A caff corretto is often prepared by simply adding a few drops of the desired spirit into an espresso shot; however in some cases the alcohol is served in a shot alongside the coffee, allowing the customer to pour the quantity they desire.

I've been on a serious iced coffee kick lately. A tall, cold glass of a brew as inky as midnight is a perfect pick-me-up on a stifling summer afternoon. For some time, I've been inhabiting various coffee houses, enjoying their variations on a theme.

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While I enjoy iced drip coffee, cold brews, and iced lattes, I've come to realize that there's literally a whole world of iced coffee to explore. Different parts of the globe have their own variations on iced coffee. I'm enamored with decadent German eiskaffee, which shows stereotypical German efficiency by replacing ice, milk, and sugar with a scoop of ice cream. There's a simple joy in the Greek frapp, made from Nescaf instant coffee and shaken to give a thick, foamy head.

For one of the best variations on iced coffee, one must head to the cradle of modern coffee culture, Italy. Over there, they do a rich iced coffee that somehow has barely made any headway into the United States. It's called caff shakerato.

Shakerato sounds like a new Starbucks abomination, but it's Italian through and through. Making one is dead simple. Take a shot of espresso, add a bit more simple syrup than you think you should use, and shake the living daylights out of it with ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a martini glass, and enjoy.

Thankfully, the Italians are way ahead of me on this one. A common after-dinner drink is caff corretto, espresso "corrected" with a liberal dash of spirits. Why not combine the two for something cool with a kick?There's a couple of tricks to making one of these. First, the coffee needs to be shaken for a full 30 seconds with ice, to both ensure a proper chill and to create the signature foamy head. Second, add the spirits after shaking, or the foam won't have the right texture.

The most common additions to caff corretto are grappa (a grape-based eau de vie), brandy, or sambuca. However, as with the seemingly endless variety of flavored syrups to add to one's iced coffee, a wide range of liqueurs are also delicious additions. I'm fond of hazelnut liqueur.

Now that the shakerato better fits the martini glass, I'm torn as to whether it's better served as a midafternoon pick-me-up or as a cool concoction for after dinner. All I can think is, why not both?

Caff Shakerato-CorrettoUse the smaller amount of simple syrup with sweetened liqueurs, the full amount for hard spirits.2 ounces espresso (or cold-brew coffee concentrate)1/2 to 1 ounce simple syrup1 ounce brandy, grappa, or sambuca (or other spirits of your choosing)

Pour espresso and simple syrup into a cocktail shaker, and add ice cubes to fill. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds. Strain into a chilled martini glass or champagne flute. Add spirits, and stir gently to combine.

I can't share any long term experience using Corretto OpenJDK as we're using "official" OpenJDK builds in PPM R&D Lab, but if you're meeting any issue with Corretto please let us know so that we can address them.

I don't expect any issue though - I've been running my PPM Dev environment with Corretto for just about an hour following noticing your post, and didn't spot any difference with the other OpenJDK JVM so far.

Do you have some link or source you can share about some Oracle OpenJDK distribution requiring license fee in the future? I know that this is the case with Oracle JDK for quite some time already, but I haven't found any mention of some Oracle version of OpenJDK requiring some license for usage, and obviously I'd love to learn more.

In any case, pick the OpenJDK build of your choice, and we'll support it as long as the Java version matches our support matrix. Please note that since we don't have infinite QA resources, we'll only certify a limited number of OpenJDK builds in our official support matrix - but it's not because a specific OpenJDK build hasn't been certified that it won't be supported.

Looks like the problem of Oracle's OpenJDK build is the lack of free Long Term Support (LTS). This is a very valid concern since PPM so far only supports Java 8. So my previous claim that we're supporting any OpenJDK build as long as it has the right Java version still holds. This is especially true for the OpenJDK builds that are bundled with the platform/OS that we certified - and since we certified AWS, that does include Amazon Corretto.

There's also an important point regarding OpenJDK & Java client support for PPM (i.e. the Workbench): If you're using OpenJDK on the client side, you will only be able to use "Open Workbench App" to start the workbench. You will not be able to use "Open Workbench on Desktop" since it uses Java Web Start, which isn't officially included in OpenJDK.

