Linear Algebra in the Wild

Linear Algebra in the Wild

This is a project that I had my students do when I taught linear algebra at the University of Western Ontario in the summer of 2020.

Intended Audience

Students enrolled in an introductory linear algebra course.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this project, students will be able to...

Core Concepts

The goal of this project is not to teach linear algebra per se. Rather, it is to help students realize on their own, rather than by presenting artificial "real-world" application problems, that linear algebra is actually useful outside of just mathematics. The hope is that, by allowing students to gain such insight on their own, they will be more motivated to engage in the learning activities of the course itself. With that in mind, it seems reasonable to say that the core concept is that linear algebra is actually useful.

Project Description

Find someone outside of mathematics (i.e. someone who would not consider mathematician their primary job) who regularly uses linear algebra in the course of their work. Ask this person to choose a specific example of how they do so, and then interview them about it. Finally, in your own words, submit a summary of your interview; be sure to cover all the points listed in the rubric!

Suggested Timeline

It is helpful to give students a timeline for when they should have parts of the project finished by. The students were given 6 weeks to complete the project.


Linear Algebra in the Wild rubric