Microsoft Minesweeper (formerly just Minesweeper, and also known as Flower Field) is a minesweeper-type video game created by Curt Johnson, originally for IBM's OS/2, that was ported to Microsoft Windows by Robert Donner, both Microsoft employees at the time. First officially released as part of the Microsoft Entertainment Pack 1 in 1990, it was first included in the standard install of Windows 3.1 in 1992, replacing Reversi from Windows 3.0.[2] Microsoft Minesweeper was included without major changes in all subsequent Windows releases until Windows Vista, at which time an updated version by Oberon Media replaced it.[3] In Windows 8 and later the game is not included with a fresh Windows install, but Microsoft Studios has published an updated version of it, developed by Arkadium, on Microsoft Store.[4][5][6]

The official minesweeper by Microsoft is cool but its riddled with ads and you have to pay a subscription for the pro version.

Is there a good minesweeper I can download/buy that works well on win 10 with touch?

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The reason you don't see a number there is the fill algorithm of minesweeper.

It reveals all the fields which have a 0 value (0 is shown as empty). And it reveals all the adjacent fields to those revealed before, which have a non zero value.

The field in the corner does not have an adjacent zero value field and thus cannot be revealed automatically.

There are many ways to get involved in the Minesweeper community. The most popular place to meet is at Authoritative Minesweeper, which hosts the world rankings. You can post scores in the Guestbook, chat in the Forum or compete in the Active Ranking. Another popular hangout is the IRC minesweeper chat group, or you can join the Minesweeper Facebook Page. The center of the Chinese sweeping community is, with extensive rankings and forums. A similar site exists at for Russian players. Each year there are one or two international tournaments, where the best players meet and compete.

All beta versions of minesweeper were lost until Damien Moore (webmaster of this site) discovered Mine 2.9 in a collection of games uploaded to extinct Bulletin Board Systems. This version was made in July 1990 and passed between friends at work. Although the game was called Mines it used bomb graphics. It introduced all the standard rules and mouse functions such as flags and chording. Its three difficulty levels were Beginner (8x8, 10 mines), Intermediate (16x16, 40 mines) and Expert (24x24, 99 mines). The Game menu featured 'New F2', 'Beginner', 'Intermediate', 'Expert', 'Sound', 'Marks (?)', 'Preferences... F3' and 'Exit'. The Help menu offered 'Index F1', 'Keyboard', 'Using Help' and 'About WinMine'. Options unique to the Preference box included creating custom levels, enabling a 'Ticker' or removing the Menu bar. The Ticker simply ticked each second in imitation of a time bomb. Sound included a siren for hitting a mine or a rising one octave scale for winning a game.

Windows 95 was released on 24 Aug 1995 and once again included minesweeper. The graphics of the game were cleaned up, resulting in smaller but sharper number and mine graphics. The game icon changed to use the new graphics and the Help file was condensed into a smaller version. The only other change was the Help menu, which reduced options to just 'Help Topics' and 'About Minesweeper'.

In Italy minesweeper was renamed "Field of Flowers" (Prato Fiorito) and mines were replaced with green flowers and a new soundtrack for losing. This resulted from pressure by groups such as the International Campaign to Ban Winmine.

This course includes some background modules that detail theory and give some resources to look at and some quiz questions, then it has four different binaries to reverse. Two of these are easier and done solo, the last two are more complex and take more of a walkthrough approach. The last challenge is to hack minesweeper so mines are changed to flags, so you can see them as soon as you start the game.

The course uses IDA and Ollydbg to do this, however I wanted to use a more modern approach. I used Ghidra and x64dbg on a windows 10 VM to do these challenges. I wanted to produce a write up to solidify the knowledge and I hope to do more crackme style challenges / writeups in the future.

The first challenge was a simple windows binary that when executed asked for a password and told you if it was correct or not. It is a good idea to note the strings returned as well, as these can be helpful in finding the main section.

Then it takes the length of the string and puts the length into EAX. It then increments EAX by 1, I assume as some kind of buffer. It then sends EAX to malloc (I renamed it to malloc I believe). Malloc calls the memory allocation windows API, so essentially takes the length, assigns memory space for it.

