custom software.

  • To use custom hosting configurations.

An Azure VM gives you the flexibility of virtualization without having to buy and maintain the physical hardware that runs the VM. You still need to configure, update, and maintain the software that runs on the VM.

You can create and provision a VM in minutes when you select a preconfigured VM image. Selecting an image is one of the most important decisions you'll make when you create a VM. An image is a template used to create a VM. These templates already include an OS and often other software, like development tools or web hosting environments.

Examples of when to use VMs

  • During testing and development. VMs provide a quick and easy way to create different OS and application configurations. Test and development personnel can then easily delete the VMs when they no longer need them.

  • When running applications in the cloud. The ability to run certain applications in the public cloud as opposed to creating a traditional infrastructure to run them can provide substantial economic benefits. For example, an application might need to handle fluctuations in demand. Shutting down VMs when you don't need them or quickly starting them up to meet a sudden increase in demand means you pay only for the resources you use.

  • When extending your datacenter to the cloud. An organization can extend the capabilities of its own on-premises network by creating a virtual network in Azure and adding VMs to that virtual network. Applications like SharePoint can then run on an Azure VM instead of running locally. This arrangement makes it easier or less expensive to deploy than in an on-premises environment.

  • During disaster recovery. As with running certain types of applications in the cloud and extending an on-premises network to the cloud, you can get significant cost savings by using an IaaS-based approach to disaster recovery. If a primary datacenter fails, you can create VMs running on Azure to run your critical applications and then shut them down when the primary datacenter becomes operational again.

Move to the cloud with VMs

VMs are also an excellent choice when you move from a physical server to the cloud (also known as lift and shift). You can create an image of the physical server and host it within a VM with little or no changes. Just like a physical on-premises server, you must maintain the VM. You update the installed OS and the software it runs.

Scale VMs in Azure

You can run single VMs for testing, development, or minor tasks. Or you can group VMs together to provide high availability, scalability, and redundancy. No matter what your uptime requirements are, Azure has several features that can meet them. These features include:

  • Virtual machine scale sets

  • Azure Batch

What are virtual machine scale sets?

Virtual machine scale sets let you create and manage a group of identical, load-balanced VMs. Imagine you're running a website that enables scientists to upload astronomy images that need to be processed. If you duplicated the VM, you'd normally need to configure an additional service to route requests between multiple instances of the website. Virtual machine scale sets could do that work for you.

Scale sets allow you to centrally manage, configure, and update a large number of VMs in minutes to provide highly available applications. The number of VM instances can automatically increase or decrease in response to demand or a defined schedule. With virtual machine scale sets, you can build large-scale services for areas such as compute, big data, and container workloads.

What is Azure Batch?

Azure Batch enables large-scale parallel and high-performance computing (HPC) batch jobs with the ability to scale to tens, hundreds, or thousands of VMs.

When you're ready to run a job, Batch does the following:

  • Starts a pool of compute VMs for you.

  • Installs applications and staging data.

  • Runs jobs with as many tasks as you have.

  • Identifies failures.

  • Requeues work.

  • Scales down the pool as work completes.

There might be situations in which you need raw computing power or supercomputer-level compute power. Azure provides these capabilities.

2.1.4 Decide when to use Azure App Service

In your research for Tailwind Traders, you've looked at different ways that you can virtualize your application. Another alternative is to deploy your application's front-end websites to Azure App Service, which makes it easy to respond to application demand.

App Service enables you to build and host web apps, background jobs, mobile back-ends, and RESTful APIs in the programming language of your choice without managing infrastructure. It offers automatic scaling and high availability. App Service supports Windows and Linux and enables automated deployments from GitHub, Azure DevOps, or any Git repo to support a continuous deployment model.

This platform as a service (PaaS) environment allows you to focus on the website and API logic while Azure handles the infrastructure to run and scale your web applications.

Azure App Service costs

You pay for the Azure compute resources your app uses while it processes requests based on the App Service plan you choose. The App Service plan determines how much hardware is devoted to your host. For example, the plan determines whether it's dedicated or shared hardware and how much memory is reserved for it. There's even a free tier you can use to host small, low-traffic sites.

Types of app services

With App Service, you can host most common app service styles like:

  • Web apps

  • API apps

  • WebJobs

  • Mobile apps

App Service handles most of the infrastructure decisions you deal with in hosting web-accessible apps:

  • Deployment and management are integrated into the platform.

  • Endpoints can be secured.

  • Sites can be scaled quickly to handle high traffic loads.

  • The built-in load balancing and traffic manager provide high availability.

All of these app styles are hosted in the same infrastructure and share these benefits. This flexibility makes App Service the ideal choice to host web-oriented applications.

Web apps

App Service includes full support for hosting web apps by using ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, or Python. You can choose either Windows or Linux as the host operating system.

API apps

Much like hosting a website, you can build REST-based web APIs by using your choice of language and framework. You get full Swagger support and the ability to package and publish your API in Azure Marketplace. The produced apps can be consumed from any HTTP- or HTTPS-based client.


You can use the WebJobs feature to run a program (.exe, Java, PHP, Python, or Node.js) or script (.cmd, .bat, PowerShell, or Bash) in the same context as a web app, API app, or mobile app. They can be scheduled or run by a trigger. WebJobs are often used to run background tasks as part of your application logic.

Mobile apps

Use the Mobile Apps feature of App Service to quickly build a back end for iOS and Android apps. With just a few clicks in the Azure portal, you can:

  • Store mobile app data in a cloud-based SQL database.

  • Authenticate customers against common social providers, such as MSA, Google, Twitter, and Facebook.

  • Send push notifications.

  • Execute custom back-end logic in C# or Node.js.

On the mobile app side, there's SDK support for native iOS and Android, Xamarin, and React native apps.

2.1.5 Decide when to use Azure Container Instances or Azure Kubernetes Service

While virtual machines are an excellent way to reduce costs versus the investments that are necessary for physical hardware, they're still limited to a single operating system per virtual machine. If you want to run multiple instances of an application on a single host machine, containers are an excellent choice.

What are containers?

Containers are a virtualization environment. Much like running multiple virtual machines on a single physical host,you can run multiple containers on a single physical or virtual host. Unlike virtual machines, you don't manage the operating system for a container. Virtual machines appear to be an instance of an operating system that you can connect to and manage, but containers are lightweight and designed to be created, scaled out, and stopped dynamically. While it's possible to create and deploy virtual machines as application demand increases, containers are designed to allow you to respond to changes on demand. With containers, you can quickly restart in case of a crash or hardware interruption. One of the most popular container engines is Docker, which is supported by Azure.

Compare virtual machines to containers

The following video highlights several of the important differences between virtual machines and containers.


Manage containers

Containers are managed through a container orchestrator, which can start, stop, and scale out application instances as needed. There are two ways to manage both Docker and Microsoft-based containers in Azure: Azure Container Instances and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Azure Container Instances

Azure Container Instances offers the fastest and simplest way to run a container in Azure without having to manage any virtual machines or adopt any additional services. It's a platform as a service (PaaS) offering that allows you to upload your containers, which it runs for you.

Azure Kubernetes Service

The task of automating, managing, and interacting with a large number of containers is known as orchestration. Azure Kubernetes Service is a complete orchestration service for containers with distributed architectures and large volumes of containers.

What is Kubernetes?

The following video discusses some important details about Kubernetes container orchestration.


Use containers in your solutions

Containers are often used to create solutions by using a microservice architecture. This architecture is where you break solutions into smaller, independent pieces. For example, you might split a website into a container hosting your front end, another hosting your back end, and a third for storage. This split allows you to separate portions of your app into logical sections that can be maintained, scaled, or updated independently.

