
Ever since I was 12 years old when I figured out I loved game development, I have been creating small projects on Scratch and in Unity for others to enjoy. To take this to the next step, I went to the University of Washington Bothell (UWB) for a Bachelors in Computer Science and Software Engineering. There I learned important software development concepts such as Data Structures and Algorithms which have allowed me to further my passion for Game Development. In the future, I hope to work with a range of diverse professions in this field to further my knowledge of game development.

But why specifically software development in video games? Besides liking video games themselves, I have always been interested in math and logic. In fact, I was very close to getting a minor in math at UWB. I also spent time as a math tutor tutoring pre-calculus which plays an important role in game development. To me, game development is the next step. After all, a large part of game development is applying math concepts that you simply wouldn't use anywhere else in the software development field. I have spent countless hours applying linear algebra and creating algorithms to solve problems like procedural terrain generation in a voxel world.

Other than the math side, I do enjoy video games too as mentioned. Some of my favorite games are Factorio, Terraria, and Minecraft. I love the freedom and challenge these games provide. Not only that, they are all multiplayer allowing you to work together with others on the puzzles and problems these games provide. I am hoping one day I can challenge other people and give them something they too can puzzle on with their friends for hundreds of hours like I have. But to do that, I know I must further my knowledge of computing, math, and developer collaboration.

Ayrton Muniz Resume.pdf