While, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), is an immense international commerce region with 21 part states from Tunisia to Eswatini. Both of these elements are viewed as a significant market for exchange on a worldwide level.

AVS International, a MNC based out of India is denoting its quality in the nations and states associated with COMESA and ECOWAS. It is doing as such by providing various sorts of items and items to these nations.

The organization has tie-ups with the administration of African nations which has helped it to improve its market. Also, AVS has established a precedent of providing 104 fire tenders to Ghana making it Asia's biggest exporter in the portion that year.

AVS International is constantly growing its scope by putting resources into ECOWAS and COMESA individuals. The organization has a wide scope of items from specific footwear to rock solid vehicles. How about we investigate the various assortments of items that AVS is offering to various nations and is having a gigantic effect.

1. Army Shoes

The military men should be shielded as they are consistently on the job to ensure the country. For this reason, armed force shoes, otherwise called "battle boots" were produced. The battle boots are currently additionally turning into an in vogue decision among regular folks.

2. Safety shoes

To maintain a strategic distance from any incidents at the working environment and secure the feet of the laborer in production lines and enterprises, wellbeing shoes appeared. These shoes are otherwise called steel-toe boots and steel-topped boots.

Army and Safety shoes famous models by AVS International-.

  • Leather shoes for ladies- Utilized for securing the feet just as for being a style pattern, these are uncommonly intended for women. Made of calfskin, these shoes are sturdy and agreeable that permits the feet to relax.

  • DMS Boot, (canvas)- Ideal for use in various natural conditions, these boots contain a legitimately shaped sole with canvas material that is water-repellent.

  • Jodhpuri, (rubber sole) – Reasonable for laborers in assembling, mining, petrochemical, and hot surface ventures, this footwear has an elastic underside and is heat-safe.

  • Fuel boot, (rubber sole) – Exceptionally intended for wellbeing purposes, this footwear has a bottom made of elastic and is water-safe.

  • Long boot – This footwear is reasonable for the two people who need to ensure their feet while working in outrageous climate conditions.

  • Eyelet boot, (DMS) – These shoes give space to bands and are made of legitimately formed sole chiefly utilized by diggers, armed force, police, and guard powers.

3. Formal Shoes

These shoes are exceptionally intended to be worn at occasions like dark tie occasions, office gatherings, and mixed drink parties that give an expert look

Top formal shoe models at AVS International-

  • Oxford Shoes (leather) – Otherwise called close front shoe, these shoes have eyelets confronting sewed under the vamp with the base of the binding segment sewn shut.

  • Derby shoes – Otherwise called Gibson shoes, these have eyelets confronting sewn on head of the vamp. The binding segment is kept open and not sewn near the base.

Heavy Equipment & Fire Tenders

A rock solid vehicleis significantly utilized for long stretch transportation and weighs around 26,001 pounds. A few models incorporate street roller, excavator, portable cranes, and dump truck. Likewise alluded to as a substantial machine or overwhelming gear, hard core vehicles are intended to perform development errands mostly earthwork tasks. It contains 5 hardware frameworks: usage, foothold, structure, power train, data, and control.


Otherwise called fire motors, fire engines, or firefighting mechanical assembly, these vehicles are uncommonly intended to manage the fire of various geographic areas. They come in little to huge sizes according to the necessities. A fire motor for the most part ships the firemen and firefighting gear at the spot of episode.

Types of fire tenders supplied by AVS International:

  • Airport Crash Tender- It is uniquely intended to manage fire episodes at aerodromes, air terminals, military airbase, and airplane salvage.

  • Water Tenders- These putting out fires vehicles can convey a lot of water to the spot of the occurrence.

  • Wild land Fire Engine-These are extraordinarily intended to ship firemen, hardware, and water to battle with out of control fire.

  • Tiller truck- This truck is separated into two areas to be specific a trailer and a farm vehicle, which are for all time associated. It requires two drivers to run this truck as the two areas have free directing wheels.

  • Turntable Ladder- As the name recommends, these fire motors have a stepping stool mounted on a turn, which causes firemen to arrive at higher areas.

  • Platform Truck- This truck as a rule conveys a stage that can be raised to a specific stature, giving a sheltered base to firemen to assault the fire.


1. Loader

A hard core truck that moves or loads the development materials from one spot and moves onto a dump truck or another hardware like a transport line. The materials can be earth, day off, rock, black-top, sand, rock, or crude minerals. It has a basin at the front side associated on the closures of two blasts, which fills in as a scoop to stack the material to be moved.

2. Crane

Crane is additionally an uncompromising truck, utilized in transportation for stacking and emptying of materials, in development for moving of materials starting with one spot then onto the next and in assembling for gathering of overwhelming machines. It comprises of stacks and wire ropes utilized for lifting and moving of materials.

3. Bulldozer

It is a sort of farm truck utilized for moving or pushing materials like sand or soil in a huge amount. A piece of machinery comprises of two devices in particular a ripper and a sharp edge. Ripper is appended to the posterior of the piece of machinery and is a paw like gadget used to break rough surfaces into little enigmas. While, a cutting edge is an overwhelming metal plate used to push materials starting with one spot then onto the next.


1. Crash Fire Tender

It is a sort of uncompromising truck extraordinarily intended for airplane salvage and firefighting at military airbases. They comprise of high limit siphons and water guns, which assists with managing discharge over significant distances.

2. Heavy Recovery Vehicle

These are utilized to recoup slowed down, covered, or toppled vehicles of the guard powers. Overwhelming recuperation vehicles are equipped for working in various landscapes including desert, rough and muddy grounds just as uneven territories.

3. Tetra Trucks

One of the strengths of AVS International, it is a territory vehicle with high portability utilized for GS jobs in the Indian Army. Also, it transports armed force staff and can convey payloads of around 10,500 kgs. It has a tire expansion framework that empowers the swelling/flattening of tires relying upon the state of the territory.

4. Aircraft Re-fuellers

These are utilized for shipping flying fuel into the military airplane. Likewise, they offer over wing and underwing refueling alongside operational control on the driver's side. They are intended for both right-hand and left-hand traffic and are gathered on a three-hub truck suspension.

1. Haul Trucks

These are uncommonly planned inflexible dump trucks for high creation mining. It takes or moves dumps of materials like sand or rock to make the way. It is likewise utilized for taking development gear from place of work to place of work. Take truck limit ranges from 40 short tons to 496 short tons.

2. Excavator

These are otherwise called diggers and are utilized for burrowing channels, development, mining, ranger service work, and destruction. It comprises of a blast, scoop, can, and a taxi that pivots on a stage. An excavator utilizes water driven engines, chambers, and liquid for playing out various activities.

ECOWAS and COMESA give a decent degree as a huge exchanging obstruct for enterprises to contribute the sending out business. With these elements, the West African locale is attempting to improve its economy, develop the private segment, and set up a protected speculation condition. What's more, so as to do this, it allows worldwide associations to grow their organizations by giving various kinds of items.

AVS International is leaving its quality in ECOWAS and COMESA. With its flexible scope of items that are high in quality is helping the association to stand apart from others.