Recent Discussions

  • Discussion of “Understanding US Inflation During the COVID Era,” by L. Ball, D. Leigh and P. Mishra, Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, September 2022.

  • Discussion of “The Long-lived Cyclicality of the Labor Force Participation Rate,” by T. Cajner, J. Coglianese and J. Montes, Federal Reserve Board External Webinar Series, September 2021.

  • Discussion of “Job Ladder and Business Cycles,” by F. Alvez, CEPR-BI Conference on Closing the Gaps: The Future of Stabilisation Policies After the COVID-19 Pandemic, June 2021.

  • Discussion of “Industries, Mega Firms, and Increasing Inequality,” by J. Haltiwanger, H. Hyatt, and J. Spletzer, Wage Dynamics in the 21st Century, May 2021.

  • Discussion of “A Congestion Theory of Unemployment Fluctuations, ” by Y. Mercan, B. Schoefer, and P. Sedlacek, IZA Labor Statistics Workshop: Measurement of Labor Market Conditions, April 2021.

  • Discussion of “Why has the US Economy Recovered So Consistently from Every Recession in the Past 70 Years? ” by B. Hall and M. Kudlyak, NBER Macro Annual 2021, April 2021.

  • Discussion of “How Tight is the U.S. Labor Market," by K. Abraham, J. Haltiwanger, and L. Rendell, Brookings Panel on Economic Activity, Spring 2020, March 2020.