The course covers an in-depth walkthrough of hacking minesweeper. The process is a bit different in general for this binary. Instead of finding the main function and reversing it line by line, it takes a more targeted approach.

The goal is to patch minesweeper so that you can always win. Minesweeper, for those unaware, is a game that came by default with Windows for a long time. The game creates a 9x9 grid and randomly places mines around the map. When you click on a block it is either a mine and ends the game, or is not and gives you a number which indicates how many mines are around you. You can also right click a block to place a map on a block without uncovering it. This is so you can put flags where you think mines are and avoid them.

Load the binary in x32dbg, then press F9. This will take you to the main function usually. Then you will need to scroll up and look for 010036c7. In Ghidra we can see this is where the loop starts. Find that address, click on it and press F2. This will put a breakpoint there. Now hit F9 again and it will execute and hit the breakpoint. Now we have the execution stopped just before mines are assigned. You can click through each instruction at a time with F8 and see what changes as it loops and then hit F9 if you want to see the executable run and spawn minesweeper. If you do that hit the restart button and F9 then F9 again and you will be just before the loop again.

So this was quite a long post, but in summary we reversed 4 binaries using Ghidra, we used x32dbg to do dynamic analysis of minesweeper and we patched minesweeper to always win. This was a really well done online course that took a day to do but gave a really good into to reverse engineering. I am very new to reversing and this helped a lot. It takes a long time to get your head around it, but I feel much more comfortable starting my reversing journey after this, so thank you!!

There have always been a small but persistent group of users who disliked minesweeper as a concept because they felt it trivialized the problem of land mines. For those of us living in North America, land mines are an abstract entity that you really only see in a movie, but in many parts of the world people are killed or maimed by mines on a daily basis. Over the years, these users have repeatedly asked us to either remove minesweeper or change the concept from landmines to something a little less obnoxious.

Description: Based on the well known game that comes with Microsoft Windows operating system. I have attempted to recreate the original as much as possible, while adding in extra features that some players may find useful, especially minesweeper experts.

In addition to the classic Windows game download, there are plenty of options to play these games online, either against a computer or in multiplayer mode. Here are a few of the top mobile-friendly websites for playing classic games like hearts, minesweeper, and Freecell for free.

You find Minesweeper in your system32 folder in your Windows directory, the file is called winmine.exe (if you installed these games with your windows installation). My file version of winmine.exe is 5.1.2600.0 (I have WinXP with service pack 2 (German)), so if you have another version, the offsets and memory locations can be different.

It looks as we have found the memory location where the gamefield data is stored. If you want you can change the width, height and number of mines in Minesweeper to become sure that this is really the actual gamefield data.... and yes it is :-)

 Well, in fact that's all we have to know: cause the address is a constant, this data is always(!) stored at 1005340 which makes things much more easier than to handle with pointers to changeable memory places. To access a special field, you just do: field = 0x1005340 + (row * 32) + column. 0x8F means there is a mine, 0x0F means it's still uncovered, 0x40 it's uncovered.... the rest you can find out by yourself if you want but it's not necessary...

 So what to do know? First I thought of patching, but it seems a bit complicated to me. We would have to check if the player has hit a mine and if so we could redirect the program flow that the field would stay uncovered. But that means inserting additional code into a cave, but what's more a problem is the fact that we have to change also the paint routine in this case (I tried some patching and got some strange graphic errors...). And we have seen that several game states/options etc. are saved somewhere in memory (e.g. is it the first player's try? Is a mouse button currently pressed? And so on...). Probably we would have to take a look at them, too in order to keep them valid.


 That's why I have decided to code a little loader which doesn't change the Minesweeper file in any form. The loader starts minesweeper (or attaches a running instance), reads periodically the memory at our found address (0x1005340) and paints the current gamefield, including all mines of course. Have a look at the source, it's quite easy and well commented. Here a screenshot where you can see the loader in action: 2351a5e196

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