Welcome to my website

I'm Ayodeji Lindblad, a first-year graduate student at MIT interested in low-dimensional topology, discrete geometry, differential geometry. I'm in the process of finding my favorite niche within these fields, but have especially enjoyed researching geometric designs, packings, mean curvature flow, and other spatially exciting objects.

My paper formalizing a construction which relates families of spherical t-designs to ⌊t/2⌋-designs on projective spaces or lower-dimensional spheres can be found on arXiv and has been submitted for publication. This work was produced under the supervision of Henry Cohn, who I am continuing to work with on problems in discrete geometry.

I also produced a manuscript with Carlos Alvarado on dynamical stability of mean curvature flow translators. Work on this project began with the MIT UROP program under the supervision of Bill Minicozzi alongside Tang-Kai Lee and culminated in this report through the MIT SPUR program.

To contact me, feel free to email firstname@mit.edu.

If you see someone who looks like this, they are most likely me. 

Outside of doing math, I love walking around cities online, walking around cities in real life, taking photos of buildings I see on these walks, making little trinkets in MIT's forge, drilling things into my walls, and purchasing paintings from Goodwill.