

  • Mukhopadhyay, A., et al.: Study of different performance measures and their relations in satellite-based and terrestrial quantum communication. IET Quant. Comm. 2( 4), 230– 245 (2021).

Study of Different Performance Measures and their Relations in Satellite-based and Terrestrial Quantum Communication

Rapid developments in quantum communication are paving the way forward for more advanced technologies. Conventional channels like optical fibers have been a great resource in recent decades. However, they suffer largely from exponential transmissivity decay and are not suitable for very long-distance communication. Satellite links along with quantum cryptography can be the foundation of modern quantum communication systems. This work presents an overview of the hybrid quantum repeater with a detailed analysis of different parametric relations in satellite-based communication from experimental data. The link efficiency between the satellite-based scheme and terrestrial scheme is also compared, emphasizing the satellite-based scheme's importance for quantum communication. Finally, we present a performance analysis of different quantities and derive relations between them.