Imagine your website back-end has reached capacity but the front end and storage aren't being stressed. You could:

  • Scale the back end separately to improve performance.

  • Decide to use a different storage service.

Replace the storage container without affecting the rest of the application.

What is a microservice?

The following video discusses some important details about microservices.


2.1.6 Decide when to use Azure Functions

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  • 10 minutes

After consulting with several of your fellow developers at Tailwind Traders, you've determined that some of your application logic is event driven. In other words, for a large amount of time, your application is waiting for a particular input before it performs any processing. To reduce your costs, you want to avoid having to pay for the time that your application is waiting for input. With that in mind, you've decided to investigate Azure Functions to see if it can help.

Serverless computing is the abstraction of servers, infrastructure, and operating systems. With serverless computing, Azure takes care of managing the server infrastructure and the allocation and deallocation of resources based on demand. Infrastructure isn't your responsibility. Scaling and performance are handled automatically. You're billed only for the exact resources you use. There's no need to even reserve capacity.

Serverless computing includes the abstraction of servers, an event-driven scale, and micro-billing:

· Abstraction of servers: Serverless computing abstracts the servers you run on. You never explicitly reserve server instances. The platform manages that for you. Each function execution can run on a different compute instance. This execution context is transparent to the code. With serverless architecture, you deploy your code, which then runs with high availability.

· Event-driven scale: Serverless computing is an excellent fit for workloads that respond to incoming events. Events include triggers by:

    • Timers, for example, if a function needs to run every day at 10:00 AM UTC.

    • HTTP, for example, API and webhook scenarios.

    • Queues, for example, with order processing.

    • And much more.

Instead of writing an entire application, the developer authors a function, which contains both code and metadata about its triggers and bindings. The platform automatically schedules the function to run and scales the number of compute instances based on the rate of incoming events. Triggers define how a function is invoked. Bindings provide a declarative way to connect to services from within the code.

· Micro-billing: Traditional computing bills for a block of time like paying a monthly or annual rate for website hosting. This method of billing is convenient but isn't always cost effective. Even if a customer's website gets only one hit a day, they still pay for a full day's worth of availability. With serverless computing, they pay only for the time their code runs. If no active function executions occur, they're not charged. For example, if the code runs once a day for two minutes, they're charged for one execution and two minutes of computing time.

Serverless computing in Azure


Azure has two implementations of serverless compute:

  • Azure Functions: Functions can execute code in almost any modern language.

  • Azure Logic Apps: Logic apps are designed in a web-based designer and can execute logic triggered by Azure services without writing any code.

Azure Functions

When you're concerned only about the code running your service, and not the underlying platform or infrastructure, using Azure Functions is ideal. Functions are commonly used when you need to perform work in response to an event (often via a REST request), timer, or message from another Azure service, and when that work can be completed quickly, within seconds or less.

Functions scale automatically based on demand, so they're a solid choice when demand is variable. For example, you might receive messages from an IoT solution that's used to monitor a fleet of delivery vehicles. You'll likely have more data arriving during business hours.

Using a virtual machine-based approach, you'd incur costs even when the virtual machine is idle. With functions, Azure runs your code when it's triggered and automatically deallocates resources when the function is finished. In this model, you're only charged for the CPU time used while your function runs.

Functions can be either stateless or stateful. When they're stateless (the default), they behave as if they're restarted every time they respond to an event. When they're stateful (called Durable Functions), a context is passed through the function to track prior activity.

Functions are a key component of serverless computing. They're also a general compute platform for running any type of code. If the needs of the developer's app change, you can deploy the project in an environment that isn't serverless. This flexibility allows you to manage scaling, run on virtual networks, and even completely isolate the functions.

Azure Logic Apps

Logic apps are similar to functions. Both enable you to trigger logic based on an event. Where functions execute code, logic apps execute workflows that are designed to automate business scenarios and are built from predefined logic blocks.

Every Azure logic app workflow starts with a trigger, which fires when a specific event happens or when newly available data meets specific criteria. Many triggers include basic scheduling capabilities, so developers can specify how regularly their workloads will run. Each time the trigger fires, the Logic Apps engine creates a logic app instance that runs the actions in the workflow. These actions can also include data conversions and flow controls, such as conditional statements, switch statements, loops, and branching.

You create logic app workflows by using a visual designer on the Azure portal or in Visual Studio. The workflows are persisted as a JSON file with a known workflow schema.

Azure provides more than 200 different connectors and processing blocks to interact with different services. These resources include the most popular enterprise apps. You can also build custom connectors and workflow steps if the service you need to interact with isn't covered. You then use the visual designer to link connectors and blocks together. You pass data through the workflow to do custom processing, often all without writing any code.

As an example, let's say a ticket arrives in Zendesk. You could:

  • Detect the intent of the message with cognitive services.

  • Create an item in SharePoint to track the issue.

  • Add the customer to your Dynamics 365 CRM system if they aren't already in your database.

  • Send a follow-up email to acknowledge their request.

All of those actions could be designed in a visual designer, which makes it easy to see the logic flow. For this reason, it's ideal for a business analyst role.

Functions vs. Logic Apps

Functions and Logic Apps can both create complex orchestrations. An orchestration is a collection of functions or steps that are executed to accomplish a complex task.

  • With Functions, you write code to complete each step.

  • With Logic Apps, you use a GUI to define the actions and how they relate to one another.

You can mix and match services when you build an orchestration, calling functions from logic apps and calling logic apps from functions. Here are some common differences between the two.


Logic Apps


Normally stateless, but Durable Functions provide state.



Code-first (imperative).

Designer-first (declarative).


About a dozen built-in binding types. Write code for custom bindings.

Large collection of connectors. Enterprise Integration Pack for B2B scenarios. Build custom connectors.


Each activity is an Azure function. Write code for activity functions.

Large collection of ready-made actions.


Azure Application Insights.

Azure portal, Log Analytics.


REST API, Visual Studio.

Azure portal, REST API, PowerShell, Visual Studio.

Execution context

Can run locally or in the cloud.

Runs only in the cloud.

2.1.7 Decide when to use Azure Virtual Desktop

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  • 9 minutes

In addition to the challenges that Tailwind Traders has been facing with application scale, your manager has asked you to put together a new development team of remote workers.

This task would normally require setting up several new computers with all of the requisite development tools for your new team. Then you would need to ship them to the respective developers. The time to procure, set up, and ship each of these computers would be costly. Also, all of your new developers have their own computing devices that are running a mixture of Windows, Android, and macOS operating systems.

You want to find a way to expedite the deployment process for your remote workers. You also want to keep your management costs to a minimum. With that in mind, you want to see how Azure Virtual Desktop can help your organization.

What is Azure Virtual Desktop?

Azure Virtual Desktop on Azure is a desktop and application virtualization service that runs on the cloud. It enables your users to use a cloud-hosted version of Windows from any location. Azure Virtual Desktop works across devices like Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Linux. It works with apps that you can use to access remote desktops and apps. You can also use most modern browsers to access Azure Virtual Desktop-hosted experiences.

The following video gives you an overview of Azure Virtual Desktop.


Why should you use Azure Virtual Desktop?

Provide the best user experience

Users have the freedom to connect to Azure Virtual Desktop with any device over the internet. They use a Azure Virtual Desktop client to connect to their published Windows desktop and applications. This client could either be a native application on the device or the Azure Virtual Desktop HTML5 web client.

You can make sure your session host virtual machines (VMs) run near apps and services that connect to your datacenter or the cloud. This way your users stay productive and don't encounter long load times.

