Submission deadline: April  19th, 2024  April 30th, 2024  May 7th, 2024

Contact for electronic submission issue : Prof. Junseok Heo,

Author Instructions for Submission

Two-page papers must be submitted electronically.

Please use the AWAD 2024 paper template provided. Click here!

Please use the instruction for submission provided. Click here!!

How to submit papers to AWAD2024.pdf

Author Instructions for Oral Presentation

Presenters are required to have their presentation files (ppt, pptx or pdf) on a USB drive and transfer them to the computer before the session starts. 

Author Instructions for Poster Presentation

The panel size for poster presentation is A0.

Author Registration Guideline

Registration deadline: June 3rd, 2024

At least one author of the paper must register no later than June 3rd, 2024 to be included in the proceeding. 

Each registered  author is limited to two paper presentations (oral & poster) in the conference. 

Young Researcher Awards

AWAD2024  Young Researcher and  Young Researcher Poster will be awarded to outstanding oral/poster presentations authored and presented by young researchers.

 1. Candidate should be the first author who is a student (checked "student" in his/her paper submission form at initial submission) and present his/her paper by him/herself.

2. Young Researcher Award recipients are decided by the AWAD committee members on the basis of the evaluation of the manuscript for the technical digests and presentation. The number of award recipients is two.

3.  Number of award recipients is two.  Each winner will receive a certificate and a gift.

4. The award ceremony will be held at the closing session on the final day. Winners will be called and awarded by the workshop co-chairs.

Special Issues 

Submission deadline 

JSTS: Aug. 31st, 2024      

Authors are encouraged to submit their extended manuscript to the special issue in Journal of Semiconductor Technology (JSTS) and Science. The submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and upon acceptance published.                                                                     
