How to Fix QuickBooks Error 80070057

How to Fix QuickBooks Error 80070057

QuickBooks is accounting software that works in multi-user mode with different locations, thus providing seamless services to all users. There is no doubt that this accounting software has changed the way businesses performed accounting transactions in the past. This feature-rich software covers a vast market thanks to the impeccable services it offers to its users. As we dig deeper into the technical details, code, and algorithms, some bugs or issues are quite common. One such error that users often encounter is QuickBooks error code 80070057. Here in today's article, we will discuss QuickBooks error code 80070057 and its possible causes. Fixing errors is not a big deal; just take a look at this article. However, if you want a permanent solution to get rid of this error, contacting our technical support team at +1-888-351-0999 would be a better choice. The top QuickBooks support team will help you get rid of this error quickly. So don't hesitate to call us anytime, we will be happy to fix your error.

What are the Causes of QuickBooks Error 80070057?

This error usually occurs when you try to open your company file from a workstation located on a web server or another server. Here are the causes that could triggers QuickBooks error 80070057:

Symptoms of QuickBooks error 80070057:

Here are the symptoms that you may see when error80070057 occurs.

Method to Fix QuickBooks Error 80070057:

Having briefly gone through the causes and symptoms of QuickBooks error message 80070057, let's now see how to fix this problem to start working again on QuickBooks software.

Method 1: Open the Company Files Correctly

The first method is to open the company file properly. The steps involved in this process are:

Now, click on the Open option. 

Method 2: Move Company files to default location

If the file is saved somewhere other than its original location, you'll need to move it there. Below are the steps involved in this procedure:

Method 3: Download and run the QuickBooks File Doctor Tool

If the above two solutions don't work, download and launch the File Doctor tool. The steps involved in this case are as follows:

The final step is to open QuickBooks software and then navigate to the company file.  

Method 4: Update QuickBooks Desktop to the latest version

Outdated software versions can often lead to these types of errors. The steps involved in this process are:

Now check if the error has been eliminated. 

Method 5: Check the company file name extension

If all the methods mentioned so far fail to resolve the problem, check your company's file name extension. Follow the steps below carefully:


QuickBooks error code 80070057 can be very difficult for users to deal with. But following the strategies mentioned above can help you solve the problem quickly. If the problem persists after following all of the steps or  you have any additional questions, please ask  QuickBooks Enterprise support experts via our helpline +1-888-351-0999. Our team of Certified Public Accountants will do their best to help you to fix error code 80070057 and many other accounting problems and issues.