User sign-in to Azure Virtual Desktop is fast because user profiles are containerized by using FSLogix. At sign-in, the user profile container is dynamically attached to the computing environment. The user profile is immediately available and appears in the system exactly like a native user profile.

You can provide individual ownership through personal (persistent) desktops. For example, you might want to provide personal remote desktops for members of an engineering team. Then they can add or remove programs without impacting other users on that remote desktop.

Enhance security

Azure Virtual Desktop provides centralized security management for users' desktops with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). You can enable multifactor authentication to secure user sign-ins. You can also secure access to data by assigning granular role-based access controls (RBACs) to users.

With Azure Virtual Desktop, the data and apps are separated from the local hardware. Azure Virtual Desktop runs them instead on a remote server. The risk of confidential data being left on a personal device is reduced.

User sessions are isolated in both single and multi-session environments.

Azure Virtual Desktop also improves security by using reverse connect technology. This connection type is more secure than the Remote Desktop Protocol. We don't open inbound ports to the session host VMs.

What are some key features of Azure Virtual Desktop?

Simplified management

Azure Virtual Desktop is an Azure service, so it will be familiar to Azure administrators. You use Azure AD and RBACs to manage access to resources. With Azure, you also get tools to automate VM deployments, manage VM updates, and provide disaster recovery. As with other Azure services, Azure Virtual Desktop uses Azure Monitor for monitoring and alerts. This standardization lets admins identify issues through a single interface.

Performance management

Azure Virtual Desktop gives you options to load balance users on your VM host pools. Host pools are collections of VMs with the same configuration assigned to multiple users. For the best performance, you can configure load balancing to occur as users sign in (breadth mode). With breadth mode, users are sequentially allocated across the host pool for your workload. To save costs, you can configure your VMs for depth mode load balancing where users are fully allocated on one VM before moving to the next. Azure Virtual Desktop provides tools to automatically provision additional VMs when incoming demand exceeds a specified threshold.

Multi-session Windows 10 deployment

Azure Virtual Desktop lets you use Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, the only Windows client-based operating system that enables multiple concurrent users on a single VM. Azure Virtual Desktop also provides a more consistent experience with broader application support compared to Windows Server-based operating systems.

How can you reduce costs with Azure Virtual Desktop?

Bring your own licenses

Azure Virtual Desktop is available to you at no additional cost if you have an eligible Microsoft 365 license. Just pay for the Azure resources used by Azure Virtual Desktop.

  • Bring your eligible Windows or Microsoft 365 license to get Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 7 Enterprise desktops and apps at no additional cost.

  • If you're an eligible Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Client Access License customer, Windows Server Remote Desktop Services desktops and apps are available at no additional cost.

Save on compute costs

Buy one-year or three-year Azure Reserved Virtual Machine Instances to save you up to 72 percent versus pay-as-you-go pricing. You can pay for a reservation up front or monthly. Reservations provide a billing discount and don't affect the runtime state of your resources.

2.1.8 Check your knowledge

1. Which Azure compute resource can be deployed to manage a set of identical virtual machines?

o Virtual machine scale sets

o Virtual machine availability sets

o Virtual machine availability zones

2. Which of the following services should be used when the primary concern is to perform work in response to an event (often via a REST command) that needs a response in a few seconds?

o Azure Functions

o Azure App Service

o Azure Container Instances

3. Your company has a team of remote workers that need to use Windows-based software to develop your company's applications, but your team members are using various operating systems like MacOS, Linux, and Windows. Which Azure compute service would help resolve this scenario?

o Azure App Service

o Windows Virtual Desktop

o Azure Container Instances

2.2 Explore Azure networking services

2.2 Explore Azure networking services

In this module, you'll take a look at several of the core networking resources that are available in Azure. You'll learn about Azure Virtual Network, which you can configure into a customized network environment that meets your company's needs. You'll also learn how you can use Azure VPN Gateway and Azure ExpressRoute to create secure communication tunnels between your company's different locations.

2.2.1 Introduction

Suppose your company, Tailwind Traders, has migrated some applications to the cloud and is architecting new ones. The servers that host Tailwind Traders' customer and product data are based in Silicon Valley. Your company also has several branch offices located in different geographic regions. As part of your migration strategy, yo

To help save costs, you convince your team to move your website and several of your other networked resources to the cloud. With that in mind, you'll need to provide secure access to private company data for each of its branch locations. You want to know how Azure can help you manage your network more effectively. As it turns out, managing networks on Azure isn't entirely different from managing on-premises networks.

In this module, you'll learn about the different Azure networking options and the scenarios in which each is appropriate.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Describe the core networking resources that are available in Azure.

  • Describe the benefits and usage of Azure Virtual Network, Azure VPN Gateway, and Azure ExpressRoute.

2.2.2 Azure Virtual Network fundamentals

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  • 8 minutes

Tailwind Traders has an on-premises datacenter that you plan to keep, but you want to use Azure to offload peak traffic by using virtual machines (VMs) hosted in Azure. You want to keep your existing IP addressing scheme and network appliances while ensuring that any data transfer is secure.

Using Azure Virtual Network for your virtual networking can help you reach your goals.

What is Azure virtual networking?

Azure virtual networks enable Azure resources, such as VMs, web apps, and databases, to communicate with each other, with users on the internet, and with your on-premises client computers. You can think of an Azure network as a set of resources that links other Azure resources.

Azure virtual networks provide the following key networking capabilities:

  • Isolation and segmentation

  • Internet communications

  • Communicate between Azure resources

  • Communicate with on-premises resources

  • Route network traffic

  • Filter network traffic

  • Connect virtual networks

Network configurations for virtual machines


Isolation and segmentation

Virtual Network allows you to create multiple isolated virtual networks. When you set up a virtual network, you define a private IP address space by using either public or private IP address ranges. You can divide that IP address space into subnets and allocate part of the defined address space to each named subnet.

For name resolution, you can use the name resolution service that's built in to Azure. You also can configure the virtual network to use either an internal or an external DNS server.

Internet communications

A VM in Azure can connect to the internet by default. You can enable incoming connections from the internet by defining a public IP address or a public load balancer. For VM management, you can connect via the Azure CLI, Remote Desktop Protocol, or Secure Shell.

Communicate between Azure resources

You'll want to enable Azure resources to communicate securely with each other. You can do that in one of two ways:

  • Virtual networks Virtual networks can connect not only VMs but other Azure resources, such as the App Service Environment for Power Apps, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Azure virtual machine scale sets.

  • Service endpoints You can use service endpoints to connect to other Azure resource types, such as Azure SQL databases and storage accounts. This approach enables you to link multiple Azure resources to virtual networks to improve security and provide optimal routing between resources.

Communicate with on-premises resources

Azure virtual networks enable you to link resources together in your on-premises environment and within your Azure subscription. In effect, you can create a network that spans both your local and cloud environments. There are three mechanisms for you to achieve this connectivity:

  • Point-to-site virtual private networks The typical approach to a virtual private network (VPN) connection is from a computer outside your organization, back into your corporate network. In this case, the client computer initiates an encrypted VPN connection to connect that computer to the Azure virtual network.

  • Site-to-site virtual private networks A site-to-site VPN links your on-premises VPN device or gateway to the Azure VPN gateway in a virtual network. In effect, the devices in Azure can appear as being on the local network. The connection is encrypted and works over the internet.

  • Azure ExpressRoute For environments where you need greater bandwidth and even higher levels of security, Azure ExpressRoute is the best approach. ExpressRoute provides dedicated private connectivity to Azure that doesn't travel over the internet. (You'll learn more about ExpressRoute in a separate unit later in this module.)

