Judgement Day

The Poetry, Prose and Plants project was presented for consideration for the Year of stories discretionary award to judges from Beautiful Scotland in Stonehaven on Monday 8th August 2022.

Year of Stories Award: A one-off award for 2022, to celebrate the Year of Stories theme. Awarded to the entrant that has developed a creative and innovative project that tells a story relevant to their community.

We look forward to finding out if we have been successful later in September.

Weel iss is me actin i pairt o John Duncan afore the adjudicators, twa affa fine chiels they were.

I tellt them foo fan John wis visitin his freen Chae at The Botanical Gairdens in Edinburgh he wis affa teen wi the palm trees, sayin

“They werena mowse man. they’d leafs as muckle ye could row me up inside een o them like a pun o butter in a docken leaf.”

Alistair Lawrie as John Duncan