Specimens collected by W. L. Brown Jr. at Faz. Junqueira Vilela came from a nest collected at 3 km east of the farm house in the forest. The paratypes from Vilhena came from a polygynous colony found by Dra. Ana Harada within the litter near a small stream in the forest. (Brando 1990)

Workers from Megalomyrmex goeldii and M. ayri are very similar, but the shape of the clypeus and size clearly separate them. Queens are more diverse and can be distinguished by the ocelli (only the anterior one is developed in M . goeldii) and by the given measurements.

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Mandibles smooth, clypeus with concave anterior border between the feeble carinae, that delimit a median depression; promesonotal suture impressed dorsally; faces of propodeum meeting in a gentle angle; declivity either smooth or with one rugosity around the foramen; ventral face of petiole with anterior denticle and a longi tudinal translucid flange; dorsal margin of petiolar node slope straight in side view; ventral face of postpetiole with a small globose process.

Mandibles finely striate; ocelli equally devel oped; notaulus and parapsidal sutures impressed; dorsal face and declivity of propodeum meeting by means of lateral tubercles confining a shallow median depression; postpetiole with laterally produced spiracles and ventral face with rugosi ties at its posterior end.

The ant genus Megalomyrmex Forel, 1885, has 45 valid species and is spread across the entire Neotropical region. Megalomyrmex species have been studied for decades and there are many rich natural history accounts that describe various details, including symbionts and unusual reproductive strategies. Natural history traits such as lifestyle have been used to help delimit Megalomyrmex species and the four species groups (i.e., Leoninus, Modestus, Pusillus, and Silvestrii), but recent findings suggest well-sampled comparative studies coupled with revisionary taxonomy are still needed. We report observations of the natural history of the Megalomyrmex ayri Brando, 1990, regarding diet, nesting habits, abundance, distribution, and reproductive strategy. The sampling was conducted in a Terra Firme Forest, in the municipality of Itaituba, state of Par, in the Tapajs River region of the Brazilian Amazon. Our observations reduce knowledge gaps about the lesser known Megalomyrmex species, and are essential for an understanding of the evolutionary history of the genus.

Ayri ekranlarning qozgalmaydigan va oynali tizimlari mavjud. Oynali ayri ekranning farqi shundaki, foydalanuvchi oziga kerakli axborot joylashgan oynani (ekranning bolingan qismni) bir yerdan boshqa yerga erkin harakatlantirishi mumkin. Qozgalmaydigani esa bitta qatiy yerga mahkamlanadi va uni hech qayerga surib yoki kochirib bolmaydi.

Kop oyinchili rejimga ega bolgan oflayn oyinlarda ekran oyinchilarning soniga qarab teng olchamli 2 tadan 4 tagacha bolakka bolinadi. Bu bilan oyinchilar oyinda bir vaqtning ozida bir-biridan ajralgan holda oyinning har xil yerlarini organishi mumkin. Bu holat 2000-yillargacha Internetga yoki boshqa tarmoqqa kirish imkoni bolmagan konsollar orasida juda mashhur edi[3][4]. 152ee80cbc

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