Route network traffic

By default, Azure routes traffic between subnets on any connected virtual networks, on-premises networks, and the internet. You also can control routing and override those settings, as follows:

  • Route tables A route table allows you to define rules about how traffic should be directed. You can create custom route tables that control how packets are routed between subnets.

  • Border Gateway Protocol Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) works with Azure VPN gateways or ExpressRoute to propagate on-premises BGP routes to Azure virtual networks.

Filter network traffic

Azure virtual networks enable you to filter traffic between subnets by using the following approaches:

  • Network security groups A network security group is an Azure resource that can contain multiple inbound and outbound security rules. You can define these rules to allow or block traffic, based on factors such as source and destination IP address, port, and protocol.

  • Network virtual appliances A network virtual appliance is a specialized VM that can be compared to a hardened network appliance. A network virtual appliance carries out a particular network function, such as running a firewall or performing wide area network (WAN) optimization.

Connect virtual networks

You can link virtual networks together by using virtual network peering. Peering enables resources in each virtual network to communicate with each other. These virtual networks can be in separate regions, which allows you to create a global interconnected network through Azure.

UDR is user-defined Routing. UDR is a significant update to Azure’s Virtual Networks as this allows network admins to control the routing tables between subnets within a VNet, as well as between VNets, thereby allowing for greater control over network traffic flow.

2.2.3 Azure Virtual Network settings

You can create and configure Azure Virtual Network instances from the Azure portal, Azure PowerShell on your local computer, or Azure Cloud Shell.

2.2.4 Azure VPN Gateway fundamentals

  • 10 minutes

VPNs use an encrypted tunnel within another network. They're typically deployed to connect two or more trusted private networks to one another over an untrusted network (typically the public internet). Traffic is encrypted while traveling over the untrusted network to prevent eavesdropping or other attacks.

For our Tailwind Traders scenario, VPNs can enable branch offices to share sensitive information between locations. For example, let's say that your offices on the East Coast region of North America need to access your company's private customer data, which is stored on servers that are physically located in a West Coast region. A VPN that connects your East Coast offices to your West Coast servers allows your company to securely access your private customer data.

VPN gateways

A VPN gateway is a type of virtual network gateway. Azure VPN Gateway instances are deployed in Azure Virtual Network instances and enable the following connectivity:

  • Connect on-premises datacenters to virtual networks through a site-to-site connection.

  • Connect individual devices to virtual networks through a point-to-site connection.

  • Connect virtual networks to other virtual networks through a network-to-network connection.

All transferred data is encrypted in a private tunnel as it crosses the internet. You can deploy only one VPN gateway in each virtual network, but you can use one gateway to connect to multiple locations, which includes other virtual networks or on-premises datacenters.

When you deploy a VPN gateway, you specify the VPN type: either policy-based or route-based. The main difference between these two types of VPNs is how traffic to be encrypted is specified. In Azure, both types of VPN gateways use a pre-shared key as the only method of authentication. Both types also rely on Internet Key Exchange (IKE) in either version 1 or version 2 and Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). IKE is used to set up a security association (an agreement of the encryption) between two endpoints. This association is then passed to the IPSec suite, which encrypts and decrypts data packets encapsulated in the VPN tunnel.

Policy-based VPNs

Policy-based VPN gateways specify statically the IP address of packets that should be encrypted through each tunnel. This type of device evaluates every data packet against those sets of IP addresses to choose the tunnel where that packet is going to be sent through.

Key features of policy-based VPN gateways in Azure include:

  • Support for IKEv1 only.

  • Use of static routing, where combinations of address prefixes from both networks control how traffic is encrypted and decrypted through the VPN tunnel. The source and destination of the tunneled networks are declared in the policy and don't need to be declared in routing tables.

  • Policy-based VPNs must be used in specific scenarios that require them, such as for compatibility with legacy on-premises VPN devices.

Route-based VPNs

If defining which IP addresses are behind each tunnel is too cumbersome, route-based gateways can be used. With route-based gateways, IPSec tunnels are modeled as a network interface or virtual tunnel interface. IP routing (either static routes or dynamic routing protocols) decides which one of these tunnel interfaces to use when sending each packet. Route-based VPNs are the preferred connection method for on-premises devices. They're more resilient to topology changes such as the creation of new subnets.

Use a route-based VPN gateway if you need any of the following types of connectivity:

  • Connections between virtual networks

  • Point-to-site connections

  • Multisite connections

  • Coexistence with an Azure ExpressRoute gateway

Key features of route-based VPN gateways in Azure include:

  • Supports IKEv2

  • Uses any-to-any (wildcard) traffic selectors

  • Can use dynamic routing protocols, where routing/forwarding tables direct traffic to different IPSec tunnels In this case, the source and destination networks aren't statically defined as they are in policy-based VPNs or even in route-based VPNs with static routing. Instead, data packets are encrypted based on network routing tables that are created dynamically using routing protocols such as Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).

VPN gateway sizes

The capabilities of your VPN gateway are determined by the SKU or size that you deploy. This table shows the main capabilities of each available SKU.


Site-to-site/Network-to-network tunnels

Aggregate throughput benchmark

Border Gateway Protocol support

Basic [See Note]

Maximum: 10

100 Mbps

Not supported


Maximum: 30

650 Mbps



Maximum: 30

1 Gbps



Maximum: 30

1.25 Gbps



A Basic VPN gateway should only be used for Dev/Test workloads. In addition, it's unsupported to migrate from Basic to the VpnGW1/2/3/Az SKUs at a later time without having to remove the gateway and redeploy.

Deploy VPN gateways

Before you can deploy a VPN gateway, you'll need some Azure and on-premises resources.

Required Azure resources

You'll need these Azure resources before you can deploy an operational VPN gateway:

Virtual network. Deploy a virtual network with enough address space for the additional subnet that you'll need for the VPN gateway. The address space for this virtual network must not overlap with the on-premises network that you'll be connecting to. You can deploy only one VPN gateway within a virtual network.

GatewaySubnet. Deploy a subnet called GatewaySubnet for the VPN gateway. Use at least a /27 address mask to make sure you have enough IP addresses in the subnet for future growth. You can't use this subnet for any other services.

Public IP address. Create a Basic-SKU dynamic public IP address if you're using a non-zone-aware gateway. This address provides a public-routable IP address as the target for your on-premises VPN device. This IP address is dynamic, but it won't change unless you delete and re-create the VPN gateway.

Local network gateway. Create a local network gateway to define the on-premises network's configuration, such as where the VPN gateway will connect and what it will connect to. This configuration includes the on-premises VPN device's public IPv4 address and the on-premises routable networks. This information is used by the VPN gateway to route packets that are destined for on-premises networks through the IPSec tunnel.

Virtual network gateway. Create the virtual network gateway to route traffic between the virtual network and the on-premises datacenter or other virtual networks. The virtual network gateway can be either a VPN or ExpressRoute gateway, but this unit only deals with VPN virtual network gateways. (You'll learn more about ExpressRoute in a separate unit later in this module.)

Connection. Create a connection resource to create a logical connection between the VPN gateway and the local network gateway.

    • The connection is made to the on-premises VPN device's IPv4 address as defined by the local network gateway.

    • The connection is made from the virtual network gateway and its associated public IP address.

    • You can create multiple connections.

Required on-premises resources

To connect your datacenter to a VPN gateway, you'll need these on-premises resources:

  • A VPN device that supports policy-based or route-based VPN gateways

  • A public-facing (internet-routable) IPv4 address

High-availability scenarios

There are several ways to ensure you have a fault-tolerant configuration.


By default, VPN gateways are deployed as two instances in an active/standby configuration, even if you only see one VPN gateway resource in Azure. When planned maintenance or unplanned disruption affects the active instance, the standby instance automatically assumes responsibility for connections without any user intervention. Connections are interrupted during this failover, but they're typically restored within a few seconds for planned maintenance and within 90 seconds for unplanned disruptions.


