I have installed awesome on top of Ubuntu 10.04 and switch between Gnome and Awesome sessions (partly because I am still learning awesome and partly because I use a few apps that require Gnome desktop). Further I need to use a proxy server @ work whereas @ home I have a direct connection.

However, when I login to awesome, I am left with the settings as set in my last GNOME session. I can't invoke g-n-p because it needs gnome-settings-daemon to be running which is of course not the case. If I need to change I need to logout and in twice (once into GNOME to switch location and then back into awesome). Since I use many apps within awesome that use system proxy settings (Synaptic, Firefox) I'd like to be able to centrally switch the proxy configuration without leaving the awesome desktop.

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I understand running gnome-network-properties sets some gconf-editor keys and also updates *_proxy environment vars in /etc/environment (and probably elsewhere also). Is there a way to achieve the same effect via a script or some replacement tool for g-n-p that doesn't use gnome-settings-daemon ?

sooner or later it had to happen I need to connect a ziti host (yes, using containers) via a corporate proxy. I thought it could "just work" ootb so I added the following to my deployment created by the ziti-host helm chart manually:

Hi Christian! Would those proxies support CONNECT method? I know that's implemented in Ziti Router, and I don't believe it's implemented for ziti-edge-tunnel, which you're using in that ziti-host Helm chart.

To accomplish that with the Router you would install the openziti/ziti-router chart. Ensure you enable the router's built-in tunneler when you create the Router in the Ziti management API, CLI, or console.

When you create the Router with tunneler enabled, you'll see a system-created Ziti Identity too with type "Router." This is the new Router's built-in tunneler. Assign bind privilege to that Ziti Identity in your Bind Service Policy.

Actually, I believe corporate proxy support would be very beneficial to be supported by the ziti-edge-tunnel for any kind of enterprise network setups.

And yes, of course, talking about CONNECT method and not supporting TLS intercept or anything like that, but just plain proxying.

ziti-edge-tunnel doesn't have the capability to use proxies but we've needed to to work around this issue for demos. We were able to use a third party software called proxychains to get this functional. This is not production recommended but it does work. We haven't tried this in a container but imagine it would also work.

In order to do this with a container, you'd need to build a custom version of the ziti-edge-tunnel container(or custom container in general) & add in something like proxychains along side ziti-edge-tunnel. If you did so, you could use it to capture the outbound traffic & forward it through the proxy.

Note to others following these instructions: I found it necessary to modify the systemd service unit to have an absolute filesystem path to the proxychains4 executable. I'd installed with Linuxbrew, so my paths were like this.

Awesome Proxy Android is a very simple VPN for Android devices that offers us a free and unlimited virtual private network service. The basic premise is for it to take just one click to enjoy an internet connection that is a little more secure and to hide our real IP. In addition, we will also be able to bypass the geo-blocking of websites and apps, and even use public wifi networks with less risk. But how does it work?

To make the most of the advantages offered by this VPN, all we have to do is download Awesome Proxy APK for free and tap on the large button in ther center of the screen. We can, of course, also select a proxy server from a specific country in the bar located just above the connect button, although the selection is fairly limited.

In just a few seconds, the VPN will be up and running. After setting up a secure connection, Awesome Proxy Android shows us a new fake IP and offers us a speed analysis tool. However, it lacks other additional features, such as an app exclusion list or a FAQ section.

With a degree in Law and Journalism, I specialized in criminology and cultural journalism. Mobile apps, especially Android apps, are one of my great passions. I have been testing dozens of apps every day for over six years now, discovering all... Sean Mitchell

I know rclone support environment variables but it is not a viable option for me because I'm using Rclone with multiple providers and each time I set a proxy in a terminal, it affects the other terminal.

as an aside, this past week, i did a lot of testing running multiple proxy servers at the same time, using openvpn, wireguard, mullvad vpn+browser, firefox and so on.

always, each program would use a different proxy server, never once a problem.

and might follow this advice



Slightly annoyingly, there is no standard for the name; some applications may use http_proxy but another one HTTP_PROXY. The Go libraries used by rclone will try both variations, but you may wish to set all possibilities.


Of course it does.

The env var is used by looots of programs and libs.

Pythons urllib, curl, wget, majority of go programs and many more. You won't even be able to use github copilot since they block vpn/proxy.

Having another way to set a proxy without affecting other programs would be a huge advantage for some people.

It would also allow you to easily use different proxies when running multiple instances of rclone.

I haven't checked what go lib is used for network but I doubt it doesn't support an additional proxy parameter.

--proxy flag would be nice thing to have - it does not exist today. But it will not allow you to do anything beyond what can be done today using env vars. This is why it is "nice to have" feature but nothing critical or "must have"

Hi everyone. I'm working on a Proxy product for traffic filtering, among the functionalities of which is the ability to bypass requests by IP addresses and Domains, in order to exclude contact of "unnecessary" requests with proxies. Regarding exclusion of requests based on their domains, I use an awesome proxy exclusion list that can be set in the proxy settings for a specific network interface.But also, MacOS offers IP address exclusion by default (as you can see in the screenshot: 169.254/16), but unfortunately this functionality doesn't work for external IP addresses of any resources. Requests regardless of IP address exclusion - go through the specified proxy. Could you tell me what limitations the exclusion list has, perhaps it requires specific formats for IP addresses, or works only for local addresses of a certain network, or MacOS may provide some other solutions in this regard?

I was able to reproduce what you were seeing by removing the build directory and then rerunning npx truffle migrate --network development and only the proxy contract (AdminUpgradeabilityProxy) was deployed.

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Jorgensen Enscape watches the filesystem for changes. If Enscape is notified that a linked skp file is changed, that file is automatically reloaded. If this does not work, please send feedback. Perhaps we can see in your log files what is going wrong.

We save most of our design files on network servers. Currently I have a model saved on the network with proxy files saved onto my Local hardrive and as I make changes the proxy automatically updates as intended (awesome!). However when having those proxy files on the network servers they do not automatically update.

I have the same behavior with kibana 5.4.

I can't figure out how to configure Nginx to work as reverse proxy.

Is Kibana really ready to be used behind a reverse proxy who use subpath instead of domain name ?

I prefer adding the rewrite rule because it makes it explicit that the proxy needs to remove the base path from requests before they hit the Kibana server. There is a simpler, more implicit way to do this by adding slashes in the config appropriately. What I mean is, the following nginx config does the same thing, but the path removal is done automatically by nginx (note that the location line now has a slash at the end):

Google's Jigsaw has created an open source Shadowsocks proxy that works via a Docker. It is meant to be set up on a Digital Ocean Docker Droplet, to allow you to have your own secure and private connection to the internet when you travel to places where the internet is monitored and blocked. Since it is docker based, we should be able to run it on our unRaid servers. What do you think? Possible?

It is branded as a way for small journalists to keep their stuff private when reporting on repressive regimes. I run the awesome Open-VPN plugin by @peter_sm. Only issue is openvpn is partially blocked for use from China. This Google one is designed for places like China. Could we spin it up on our unRaid boxes?

Outline is a Docker that works directly with Digital Ocean API's to create a one click install. Awesome, but we have unRaid servers that can do docker very easily and I like to control both ends of my VPNs. What would it take to run the Outline docker on unRaid?

Yes, I run Peter's awesome OpenVPN plugin which is a true VPN and tunnels all traffic. But OpenVPN and Outline are 2 totally different tools for totally different uses. Outline is a proxy for safe encrypted access to standard sites (gmail, Wikipedia, Twitter) that are blocked in some countries. 152ee80cbc

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