Axel Osmond
Post-doctoral researcher at the Grothendieck Institute
Paris, axelosmond"at"
Publications and preprints
On Diers theory of Spectrum I : Stable functors and right multi-adjoints
On coslices and commas of locally finitely presentable categories
The over-topos at a model (with Olivia Caramello), published in TAC, volume 39, 447-492 (2023)
Bi-accessible and bipresentable 2-categories (with Ivan di Liberti), published in Applied Categorical Structures, Volume 33, article number 3 (2025)
Codescent and bicolimits of pseudo-algebras, published in Applied Categorical Structures, Volume 32, article number 11 (2024)
On a (terminally connected, pro-etale) factorization for geometric morphisms (with Olivia Caramello)
Work in progress
Appendice to Factorizing systems and Kan extensions (with Olivia Caramello)
Point-free sheaf representation and Gelfand rings (with Bernhard Banaschewski, Mai Gehrke & Sam van Gool)
2-dimensional topos theory
2-dimensional spectral construction: a geometry of semantics
PhD thesis
A categorical study of spectral dualities, (Une étude catégorique des dualités spectrales), PhD thesis, December 2021
General construction of spectra : Overview and perspectives, contributed talk at TACL 2019
Towards a 2-dimensional spectral construction, Masaryk University Algebra Seminar, mai 2020
The over-topos at a model (joint work with Olivia Caramello), contributed talk at Topos Online, June 2021
Stable pseudofunctors, local right bi-adjoints and 2-geometries for topoi, onsite contributed talk at CT20->21, September 2021
Bistable pseudofunctors and bifactorization 2-geometries for Grothendieck topoi, CaTCAT 2021, Mexico, November 2021
Bi-accessible and bipresentable 2-categories, Australian Category Seminar, April 2022
First order doctrines as finitely bipresentable 2-categories, contributed talk at TACL, 2022
Spectres et géométries, présentation au Groupe de travail Catégories, LIPN, Université Paris XIII, Octobre 2022
Théorie catégorique des constructions spectrales, Groupe de travail Lectures topossiques, Centre Lagrange, 2023 (Slides 1ère séance; slides 2nde séance; slides 3ème séance)
MV-algebras and their geometry, Groupe de travail Lectures topossiques, Centre Lagrange, 5 avril 2024 (slides)
On a (terminally connected, pro-etale) factorization for geometric morphisms, Groupe de travail Lectures topossiques, Centre Lagrange, 26 mai 2024
On a (terminally connected, pro-etale) factorization for geometric morphisms, contributed talk at CT2024, Santiago de Compostela
Morphisms and comorphisms of sites: double-categorical and profunctorial aspects, invited talk at Topos in Mondovi, September 2024
Music theory
Undecimarvelous (11-limit just-intonation temperament related to the 7-limit Marvelous temperament)
Undecimus (10 steps 11-limit JI temperament)
Undecimus' (another 10 steps 11-limit JI temperament)