With the introduction of support for the BGP routing protocol, you can also deploy VPN gateways in an active/active configuration. In this configuration, you assign a unique public IP address to each instance. You then create separate tunnels from the on-premises device to each IP address. You can extend the high availability by deploying an additional VPN device on-premises.

ExpressRoute failover

Another high-availability option is to configure a VPN gateway as a secure failover path for ExpressRoute connections. ExpressRoute circuits have resiliency built in. But they aren't immune to physical problems that affect the cables delivering connectivity or outages that affect the complete ExpressRoute location. In high-availability scenarios, where there's risk associated with an outage of an ExpressRoute circuit, you can also provision a VPN gateway that uses the internet as an alternative method of connectivity. In this way, you can ensure there's always a connection to the virtual networks.

Zone-redundant gateways

In regions that support availability zones, VPN gateways and ExpressRoute gateways can be deployed in a zone-redundant configuration. This configuration brings resiliency, scalability, and higher availability to virtual network gateways. Deploying gateways in Azure availability zones physically and logically separates gateways within a region while protecting your on-premises network connectivity to Azure from zone-level failures. These gateways require different gateway SKUs and use Standard public IP addresses instead of Basic public IP addresses.

2.2.5 Azure ExpressRoute fundamentals

ExpressRoute lets you extend your on-premises networks into the Microsoft cloud over a private connection with the help of a connectivity provider. With ExpressRoute, you can establish connections to Microsoft cloud services, such as Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365.

Connectivity can be from an any-to-any (IP VPN) network, a point-to-point Ethernet network, or a virtual cross-connection through a connectivity provider at a colocation facility. ExpressRoute connections don't go over the public Internet. This allows ExpressRoute connections to offer more reliability, faster speeds, consistent latencies, and higher security than typical connections over the Internet. For information on how to connect your network to Microsoft using ExpressRoute, see ExpressRoute connectivity models.

As part of your work for Tailwind Traders, you should understand what Azure ExpressRoute is and how it integrates with on-premises and Azure networks. In this unit, you'll learn about the benefits that ExpressRoute provides compared to other site-to-site connectivity options. As a result, you'll learn whether ExpressRoute can provide your company with the best possible network performance.

Throughout this unit, we'll focus on two different layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model:

  • Layer 2 (L2): This layer is the Data Link Layer, which provides node-to-node communication between two nodes on the same network.

  • Layer 3 (L3): This layer is the Network Layer, which provides addressing and routing between nodes on a multi-node network.

Features and benefits of ExpressRoute

There are several benefits to using ExpressRoute as the connection service between Azure and on-premises networks.

  • Layer 3 connectivity between your on-premises network and the Microsoft Cloud through a connectivity provider. Connectivity can be from an any-to-any (IPVPN) network, a point-to-point Ethernet connection, or through a virtual cross-connection via an Ethernet exchange.

  • Connectivity to Microsoft cloud services across all regions in the geopolitical region.

  • Global connectivity to Microsoft services across all regions with the ExpressRoute premium add-on.

  • Dynamic routing between your network and Microsoft via BGP.

  • Built-in redundancy in every peering location for higher reliability.

  • Connection uptime SLA.

  • QoS support for Skype for Business.

Layer 3 connectivity

ExpressRoute provides Layer 3 (address-level) connectivity between your on-premises network and the Microsoft cloud through connectivity partners. These connections can be from a point-to-point or any-to-any network. They can also be virtual cross-connections through an exchange.

Built-in redundancy

Each connectivity provider uses redundant devices to ensure that connections established with Microsoft are highly available. You can configure multiple circuits to complement this feature. All redundant connections are configured with Layer 3 connectivity to meet service-level agreements.

Connectivity to Microsoft cloud services

ExpressRoute enables direct access to the following services in all regions:

  • Microsoft Office 365

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365

  • Azure compute services, such as Azure Virtual Machines

  • Azure cloud services, such as Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Storage

Office 365 was created to be accessed securely and reliably via the internet. For this reason, we recommend the use of ExpressRoute for specific scenarios. The "Learn more" section at the end of this module includes a link about using ExpressRoute to access Office 365.

Across on-premises connectivity with ExpressRoute Global Reach

You can enable ExpressRoute Global Reach to exchange data across your on-premises sites by connecting your ExpressRoute circuits. For example, assume that you have a private datacenter in California connected to ExpressRoute in Silicon Valley. You have another private datacenter in Texas connected to ExpressRoute in Dallas. With ExpressRoute Global Reach, you can connect your private datacenters through two ExpressRoute circuits. Your cross-datacenter traffic will travel through the Microsoft network.

Dynamic routing

ExpressRoute uses the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing protocol. BGP is used to exchange routes between on-premises networks and resources running in Azure. This protocol enables dynamic routing between your on-premises network and services running in the Microsoft cloud.

ExpressRoute connectivity models

ExpressRoute supports three models that you can use to connect your on-premises network to the Microsoft cloud:

  • CloudExchange colocation

  • Point-to-point Ethernet connection

  • Any-to-any connection

Colocation at a cloud exchange

Colocated providers can normally offer both Layer 2 and Layer 3 connections between your infrastructure, which might be located in the colocation facility, and the Microsoft cloud. For example, if your datacenter is colocated at a cloud exchange such as an ISP, you can request a virtual cross-connection to the Microsoft cloud.

Point-to-point Ethernet connection

Point-to-point connections provide Layer 2 and Layer 3 connectivity between your on-premises site and Azure. You can connect your offices or datacenters to Azure by using the point-to-point links. For example, if you have an on-premises datacenter, you can use a point-to-point Ethernet link to connect to Microsoft.

Any-to-any networks

With any-to-any connectivity, you can integrate your wide area network (WAN) with Azure by providing connections to your offices and datacenters. Azure integrates with your WAN connection to provide a connection like you would have between your datacenter and any branch offices.

With any-to-any connections, all WAN providers offer Layer 3 connectivity. For example, if you already use Multiprotocol Label Switching to connect to your branch offices or other sites in your organization, an ExpressRoute connection to Microsoft behaves like any other location on your private WAN.

Security considerations

With ExpressRoute, your data doesn't travel over the public internet, so it's not exposed to the potential risks associated with internet communications. ExpressRoute is a private connection from your on-premises infrastructure to your Azure infrastructure. Even if you have an ExpressRoute connection, DNS queries, certificate revocation list checking, and Azure Content Delivery Network requests are still sent over the public internet.

Check your knowledge

1. Tailwind Traders wants to create a secure communication tunnel between its branch offices. Which of the following technologies can't be used?

o Point-to-site virtual private network

o Implicit FTP over SSL

That's correct. FTP over SSL can't be used to create a secure communication tunnel.

o Azure ExpressRoute

o Site-to-site virtual private network

2. Tailwind Traders wants to use Azure ExpressRoute to connect its on-premises network to the Microsoft cloud. Which of the following choices isn't an ExpressRoute model that Tailwind Traders can use?

o Any-to-any connection

o Site-to-site virtual private network

That's correct. A site-to-site virtual private network isn't an ExpressRoute model.

o Point-to-point Ethernet connection

o CloudExchange colocation

3. Which of the following options can you use to link virtual networks?

o Network address translation

o Multi-chassis link aggregation

o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

o Virtual network peering

o That's correct. Virtual network peering can be used to link virtual networks.

