Research Projects

Training Physics-Based Characters to Dance to Music (Best Poster award - MIG 2020)

Semi-supervised Coordinated Locomotion controllers trained for a variety of characters

Learning Coordinated Locomotion in Latent Space for Articulated Characters

Simplified Network Architecture (Top)
Reconstructed images from latent space (Bottom)

Predicting Autism from Brain fMRI Scans with Unsupervised Latent Space Embeddings

Multi-Hypergraph structure of the mined network

Movie Recommendation System using embeddings produced by Hypergraph Convolution Networks

A few of my ML Youtube Videos

More Academic Projects

Dancing with Proximal Policy Optimization

PPO Trained in various gym environments

Monte Carlo Path Tracing with Photon Mapping

Various Deep Learning Projects

Images Produced from training various GAN structures on CIFAR10 dataset

Traversal Set Centralities for Networks

Some AI / Motion Planning Projects

Infographic on Google Location History Data

Full resolution image here.

Older Projects

Please visit my Github page for more information!