What We Do

Northern Region Auditions

Every year Avon hosts the auditions for the CMEA Northern Region High School Festival. On the first Saturday of November, hundreds of talented instrumentalists and singers from around Connecticut come to Avon High School to audition for a place in this prestigious program. Hosting the auditions is an honor for Avon and requires hours of planning and many volunteers. Students accepted to participate in the festival spend a day and a half in January working with nationally recognized conductors to learn new music that is showcased in an amazing concert hosted by New Britain High School. Click here for more details about this year's Northern Regional Festival.

Concerts and Performances

The performing arts are meant to be shared. FAME provides publicity, volunteers, promotion and receptions for the many performances throughout the year. Although most performances take place locally, our students are fortunate to have opportunities elsewhere. Most recently the Avon High School Camerata singers toured and performed in Montreal and Quebec City. See the Upcoming Events tab for our next performances. Help support more opportunities like this for aspiring musicians by making a donation on the Support FAME page.


One thing we believe strongly is that all performing arts students should be supported even after they leave Avon. Every year FAME provides 5 scholarships to graduating AHS students. Four scholarships are provided annually in memory of former FAME board member Anita Kane. A scholarship is awarded to a student in each discipline: band, choir, orchestra and theatre. The final scholarship is provided through Avon Dollars for Scholars.

Equipment and Opportunities

There are always needs and wants that are outside of the school budget. One of FAME's biggest roles is to raise the funds to fill those gaps. In past years FAME has aided in the purchasing of instruments, music and sound shells. We also provided funding to bring in guest clinicians and performers. FAME has contributed funds to help students attend otherwise cost-prohibitive arts related activities. In the last school year FAME purchased new speakers for the Avon Middle School choir room, shirts for members of MSS - the student run Music Service Society - and sashes and ties for AHS Camerata singers. The plan is to continue with similar purchases this year, but our biggest goal for the 2019-2020 school year is to purchase new instruments for a marching band - an ambitious goal of $50,000. You can help by participating in one of our fundraisers or going to the Support FAME page and making a donation.


Let's be honest . . . no one likes to fundraise, so FAME is sticking to 3 fundraisers this year. The first is a shared mailing with the AHS Sports Boosters. Together we are sending letters to the entire town asking for support of both the performing arts and sports programming. The second takes place Saturday, April 4th as we host our second Mattress Fundraiser. We are looking to repeat (or even TOP!) the success of last year's Mattress Fundraiser. The final fundraiser takes place Sunday, April 5th. That day our students will canvas Avon selling coupon cards with discounts for local businesses. All proceeds from each fundraising effort support the students of Avon Public Schools.