Actually, I installed the Amazon corretto in DEV environment. when I try to launch workbench, it is not launching only.I updated the java_home and PATH variables. But still it is not working. Could you please guide me on key points that I need to check for this issue?

- If you use "Open Workbench on Desktop", it uses JNLP (also called "Java Web Start"). This technology is now only supported by Oracle JDK, and is already out of support in OpenJDK, and thus I assume by Corretto OpenJDK.

- You should start the workbench using "Open Workbench App". This is a standard Java application that will run on your client machine, and this is the preferred way to start the workbench moving forward if you're not using SSO. What matters is the JVM you use on your client here, so even if it run successfully with the OpenJDK builds I've been using (AdoptOpenJDK and Azul), I assume that it should also work if you try Corretto on the client, though I assume you'll only use Corretto to run PPM on the AWS Server.

Grappa is typically between 35 and 60% alcohol by volume, which puts it on par with most vodkas and whiskies. This guarantees a pretty strong kick to go with your caffeine, but if you want to go for something a little less liver-punching, a shot of Baileys is a tasty alternative.

The type of grape pomace used to distill grappa affects its flavour, just as the type of grapes used to produce wine does. Grappa must be made in Italy, the Italian part of Switzerland, or San Marino, just like Champagne and Bourbon, and water cannot be used in the distillation process.

Naturally, preparing your own caff corretto carries its own risks. People who only drink once a year at the office Christmas party might be floored by a shot of 40% grappa, but seasoned drinkers should be fine with the full undiluted measure, which will power them through the rest of their day of sightseeing.

Coffee was an expensive, elite beverage until the late 19th century, when technological advances made it more accessible. The short, fast espresso drink we know and love today entered the mainstream in the 1930s when the horizontal espresso machine was patented and the Fascist regime promoted espresso drinking amongst laborers to encourage hard work.

Alcohol content: Although it is entirely up to taste (especially if you're creating it at home), the usual guideline is that no more than 5 ml should be added. The flavour of coffee should remain the prominent one.

Alcohol types: It's entirely up to your tastes; even inside Italy, a vast variety of alcoholic beverages are consumed. However, do not include liqueurs with fruit or citrus flavours. Making your own coffee liqueur will give your Caff Corretto a stronger coffee flavour.

Hello.If I am writing a commercial project using the amazon corretto 11 jdk, do I need to indicate in the license for my program that I use amazon corretto 11 or in the program itself in the program help create links to the amazon website and to the GPL2.0 license or maybe something more ?Thank you very much in advance.

A: Corretto is released under the same open source license as OpenJDK, which is licensed under the GNU Public License version 2 with the Class Path Exception (GPLv2 with CPE). You can use Corretto as you would use OpenJDK.

The concept of Amazon Corretto was born out of an internal need at Amazon. The company runs thousands of apps, both internally and externally for customers, and they needed to create a reliable distribution for their own developers to use, one that is secure and has standards in terms of documentation and process, and one that is used for all of their apps.

Released to the public in 2016, the distribution is intended for companies with similar goals -- to create Java applications that can scale and run reliably, use the latest security features, and can be fixed in a uniform way within a well-known and commonly used distribution.

An example of this might be a new business app for tracking company expenses. Normally, this might require that a company look into open source distributions that are not officially supported as a way to cut down costs, and then figure out all of the necessary support variables such as patching, endpoint security, and bug fixes on their own. This becomes a two-pronged effort -- to create the actual app itself and then to figure out how to update and maintain the app.

One of the benefits of Java is that it is remarkably flexible in terms of the apps you can create. It can also run on Linux, Windows, and Mac platforms. This, however, could also be a downside if it leads to an open-source nightmare of support and disconnected, unreliable apps.

Without Corretto, development teams can descend into chaos -- not for a lack of internal process, but instead related to how apps are supported, documented, and distributed. In fact, the distribution allows companies to focus efforts on the actual development and not on the framework they are using and whether it works reliably and is well supported.

The distribution will run on Linux, Windows, or Mac and is available as a free download. The distribution can run using cloud services, on-premise, or on a local machine. That flexibility in how you run the distribution means teams can focus more on actually creating apps. 152ee80cbc

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