Welcome to my website

I'm Ayodeji Lindblad, a first-year graduate student at MIT interested in geometry and topology. I'm especially interested in low-dimensional topology, but have also enjoyed learning about geometric designs, mean curvature flow, and other spatially exciting objects.

My paper formalizing a construction which relates families of spherical t-designs to ⌊t/2⌋-designs on quotient projective spaces or spheres can be found on arXiv and has been submitted for publication. This work was produced under the supervision of Henry Cohn, who I am continuing to work with on problems in discrete geometry.

I also produced a manuscript with Carlos Alvarado on dynamical stability of mean curvature flow translators. Work on this project began with the MIT UROP program under the supervision of Bill Minicozzi alongside Tang-Kai Lee and culminated in this report through the MIT SPUR program.

To contact me, feel free to email firstname@mit.edu.

If you see someone who looks like this, they are most likely me. 

Outside of doing math, I love walking around cities online, walking around cities in real life, taking photos of buildings I see on these walks, making little trinkets in MIT's forge, drilling things into my walls, and purchasing paintings from Goodwill.