
As an REU mentor at Minnesota

"I would just like to say that Ayah went so far above and beyond the call of duty. I truly believe that she is the best mentor I could possibly ask for, and she was amazing at making everyone in our project feel appreciated for who they were both as mathematicians and as people."

"I struggled a lot this summer with imposter syndrome, feeling aimless and overwhelmed. Despite this, I ended the summer feeling empowered and confident in where I am as a mathematician; Ayah's part in this cannot be overstated. I came to Ayah with my concerns and she took the time to truly connect with me and help me work through my anxiety, giving me advice and calling me out for negative self-talk when necessary. Thanks to her taking the time to have these conversations with me, I have so much more confidence in myself and my future as a mathematician."

As an instructor for Computational Algebraic Geometry at Minnesota

"She would work one on one with me and make sure that I understood the materials no matter how long it took. She also was always willing and ready to help. She really had faith in me and didn't give up on me which I appreciated a lot."

"The instructor checked in with me consistently and supported me emotionally to keep up with the course despite the high level of difficulty of the course. I am very thankful to the professor for her efforts and flexibility to help me throughout the semester, not just academically but emotionally as well."

As a (virtual) instructor for Linear Algebra at Cornell

"Professor Almousa is amazing. She creates a calm, friendly atmosphere in the (virtual) classroom where student participation is welcomed, required, and more effective in promoting understanding than any other math instruction style I'm aware of. She wants us to be confused, ask questions, and come to understand the material together, including how it might apply to the other areas we are interested in. I would absolutely take another class with her, and I recommend her to anyone interested in learning math together rather than just attending a one-sided lecture."

"The instructor has a contagious enthusiasm for the cool aspects of linear algebra and genuinely cares whether the students understand the material."

As an instructor for Calculus II at Cornell

"The best. Super helpful with homework, questions and overall presentation. Great at teaching and can tell she is always super prepared, made learning super easy. I always have questions when she passes out the sheets and she would always come help/check my answers which is great. Thanks for a great semester."

"I thought our instructor did a good job of explaining the material and answering our questions when they arouse. I appreciated how she gave us worksheets to practice the material just learned in class and went around asking if anyone needed help or had a question, engaging with the class even though we were doing independent work. She office hours were also helpful, although usually packed, and she was open to explaining anything from a clarifying concept to a whole topic again. We had a substitute a couple of days and that made me realize how I appreciated her teaching style over others instructors teaching the same course. I really appreciated how she also posted all of her notes and worksheets online because I used them to study for the prelims and we could get the solutions online if we didn't have time to go over them in class. She also organized her personal page very well and it was easy to find notes for a certain topic/class. The instructor connected well with the students and made most classes enjoyable."

As an instructor at Five Points Correctional Facility

"She was always very patient and clear when teaching lessons and/or explaining problems. Math has always been my most difficult subject but Ms. Almousa taught it in a way that made it easier to grasp."

"The class was full of good explanations of math problems. Lots of homework packets helped improve math skills. Plus, Ms. Almousa was a nice professor, willing to help students. Overall, thank you for improving my math skills and your time teaching us in the CPEP program."