Earth Day 2021

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Virtual Celebration: A Wild and Wonderful Earth Day 2021

Gather around with your students and/or friends and use the video links below on April 22nd

and then join us live for the Kahoot! Trivia Challenge and LIVE Panel Discussion

8:00 a.m. ET Soaking Up Solar at Fairmont State University Erica Harvey & Josh Revels

Virtual Tour of Current Solar Installation

The Solar Army

Thinking About Joining the Solar Army?

8:10 a.m. ET What you NEED to know about Solar Panels Josh Revels Presentation

Experiments with Solar Panels

9:10 a.m. ET Environment Matters in West Virginia WV DEP YouTube Playlist

Wastewater Treatment Comes to Leatherwood Creek

Geomorphic Landform Design

9:15 a.m. ET Electric Vehicles with West Virginia Electric Auto Association

A Personal Solar Set Up at my Home in WV Robert Fernatt

EV Charging Levels Demonstration- YouTube Robert Fernatt

Racing Extinction producers have created four dynamic, interactive lesson plans for high school students. These can be found at:

Session Cluster Pathway 1 Session Cluster Pathway 2

9:30 a.m. ET Make Sun Prints or Seed Bombs (Preparation Required) 9:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m. (LIVE!) Racing Extinction

10:00 a.m. ET Crushing Glass- Recycling Glass Discovery Channel's Livestream Showing.

Chemistry of Recycling Glass- YouTube Video by FuseSchool- Global Education Click Here:**Pre-Registration Required**

Glass crushing at Fairmont State to Sand Erica Harvey

Recycling Glass into Glass Bottles- YouTube Video by WIH Resource Group

10:15 a.m. ET The Scoop on Composting at Marshall University Amy White

Marshall University Opens Compositing Facility

Marshall Compost Facility Nears Completion

10:25 a.m. ET Environmental Project Spotlights

Spring Clean Ups Return WVDEP

Landslide Emergency Project WVDEP

Coal Run Stream Rehabilitation Fairmont State University

10:30 a.m. ET Earth Day Mindfulness Meditations Recording Passcode: jFeXnVZ8 Siegfried Bleher

11:00 a.m. ET Don't Forget: Submit Your Questions To The Presenters (To Be Answered LIVE at Noon)

11: 30 a.m. ET Browse the Entsorga WV facility in Berkeley County. WV MetroNews Article

Learn how recycled material will be made into clean-burning alternative fuels. BioHiTech YouTube Video

NOON Earth Day Panel Discussion (LIVE!) Check back after for the recording.

Update of Literrati state-wide competition.

Update on the Electric Vehicle (EV) Documentary

The panelists answer YOUR Earth Day Questions

12: 45 p.m. ET Kahoot! Earth Day Trivia Challenge (LIVE!) or play asynchronously and see where you score! Complete in the Earth Day Challenge which ends April 24, 2021 using the link below and the Game Pin 07811587

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 ET Yoga and Mindfulness- Inner and Outer Environments are Not Disconnected (YouTube) Siegfried Bleher

The West Virginia Science Public Outreach Team partners with the WV Environmental Sustainability Network to invite you to bring all your questions about climate and its impacts on WV to a discussion with experts who call the Mountain State their home.

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. ET Climate Change Panel WVU Faculty and Delegate Evan Hansen (Register Here:

5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. ET WVEV: West Virginia Electric Vehicle Pioneers Documentary on YouTube

*Note: All times are suggested as a sequence for Earth Day, but pre-recorded sessions may be watched at any time, day or, sequence you wish.*

**Note: LIVE! Showing of Discovery Channel's Racing Extinction will only be available upon registration and at the time indicated.**

Special thanks to Vulcan Productions, the Oceanic Preservation Society, and the Discovery Channel for allowing us to share the documentary Racing Extinction.

The Oceanic Preservation Society inspires, empowers, and connects a global community using high-impact films and visual storytelling to expose the most critical issues facing our planet.

Would you like to host your own screening of Racing Extinction? Complete this request form:

The image that made us see the world differently. NASA astronauts took this photo of Earth during the Apollo 10 mission in 1969.

Learn more about our footprint using the Human Reach: Atlas the most detailed atlas of human activity.

If you want to learn more about how and why astronauts shoot photos of our planet — and the special training involved — check out NASA Earth Observatory's video series “Picturing Earth.”

Astronaut Photography in Focus

Window on the World

Behind the Scenes

Happy 51st Anniversary of Earth Day! The Creative Sustainability Council at Fairmont State thanks the many organizations and individuals from all over the state who have contributed to this virtual statewide Earth Day celebration.

Have Questions or Ideas to Share

pertaining to Earth Day?