4. Which of the following options isn't a benefit of ExpressRoute?

o Redundant connectivity

o Consistent network throughput

o Encrypted network communication

That's correct. ExpressRoute does provide private connectivity, but it isn't encrypted.

o Access to Microsoft cloud services

2.3 Explore Azure Storage services

In this module, you'll learn about some of the different storage options that are available in Azure Storage services, and the scenarios in which each storage option is appropriate. As you complete the individual units in this module, you'll learn about Azure Blob Storage, Azure Disk Storage, Azure Files, and Blob access tiers.

2.3.1 Introduction

Suppose your company, Tailwind Traders, has a number of product brochures, datasheets, product images, and other files that are related to marketing, sales, and support. In the past, your company has been hosting these files on standalone web servers in your datacenter.

Your company is now in the process of migrating its applications to the cloud, and your development team is currently architecting new applications. Your Chief Technology Officer (CTO) wants to migrate all of your marketing, sales, and support files to the cloud in order to take advantage of geographic distribution of your files. This move also reduces the number of physical servers that your company maintains in your datacenter. As part of your migration strategy, you need to determine the correct approach for your cloud-based storage infrastructure.

In this module, you'll learn about the different Azure storage options and the scenarios in which each is appropriate.


Azure storage isn't the same as Azure database services.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to describe the benefits and usage of:

  • Azure Blob Storage

  • Azure Disk Storage

  • Azure Files Storage

  • Azure Blob Access tiers

2.3.2 Azure Storage account fundamentals

The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for your company, Tailwind Traders, has tasked your team with migrating all of your files to the cloud. Your team has chosen Azure Storage, which is a service that you can use to store files, messages, tables, and other types of information. Clients such as websites, mobile apps, desktop applications, and many other types of custom solutions can read data from and write data to Azure Storage. Azure Storage is also used by infrastructure as a service virtual machines, and platform as a service cloud services.

Your storage account will contain all of your Azure Storage data objects, such as blobs, files, and disks.

Note: Azure VMs use Azure Disk Storage to store virtual disks.

A storage account provides a unique namespace for your Azure Storage data, that's accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS. Data in this account is secure, highly available, durable, and massively scalable.

For more information, see Create a storage account.

2.3.3 Disk storage fundamentals

Disk Storage provides disks for Azure virtual machines. Applications and other services can access and use these disks as needed, similar to how they would in on-premises scenarios. Disk Storage allows data to be persistently stored and accessed from an attached virtual hard disk.

Disks come in many different sizes and performance levels, from solid-state drives (SSDs) to traditional spinning hard disk drives (HDDs), with varying performance tiers. You can use standard SSD and HDD disks for less critical workloads, premium SSD disks for mission-critical production applications, and ultra disks for data-intensive workloads such as SAP HANA, top tier databases, and transaction-heavy workloads. Azure has consistently delivered enterprise-grade durability for infrastructure as a service (Iaas) disks, with an industry-leading ZERO% annualized failure rate.

2.3.4 Azure Blob storage fundamentals

Azure Blob Storage is an object storage solution for the cloud. It can store massive amounts of data, such as text or binary data. Azure Blob Storage is unstructured, meaning that there are no restrictions on the kinds of data it can hold. Blob Storage can manage thousands of simultaneous uploads, massive amounts of video data, constantly growing log files, and can be reached from anywhere with an internet connection.

Blobs aren't limited to common file formats. A blob could contain gigabytes of binary data streamed from a scientific instrument, an encrypted message for another application, or data in a custom format for an app you're developing. One advantage of blob storage over disk storage is that it does not require developers to think about or manage disks; data is uploaded as blobs, and Azure takes care of the physical storage needs.

Blob Storage is ideal for:

  • Serving images or documents directly to a browser.

  • Storing files for distributed access.

  • Streaming video and audio.

  • Storing data for backup and restore, disaster recovery, and archiving.

  • Storing data for analysis by an on-premises or Azure-hosted service.

  • Storing up to 8 TB of data for virtual machines.

You store blobs in containers, which helps you organize your blobs depending on your business needs.

2.3.5 Azure Files fundamentals

Azure Files offers fully managed file shares in the cloud that are accessible via the industry standard Server Message Block and Network File System (preview) protocols. Azure file shares can be mounted concurrently by cloud or on-premises deployments of Windows, Linux, and macOS. Applications running in Azure virtual machines or cloud services can mount a file storage share to access file data, just as a desktop application would mount a typical SMB share. Any number of Azure virtual machines or roles can mount and access the file storage share simultaneously. Typical usage scenarios would be to share files anywhere in the world, diagnostic data, or application data sharing.

Use Azure Files for the following situations:

  • Many on-premises applications use file shares. Azure Files makes it easier to migrate those applications that share data to Azure. If you mount the Azure file share to the same drive letter that the on-premises application uses, the part of your application that accesses the file share should work with minimal changes, if any.

  • Store configuration files on a file share and access them from multiple VMs. Tools and utilities used by multiple developers in a group can be stored on a file share, ensuring that everybody can find them, and that they use the same version.

  • Write data to a file share, and process or analyze the data later. For example, you might want to do this with diagnostic logs, metrics, and crash dumps.

The following illustration shows Azure Files being used to share data between two geographical locations. Azure Files ensures the data is encrypted at rest, and the SMB protocol ensures the data is encrypted in transit.

One thing that distinguishes Azure Files from files on a corporate file share is that you can access the files from anywhere in the world, by using a URL that points to the file. You can also use Shared Access Signature (SAS) tokens to allow access to a private asset for a specific amount of time.

2.3.6 Understand Blob access tiers

Data stored in the cloud can grow at an exponential pace. To manage costs for your expanding storage needs, it's helpful to organize your data based on attributes like frequency of access and planned retention period. Data stored in the cloud can be different based on how it's generated, processed, and accessed over its lifetime. Some data is actively accessed and modified throughout its lifetime. Some data is accessed frequently early in its lifetime, with access dropping drastically as the data ages. Some data remains idle in the cloud and is rarely, if ever, accessed after it's stored. To accommodate these different access needs, Azure provides several access tiers, which you can use to balance your storage costs with your access needs.

Azure Storage offers different access tiers for your blob storage, helping you store object data in the most cost-effective manner. The available access tiers include:

  • Hot access tier: Optimized for storing data that is accessed frequently (for example, images for your website).

  • Cool access tier: Optimized for data that is infrequently accessed and stored for at least 30 days (for example, invoices for your customers).

  • Archive access tier: Appropriate for data that is rarely accessed and stored for at least 180 days, with flexible latency requirements (for example, long-term backups).

The following considerations apply to the different access tiers:

      • Only the hot and cool access tiers can be set at the account level. The archive access tier isn't available at the account level.

      • Hot, cool, and archive tiers can be set at the blob level, during upload or after upload.

      • Data in the cool access tier can tolerate slightly lower availability, but still requires high durability, retrieval latency, and throughput characteristics similar to hot data. For cool data, a slightly lower availability service-level agreement (SLA) and higher access costs compared to hot data are acceptable trade-offs for lower storage costs.

      • Archive storage stores data offline and offers the lowest storage costs, but also the highest costs to rehydrate and access data.

Check your knowledge

1. What is the first step that you would take in order to share an image file as a blob in Azure Storage?

o Create an Azure Storage container to store the image.

o Create an Azure Storage account.

o That's correct. You must create an Azure Storage account before you can use any Azure Storage features.

o Upload the image file and create a container.

o Use a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token to restrict access to the image.

2. Which Azure Storage option is better for storing data for backup and restore, disaster recovery, and archiving?

o Azure Files Storage

o Azure Disk Storage

o Azure Blob Storage

o That's correct. Azure Blob Storage is your best option for storing disaster recovery files and archives.

