Verified platforms 

Verified Networks

Aviadeck offers our members help on the VATSIM network in areas such as model matching, real time weather engines, initial setup on vPilot and many more. With an efficient staff holding more than 500 hours of flight (comprising mostly of IFR flights), members can raise queries with the confidence of receiving a helpful solution.

We very much looking forward to our ventures on Positive Control network with its amazing staff and highly trained controllers. Unfortunately, Aviadeck's staff is not yet adequately trained to help her members to its full potential. But with changing times and her hunt for new staff members it is not too long that POSCON will be our new normal.

Verified Simulators 

As opposed to any other community, we advertise Microsoft Flight Simulator X along with other low resource based simulators like Lockheed Martin: Prepar3D as our primary support because as we see it the simulator experience is for systems regardless of what specifications they have. Alongside, we provide support