Absolutely! Foxy Labels is an extension for Google Workspace that enables you to create and print labels in Google Docs and Google Sheets, similar to the functionality in Microsoft Word and Excel. To get started with Foxy Labels, simply open it and hit the "Install" option. For more guidance on the extension, please refer to the tutorial on how to make labels in Google Docs.

This template is designed for Avery 18660 blank labels. It allows you to create and easily customize your Avery labels. Templates simplify the process. You can seamlessly add text in your preferred fonts and insert images to your Avery label items. The template is available for a free download and is designed to be compatible with Avery label products.

Avery Labels 18660 Template Download

Download File 🔥 https://tinurll.com/2yGBv7 🔥

Attempt 1 - In LibreOffice Draw, I opened the MS-Publisher format files, but they were no longer set up to print multiple-per-page. In Publisher, I had set them up as Avery 8160 labels, which print in 3 columns x 10 rows with 0.25in margins between. So, I went into Print Settings in Draw and changed it to print multiple-per-page, Portrait. Unfortunately, it then squished the labels together and printed only half a page. I am not sure how to fix this. Any ideas?

Attempt 3 - I downloaded the proper Avery 8160 label template in .odt format from the official Avery website. I opened it in LO Writer. It opens fine, but there seems to be no easy way to convert the labels from LO Draw. Is there? Regardless, I can recreate the labels if I have to and put in pretty colors, fonts, graphics, etc. My question is, is there any way to auto-copy the labels into each of the label blanks? Or do I have to go through and copy-paste 30 times for each page of labels?

Thank you very much for your ideas, tips, and answers. Although I have experience with MS Office and OpenOffice, LibreOffice is completely new and I am having a hard time finding answers online. Take care!

In LibreOffice, the method to print labels is through Writer. This uses data stored in a database. The database can be easily created from a spreadsheet. Can you get your data to a spreadsheet like Excel or LibreOffice Calc?

Hello Ratslinger, thank you for your reply. I will not need to access a database, because I do not need to print many different labels. Instead, I need many copies of a single label. (For example, a product label for my tea or incense.)

Would you be willing to post one of the .pub files? This would be helpful in attempting to get properly into labels. Do not need to set a database for the process. If so, you will probably need to change the extension from .pub (not allowed) to say .odt and note that. On this end it can be changed back.

Very well explained @Ratslinger. Just one point, it is not necessary to export as jpg. You can copy and paste directly from Draw into the Writer label template, keeping editable text and preserving quality. There are just a few steps to take first.

Select everything ( zoom out and draw selection around everything) then click Format > Text Attributes. In the dialogue box that opens, in the tab Text tick both boxes Fit width to text and Fit height to text and OK. This will size the text frames to the text.

Then click Format > Text Attributes again but this time untick Fit width to text and Fit height to text and then tick Fit to frame and OK. Now the text will scale with the image so scale everything (to ratio) to 1" high. Copy everything and paste into the new label and anchor As character.

So all of what you noted, although interesting, is probably a moot point based upon what the OP may have. Don know about the copy/paste. Do not like the result you have but again do not have an actual sample from OP.

Thank you for your help, Ratslinger, I appreciate your time. Per your request, I have uploaded an example of my label. It is in .odg (LO Draw) format. I was unsure how to copy/paste it into Writer. It is here:

Having no success with copy/paste of the sample provided by @dreaminggates. Can you look at this? Can actually copy & past but not center & Synchronize the labels.


My process of creating an image works without issue - see edit in my answer.



Then it should be no problem to start over in Writer and abandon the MS Publisher way of doing things. Most people here have been using LibreOffice or its predecessors for many years and know nothing about MS-Publisher to help you. 

Here is a description of how to create address labels:

Address labels in Writer 

The procedure should be the same for your application needs. 

I hope it helps you.


Use the template you downloaded from Avery.

In the upper left label, write the text you want and shape it. Now select all the text and click Ctrl+C.