2.4 Explore Azure database and analytics services

In this module, you'll learn about several of the database services that are available on Microsoft Azure, such as Azure Cosmos DB, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, Azure Database for MySQL, and Azure Database for PostgreSQL. In addition, you'll learn about several of the big data and analysis services in Azure.

2.4.1 Introduction

Due to a growing number of acquisitions over the last decade, Tailwind Traders use various database and analytics technologies. As the company begins to migrate existing data workloads and deploy new data workloads to Azure, it needs to understand which Azure technology will be appropriate for each workload. The company's Chief Technology Officer (CTO) has assigned you the task of researching the different database options that are available. This research will help your company choose the right options for each of your data scenarios.

Today's applications are required to be highly responsive and always online. To achieve low latency and high availability, instances of these applications need to be deployed in datacenters that are close to their users. Applications need to respond in real time to large changes in usage at peak hours, store ever-increasing volumes of data, and make this data available to users in milliseconds. To help your company reach its goals, Azure database services are globally distributed, and Azure supports many of the industry standard databases and APIs.

The following video provides a brief overview for several of the database services that are available on Azure.

In this module, you'll learn more about several of the primary database services that are available on Azure, and you'll analyze some of the reasons why each of these services might be the right choice for your data needs.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to describe the benefits and usage of:

  • Azure Cosmos DB

  • Azure SQL Database

  • Azure SQL Managed Instance

  • Azure Database for MySQL

  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL

  • Azure Synapse Analytics

  • Azure HDInsight

  • Azure Databricks

  • Azure Data Lake Analytics

2.4.2 Explore Azure Cosmos DB

Over the years, Tailwind Traders has acquired several smaller companies. Each of these companies had teams of developers who used different database services and various APIs to work with their data. A long-term plan might be to eventually move all of the disparate data to a common database service. For now, though, you'd like to enable each of these teams to work with an environment where they can use their existing skills. Fortunately for you, Azure Cosmos DB can help out.

Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service. You can elastically and independently scale throughput and storage across any number of Azure regions worldwide. You can take advantage of fast, single-digit-millisecond data access by using any one of several popular APIs. Azure Cosmos DB provides comprehensive service level agreements for throughput, latency, availability, and consistency guarantees.

Azure Cosmos DB supports schema-less data, which lets you build highly responsive and "Always On" applications to support constantly changing data. You can use this feature to store data that's updated and maintained by users around the world.

For example, Tailwind Traders provides a public training portal that is used by customers across the globe to learn about the different tools that Tailwind Traders creates. Tailwind Traders developers maintain and update the data. The following illustration shows a sample Azure Cosmos DB database that's used to store data for the Tailwind Traders training portal website.

Azure Cosmos DB is flexible. At the lowest level, Azure Cosmos DB stores data in atom-record-sequence (ARS) format. The data is then abstracted and projected as an API, which you specify when you're creating your database. Your choices include SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Tables, and Gremlin. This level of flexibility means that as you migrate your company's databases to Azure Cosmos DB, your developers can stick with the API that they're the most comfortable with.

2.4.3 Explore Azure SQL Database

Azure SQL Database is a relational database based on the latest stable version of the Microsoft SQL Server database engine. SQL Database is a high-performance, reliable, fully managed, and secure database. You can use it to build data-driven applications and websites in the programming language of your choice, without needing to manage infrastructure.


Azure SQL Database is a platform as a service (PaaS) database engine. It handles most of the database management functions, such as upgrading, patching, backups, and monitoring, without user involvement. SQL Database provides 99.99 percent availability. PaaS capabilities that are built into SQL Database enable you to focus on the domain-specific database administration and optimization activities that are critical for your business. SQL Database is a fully managed service that has built-in high availability, backups, and other common maintenance operations. Microsoft handles all updates to the SQL and operating system code. You don't have to manage the underlying infrastructure.

You can create a highly available and high-performance data storage layer for the applications and solutions in Azure. SQL Database can be the right choice for a variety of modern cloud applications because it enables you to process both relational data and non-relational structures, such as graphs, JSON, spatial, and XML.

You can use advanced query processing features, such as high-performance, in-memory technologies and intelligent query processing. In fact, the newest capabilities of SQL Server are released first to SQL Database, and then to SQL Server itself. You get the newest SQL Server capabilities, with no overhead for updates or upgrades, tested across millions of databases.


Tailwind Traders currently uses several on-premises servers running SQL Server, which provide data storage for your public-facing website (for example, customer data, order history, and product catalogs). In addition, your on-premises servers running SQL Server also provide data storage for your internal-only training portal website. Tailwind Traders uses the website for new employee training materials (such as study materials, certification details, and training transcripts). The following illustration shows the types of data that your company might store in the Azure SQL Database training portal website.

You can migrate your existing SQL Server databases with minimal downtime by using the Azure Database Migration Service. The Microsoft Data Migration Assistant can generate assessment reports that provide recommendations to help guide you through required changes prior to performing a migration. After you assess and resolve any remediation required, you're ready to begin the migration process. The Azure Database Migration Service performs all of the required steps. You just change the connection string in your apps.

2.4.4 Exercise - Create a SQL database

This module requires a sandbox to complete. In this exercise, you'll create a SQL database in Azure and then query the data in that database.

2.4.5 Explore Azure database for MySQL

Tailwind Traders currently manages several websites on-premises that use the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). As part of your planning for your migration strategy, the different teams at Tailwind Traders have been researching the available service offerings that Azure provides. You've already discovered that the Web Apps feature of Azure App Service provides built-in functionality to create web applications that use PHP on a Linux server running Apache. You've been tasked with investigating whether the database requirements for the web development team will continue to be met after the migration to Azure.

Azure Database for MySQL is a relational database service in the cloud, and it's based on the MySQL Community Edition database engine, versions 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0. With it, you have a 99.99 percent availability service level agreement from Azure, powered by a global network of Microsoft-managed datacenters. This helps keep your app running 24/7. With every Azure Database for MySQL server, you take advantage of built-in security, fault tolerance, and data protection that you would otherwise have to buy or design, build, and manage. With Azure Database for MySQL, you can use point-in-time restore to recover a server to an earlier state, as far back as 35 days.

Azure Database for MySQL delivers:

  • Built-in high availability with no additional cost.

  • Predictable performance and inclusive, pay-as-you-go pricing.

  • Scale as needed, within seconds.

  • Ability to protect sensitive data at-rest and in-motion.

  • Automatic backups.

  • Enterprise-grade security and compliance.

These capabilities require almost no administration, and all are provided at no additional cost. They allow you to focus on rapid app development and accelerating your time-to-market, rather than having to manage virtual machines and infrastructure. In addition, you can migrate your existing MySQL databases with minimal downtime by using the Azure Database Migration Service. After you have completed your migration, you can continue to develop your application with the open-source tools and platform of your choice. You don't have to learn new skills.

Azure Database for MySQL offers several service tiers, and each tier provides different performance and capabilities to support lightweight to heavyweight database workloads. You can build your first app on a small database for a few dollars a month, and then adjust the scale to meet the needs of your solution. Dynamic scalability enables your database to transparently respond to rapidly changing resource requirements. You only pay for the resources you need, and only when you need them.

2.4.6 Explore Azure Database for PostgreSQL

As part of its overall data strategy, Tailwind Traders have been using PostgreSQL for several years. You and your team probably already know the benefits of PostgreSQL. Part of your migration is to use Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and you want to make sure that you'll have access to the same benefits as your on-premises server before moving to the cloud.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL is a relational database service in the cloud. The server software is based on the community version of the open-source PostgreSQL database engine. Your familiarity with tools and expertise with PostgreSQL is applicable when you're using Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

Moreover, Azure Database for PostgreSQL delivers the following benefits:

  • Built-in high availability compared to on-premises resources. There's no additional configuration, replication, or cost required to make sure your applications are always available.

