About Me:

I am a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhilai, India. Prior to that I was a postdoctoral researcher at IISER Kolkata and ICMAT Spain.

My research interests include:

  1. Operator theory on function space

  2. Cowen-Douglas class operator

  3. Reproducing Kernel Hilber space

  4. Multivariable Operator theory

  5. Non-commtative function theory

I have a PhD in Mathematics from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, and a post-doc from ICMAT, Madrid, Spain, and IISER Kolkata.

  1. Ph.D.:Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, August,2008-November, 2014.

  2. M.Sc.: The University of Burdwan, August, 2005-July, 2007

  3. B.Sc.: Burdwan Raj College, August, 2002-July, 2005

Contact Me:

Department of Mathematics,

IIT Bhilai, GEC Campus,

Old Dhamatari Rd, Sejbahar, Chhattisgarh 492015.

Email: avijitmath@gmail.com and avijit@iitbhilai.ac.in