Place the cursor in the next label and press Ctrl+V. This way you can fill all the labels.

Save and print the document.

Happily the text is all fine so no adjustment needed there. The problem that I found is that the image of the Jasmine flower extends beyond the label area in Draw making it a problem to anchor as character in the Writer labels.

coyoteasJasmineTooBig808347 43.6 KB

In Draw, if I copy (to select hold Alt key and click until it selects the flower) and edit the image with the GIMP (Image > Crop to content) to remove the unneeded transparent area (now 115 x 83 pixels) and insert back (after deleting original jasmine image) then the contents all fit inside the label area.

If I then copy everything and paste into a new labels Writer document it fits nicely. Right-click the pasted Draw object and select Anchor > As character, click beside the image so the text toolbar appears and centre the label, then click Synchronise.

NB When exporting from Draw as png, to set resolution you need to make a note of the Width size, set the resolution to your preferred dpi then set the Width back to its original size. Otherwise you will end up with a small low res image. Cheers, Al

The crop tool in Draw seems unavailable for this png image in this file, I am not sure why. If I extract the png from the odg and insert it into a new Draw file then both the Crop tool and the Edit with External Tool are both available. I might play around later to see what is the easiest way to make it behave normally.

OK. The weird thing is that, on conversion from Publisher, bitmaps seem to be converted to polygons with an area fill of the bitmap. This is why the crop command is not available. There are really only two ways to get a good quality image out and back into the Draw file as an image:

As a long time Serif user I am excited by the new line of Affinity programs. For many years I was a loyal Corel customer until they changed their business model. Seeking an equally capable replacement, I chose Serif with absolutely no regrets.

For Avery labels you can create your own AD document with all the settings and design you need, save it in a folder called e.g. 'Templates'. To create a new document from a template you simply open one of your files, save it under a new name and fill in your data. This should work almost the same way

I too would like to have the ability to Easily choose a Avery or Small publication template instead of having to create a custom profile for each... After a bunch of fiddling I was able to figure out how to set the document size then the custom scale for 'N-Up' to repeat the same label or business card across the page with success. Then I Save-As and I have my template. But if Serif doesn't want to create the library for all of us as part of the program, maybe they should create a repository on their site or on the Forums site for people to download contributed templates? Designer is a very capable program but I really miss all the little nuances that developed into PagePlus over the years... ALSO being able to OPEN an existing PagePlus file should be available and that should have been the fist thing developed!! re-creating hundreds of documents isn't feasible so I must still use the PagePlus program with it's continuous crashing just to use those old files... Not a great solution!

Trust me, from years (decades) of experience use on many different (PC) computers... the one constant for PagePlus is its ability to crash 'continuously' mainly with large or complicated projects, to continuously save is the only option. I have spent seemingly, endless hours on the phone with tech support, sending them my worst offenders... I am really looking forward to Publishers release tomorrow (6/19/19) But now with publisher being on its initial release, it will be years before it will develop into what PagePlus already was, save the crashing... Cheers

Designer 1.7.1 (just updated) crashed while creating the second template, I sent the crash report. Now the next issues with the Custom (Print dialog) Layouts is that you still need to create the document with the correct 'label' dimensions, so I created a 'Document setup' 'Preset' for each of my Custom Layouts. But then when you go to print, nothing shows up on the preview screen and the labels don't print. but if you notice the attachment, of the Print dialog, the Width & Height boxes are set as zero. And, yes, those numbers (8.5x11) were inserted there when I was saving, and doing a Save-As to overwrite the original.(bug?) So while making Custom Layouts, sort of works, there are lots of steps... It really should be more automatic?? And when going back into 'Document Setup' under 'Presets' the little button that let you create or delete a preset disappeared. (bug?)

the problem with importing a PDF that was exported by PagePlus is that the text is imported as vectors and not editable text in either Publisher or Designer. Even after the import screen states that all the fonts are available. 152ee80cbc

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