Pair programming is a software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or navigator,[1] reviews each line of code as it is typed in. The two programmers switch roles frequently.

While reviewing, the observer also considers the "strategic" direction of the work, coming up with ideas for improvements and likely future problems to address. This is intended to free the driver to focus all of their attention on the "tactical" aspects of completing the current task, using the observer as a safety net and guide.

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Pair programming increases the man-hours required to deliver code compared to programmers working individually.[2] However, the resulting code has fewer defects.[3] Along with code development time, other factors like field support costs and quality assurance also figure into the return on investment. Pair programming might theoretically offset these expenses by reducing defects in the programs.[3]

In addition to preventing mistakes as they are made, other intangible benefits may exist. For example, the courtesy of rejecting phone calls or other distractions while working together, taking fewer breaks at agreed-upon intervals or sharing breaks to return phone calls (but returning to work quickly since someone is waiting). One member of the team might have more focus and help drive or awaken the other if they lose focus, and that role might periodically change. One member might know about a topic or technique that the other does not, which might eliminate delays to finding or testing a solution, or allow for a better solution, thus effectively expanding the skill set, knowledge, and experience of a programmer as compared to working alone. Each of these intangible benefits, and many more, may be challenging to accurately measure but can contribute to more efficient working hours.[citation needed]

In an attempt to share goals and plans, the programmers must overtly negotiate a shared course of action when a conflict arises between them. In doing so, they consider a larger number of ways of solving the problem than a single programmer alone might do. This significantly improves the design quality of the program as it reduces the chances of selecting a poor method.[4]

In an online survey of pair programmers from 2000, 96% of programmers stated that they enjoyed working more while pair programming than programming alone. Furthermore, 95% said that they were more confident in their work when they pair programmed. However, as the survey was among self-selected pair programmers, it did not account for programmers who were forced to pair program.[5]

Knowledge is constantly shared between pair programmers, whether in the industry or in a classroom. Many sources suggest that students show higher confidence when programming in pairs,[5] and many learn whether it be from tips on programming language rules to overall design skills.[6] In "promiscuous pairing", each programmer communicates and works with all the other programmers on the team rather than pairing only with one partner, which causes knowledge of the system to spread throughout the whole team.[3] Pair programming allows programmers to examine their partner's code and provide feedback, which is necessary to increase their own ability to develop monitoring mechanisms for their own learning activities.[6]

Pair programming allows team members to share quickly, making them less likely to have agendas hidden from each other. This helps pair programmers learn to communicate more easily. "This raises the communication bandwidth and frequency within the project, increasing overall information flow within the team."[3]

There are both empirical studies and meta-analyses of pair programming. The empirical studies tend to examine the level of productivity and the quality of the code, while meta-analyses may focus on biases introduced by the process of testing and publishing.

A meta-analysis found pairs typically consider more design alternatives than programmers working alone, arrive at simpler, more maintainable designs, and catch design defects earlier. However, it raised concerns that its findings may have been influenced by "signs of publication bias among published studies on pair programming." It concluded that "pair programming is not uniformly beneficial or effective."[7]

Although pair programmers may complete a task faster than a solo programmer, the total number of man-hours increases.[2] A manager would have to balance faster completion of the work and reduced testing and debugging time against the higher cost of coding. The relative weight of these factors can vary by project and task.

The benefit of pairing is greatest on tasks that the programmers do not fully understand before they begin: that is, challenging tasks that call for creativity and sophistication, and for novices as compared to experts.[2] Pair programming could be helpful for attaining high quality and correctness on complex programming tasks, but it would also increase the development effort (cost) significantly.[7]

A study of programmers using AI assistance tools such as GitHub Copilot found that while some programmers conceived of AI assistance as similar to pair programming, in practice the use of such tools is very different in terms of the programmer experience, with the human programmer having to transition repeatedly between driver and navigator roles.[10]

Remote pair programming, also known as virtual pair programming or distributed pair programming, is pair programming in which the two programmers are in different locations,[12] working via a collaborative real-time editor, shared desktop, or a remote pair programming IDE plugin. Remote pairing introduces difficulties not present in face-to-face pairing, such as extra delays for coordination, depending more on "heavyweight" task-tracking tools instead of "lightweight" ones like index cards, and loss of verbal communication resulting in confusion and conflicts over such things as who "has the keyboard".[13]

Through the Au Pair program, participants and host families take part in a mutually rewarding, intercultural opportunity. Participants can continue their education while experiencing everyday life with an American family, and hosts receive reliable and responsible childcare from individuals who become part of the family.

EduCare applies to families that require childcare before and after school. EduCare Au Pairs may not be placed with families that have preschool children except if other, full-time childcare plans have been made.

The State Department has activated a helpline to ensure the health and safety of its exchange participants, including au pairs. All participants have a right to be treated fairly and to report abuse without retaliation or threat of program cancellation. Among other prohibitions, no sponsor may threaten program termination, or otherwise retaliate against an au pair solely because he or she has instituted a complaint or taken action to gain assistance from an outside entity regarding a complaint. Au pairs can contact the State Department at any time via the hotline 1-866-283-9090 or at

Eligibility: Must be 18-to-26-years-old, proficient in spoken English and must complete at least six hours of academic credit or its equivalent at an accredited U.S. post-secondary educational institution.

EduCare applies to families that require childcare before and after school. EduCare Au Pairs may not be placed with families that have preschool children except if other, full-time childcare arrangements have been made.

Is anybody else having a probelm pairing an Apple Pencil. I insert it into my new 2gen iPad Pro 12.9 and it briefly shows the dialog to Pair and then shows it connected, but then disconnects, and then I get an Error that the Pencil took to long to pair. Then it doesn't work.

After one year i tried to use my pencil again and i have the same kind of problem. First i got messages there wa sonly 3% battery left. Charging didn't helped. I tried a reset of the ipad pro even a hard reset, nothing helped. I went to the apple store and they couldn't help, they don't know if there is a problem and the warranty was expended.(14 months, pffffff ) Back home i tried to charge the pencil true USB with the adaptor and after 15 tries of plugging it in and out of the ipad suddenly i got connected for 7 seconds, then disconnected again, and then connected again for a few seconds. Because of the short period of connection i could see that the battery of the pencil was at 100 % again but still it can't keep the connection. The icon of bluetooth at the top of the ipad is blinking all the time. After awhile the same problem of the beginning had came back and I get an Error that the Pencil took to long to pair. And again the same pairing problem came back. Ipad sees the pencil but it can't pair with it. Its a brand new pencil i only used it once when i bought it and left in the box for over a year. So it must be a hardware problem, so apple fix it please.

i'm having the same exact issues. Trek all the solutions other posters have noted with no success. However I can pair a $19 Wacom stylus with no problem While the $99 Apple Pencil is virtually useless until Apple does something. 152ee80cbc

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