  • Simple and flexible pricing. You have predictable performance based on a selected pricing tier choice that includes software patching, automatic backups, monitoring, and security.

  • Scale up or down as needed, within seconds. You can scale compute or storage independently as needed, to make sure you adapt your service to match usage.

  • Adjustable automatic backups and point-in-time-restore for up to 35 days.

  • Enterprise-grade security and compliance to protect sensitive data at-rest and in-motion. This security covers data encryption on disk and SSL encryption between client and server communication.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL is available in two deployment options: Single Server and Hyperscale (Citus).

Single Server

The Single Server deployment option delivers:

  • Built-in high availability with no additional cost (99.99 percent SLA).

  • Predictable performance and inclusive, pay-as-you-go pricing.

  • Vertical scale as needed, within seconds.

  • Monitoring and alerting to assess your server.

  • Enterprise-grade security and compliance.

  • Ability to protect sensitive data at-rest and in-motion.

  • Automatic backups and point-in-time-restore for up to 35 days.

All those capabilities require almost no administration, and all are provided at no additional cost. You can focus on rapid application development and accelerating your time to market, rather than having to manage virtual machines and infrastructure. You can continue to develop your application with the open-source tools and platform of your choice, without having to learn new skills.

The Single Server deployment option offers three pricing tiers: Basic, General Purpose, and Memory Optimized. Each tier offers different resource capabilities to support your database workloads. You can build your first app on a small database for a few dollars a month, and then adjust the scale to meet the needs of your solution. Dynamic scalability enables your database to transparently respond to rapidly changing resource requirements. You only pay for the resources you need, and only when you need them.

Hyperscale (Citus)

The Hyperscale (Citus) option horizontally scales queries across multiple machines by using sharding. Its query engine parallelizes incoming SQL queries across these servers for faster responses on large datasets. It serves applications that require greater scale and performance, generally workloads that are approaching, or already exceed, 100 GB of data.

The Hyperscale (Citus) deployment option supports multi-tenant applications, real-time operational analytics, and high throughput transactional workloads. Applications built for PostgreSQL can run distributed queries on Hyperscale (Citus) with standard connection libraries and minimal changes.

2.4.7 Explore Azure SQL Managed Instance

Azure SQL Managed Instance is a scalable cloud data service that provides the broadest SQL Server database engine compatibility with all the benefits of a fully managed platform as a service. Depending on your scenario, Azure SQL Managed Instance might offer more options for your database needs.


Like Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance is a platform as a service (PaaS) database engine, which means that your company will be able to take advantage of the best features of moving your data to the cloud in a fully-managed environment. For example, your company will no longer need to purchase and manage expensive hardware, and you won't have to maintain the additional overhead of managing your on-premises infrastructure. On the other hand, your company will benefit from the quick provisioning and service scaling features of Azure, together with automated patching and version upgrades. In addition, you'll be able to rest assured that your data will always be there when you need it through built-in high availability features and a 99.99% uptime service level agreement (SLA). You'll also be able to protect your data with automated backups and a configurable backup retention period.

Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance offer many of the same features; however, Azure SQL Managed Instance provides several options that might not be available to Azure SQL Database. For example, Tailwind Traders currently uses several on-premises servers running SQL Server, and they would like to migrate their existing databases to a SQL database running in the cloud. However, several of their databases use Cyrillic characters for collation. In this scenario, Tailwind Traders should migrate their databases to an Azure SQL Managed Instance, since Azure SQL Database only uses the default SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS server collation.


For a detailed list of the differences between Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance, see Features comparison: Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance.


Azure SQL Managed Instance makes it easy to migrate your on-premises data on SQL Server to the cloud using the Azure Database Migration Service (DMS) or native backup and restore. After you have discovered all of the features that your company uses, you need to assess which on-premises SQL Server instances you can migrate to Azure SQL Managed Instance to see if you have any blocking issues. Once you have resolved any issues, you can migrate your data, then cutover from your on-premises SQL Server to your Azure SQL Managed Instance by changing the connection string in your applications.


For a detailed description of the migration process, see Migration guide: SQL Server to SQL Managed Instance

2.4.8 Explore big data and analytics

Several years ago, Tailwind Traders rolled out a new GPS tracking system for all of its delivery vehicles. The new system provides real-time tracking data to your primary datacenter. Your CTO wants your team to look at several years of tracking data in order to determine trends. For example, an important trend might be a spike in deliveries around the holidays that would require hiring additional staff. Through an in-depth analysis of the tracking data that you've recorded, your CTO seeks to predict when changes are necessary, and then proactively take the necessary steps to appropriately manage spikes.

Data comes in all types of forms and formats. When we talk about big data, we're referring to large volumes of data. In this Tailwind Traders scenario, data is collected from the GPS sensors, which includes location information, data from weather systems, and many other sources that generate large amounts of data. This amount of data becomes increasingly hard to make sense of and to base decisions on. The volumes are so large that traditional forms of processing and analysis are no longer appropriate.

Open-source cluster technologies have been developed, over time, to try to deal with these large datasets. Microsoft Azure supports a broad range of technologies and services to provide big data and analytic solutions, including Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure HDInsight, Azure Databricks, and Azure Data Lake Analytics.

Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Synapse Analytics (formerly Azure SQL Data Warehouse) is a limitless analytics service that brings together enterprise data warehousing and big data analytics. You can query data on your terms by using either serverless or provisioned resources at scale. You have a unified experience to ingest, prepare, manage, and serve data for immediate BI and machine learning needs.

Azure HDInsight

Azure HDInsight is a fully managed, open-source analytics service for enterprises. It's a cloud service that makes it easier, faster, and more cost-effective to process massive amounts of data. You can run popular open-source frameworks and create cluster types such as Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, Apache Kafka, Apache HBase, Apache Storm, and Machine Learning Services. HDInsight also supports a broad range of scenarios such as extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL), data warehousing, machine learning, and IoT.

Azure Databricks

Azure Databricks helps you unlock insights from all your data and build artificial intelligence solutions. You can set up your Apache Spark environment in minutes, and then autoscale and collaborate on shared projects in an interactive workspace. Azure Databricks supports Python, Scala, R, Java, and SQL, as well as data science frameworks and libraries including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn.

Azure Data Lake Analytics

Azure Data Lake Analytics is an on-demand analytics job service that simplifies big data. Instead of deploying, configuring, and tuning hardware, you write queries to transform your data and extract valuable insights. The analytics service can handle jobs of any scale instantly by setting the dial for how much power you need. You only pay for your job when it's running, making it more cost-effective.

Check your knowledge

1. Your development team is interested in writing Graph-based applications that take advantage of the Gremlin API. Which option would be ideal for that scenario?

o Azure Cosmos DB

o That's correct. Azure Cosmos DB supports SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Tables, and Gremlin APIs.

o Azure SQL Database

o Azure Databricks

o Azure Database for PostgreSQL

2. Tailwind Traders uses the LAMP stack for several of its websites. Which option would be ideal for migration?

o Azure Cosmos DB

o Azure Database for MySQL

o That's correct. Azure Database for MySQL is the logical choice for existing LAMP stack applications.

o Azure Database for PostgreSQL

3. Tailwind Traders has millions of log entries that it wants to analyze. Which option would be ideal for analysis?

o Azure Cosmos DB

o Azure SQL Database

o Azure Database for PostgreSQL

o Azure Synapse Analytics

o That's correct. Azure Synapse Analytics is the logical choice for analyzing large volumes of data.


Microsoft Learning, Feb 2021. For latest update please visit the original site.