Research Area
Broad Area: Operator theory
Specific topics of my interest:
Operator theory on function space
Cowen-Douglas class operator
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces
Multivariable Operator theory
Non-commtative function theory
Research papers:
G. Misra and A. Pal, Curvature inequalities for operators in the Cowen-Douglas class and localization of the Wallach set, Journal d’Analyse Mathematique, 136, pages 31–54(2018).
A. Pal and D. Yakubovich, Infinite-dimensional features of matrices and pseudospectra,Journal of Mathematical analysis and application, Volume 447, Issue 1, 1 March 2017, Pages 109-127
G. Misra, A. Pal and C. Varughese, Contractivity and complete contractivity for finite dimensional Banach spaces, Journal of operator theory, Volume 82, Issue 1, Summer 2019 pp. 23-47 .
A.Pal , On Γn-contractions and their Conditional Dilations arXiv:1704.04508v2, Submitted.
A. Adhikary and A.Pal, COVID-19; India; Time Delay Model; Quarantine; Undetected Infectious; Reproduction Number,Submitted.
Arup Chattopadhyay, Guixiang Hong,Avijit Pal,Chandan Pradhan and Samya Kumar Ray, On Isometric Embedding of S m p into S n q , Submitted.
Shubhankar Mandal and Avijit Pal, Necessary conditions of existence of rational dilation on Γn-contraction, Submitted.