But this introduces a logical aporia. If abortion was so rare, why so many laws to deal with it? Why so many campaigns in favour of legalisation? Even his own sources suggest that the practice was widespread, and often condoned. In 1923, for example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court argued that there was no point getting rid of the quickening distinction when it came to abortion because to the mass of ordinary people an early-term abortion was not morally wrong:

The master filmmaker Roberto Rossellini, as one of the creators of neo-realism, is one of the most influential directors of all time. His neo-realist films influenced France's nouvelle vague movement in the 1950s and '60s that changed the face of international cinema. He also influenced American directors, including Martin Scorsese.He was born into the world of film, making his debut in Rome on May 8, 1906, the son of Elettra (Bellan), a housewife, and Angiolo Giuseppe "Beppino" Rossellini, the man who opened Italy's first cinema. He was immersed in cinema from the beginning, growing up watching movies in his father's movie-house from the time that film was first quickening as an art form. Italy was one of the places were movie-making matured, and Italian film had a huge influence on D.W. Griffith and other international directors. Between the two world wars, Hollywood would soon dictate what constituted a "well-made" film, but Rossellini would be one of the Italian directors who once again put Italy at the forefront of international cinema after the Second World War.His training in cinema was thorough and extensive and he became expert in many facets of film-making. (His brother Renzo Rossellini, also was involved in the industry, scoring films.) He did his apprenticeship as an assistant to Italian filmmakers, then got the chance to make his first film, a documentary, "Prlude  l'aprs-midi d'un faune", in 1937. Due to his close ties to Benito Mussolini's second son, the critic and film producer Vittorio Mussolini, he flourished in fascist Italy's cinema. Once Il Duce was deposed, Rossellini produced his first classic film, the anti-fascist Rome, Open City (1945) ("Rome, Open City") in 1945, which won the Grand Prize at Cannes. Two other neo-realist classics soon followed, Paisan (1946) ("Paisan") and Germany Year Zero (1948) ("Germany in the Year Zero"). "Rome, Open City" screenwriters Sergio Amidei and Federico Fellini were nominated for a Best Writing, Screenplay Oscar in 1947, while Rossellini himself, along with Amidei, Fellini and two others were nominated for a screen-writing Oscar in 1950 for "Paisan"."I do not want to make beautiful films, I want to make useful films," he said. Rossellini claimed, "I try to capture reality, nothing else." This led him to often cast non-professional actors, then tailor his scripts to their idiosyncrasies and life-stories to heighten the sense of realism.With other practitioners of neo-realism, Vittorio De Sica and Luchino Visconti, film was changed forever. American director Elia Kazan credits neo-realism with his own evolution as a filmmaker, away from Hollywood's idea of the well-made film to the gritty realism of On the Waterfront (1954).Rossellini had a celebrated, adulterous affair with Ingrid Bergman that was an international scandal. They became lovers on the set of Stromboli (1950) while both were married to other people and Bergman became pregnant. After they shed their spouses and married, producing three children, history repeated itself when Rossellini cheated on her with the Indian screenwriter Sonali Senroy DasGupta while he was in India at the request of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to help revitalize that country's film industry. It touched off another international scandal, and Nehru ousted him from the country. Rossellini later divorced Bergman to marry Das Gupta, legitimizing their child that had been born out-of-wedlock.Rossellini continued to make films until nearly his death. His last film The Messiah (1975) ("The Messiah"), a story of The Passion of Christ, was released in 1975.Roberto Rossellini died of a heart attack in Rome on June 3, 1977. He was 71 years old.

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Metaphysical meaning of quickening (rw)

quickening, spiritual--An inflow of divine vitality into the body, which follows the affirmation of Truth. To quicken is to make alive. The quickening of the Spirit in the mortal body makes it eternal and incorruptible, not subject to death and corruption.

Spiritual quickening is a waking up of the whole man to the full consciousness of what he is in the sight of God. The sense man is only half-awake, going about in a dream and thinking it is real life. The word of God is quick, and when it enters into a man he stands upright on his feet, his divine understanding, and he knows and sees himself as he is. He is wide awake, alert, quick, and powerful.

Italian horror movies have long maintained a special position in the world of cinema, enthralling spectators with their peculiar blend of terror, suspense, and artistic flare. But, in addition to chilling spines and quickening pulses, Italian horror films provide an intriguing glimpse into Italian language and society.

I don't really understand the quickenings. So, they get the other immortals "power". but what power? they seems like ordinary people. Aside from not dying obviously. I haven't seen any immortal display anything I would call "power". They're not even all shown to be highly intelligent or otherwise talented. Some are yes but I didn't notice a correlation between the he talented ones and the number of people they may have killed or how long they have lived as opposed to just normal variations in personality traits that would exist naturally between people.

Several clinical studies have suggested the impact of sinusoidal and pulsed electromagnetic fields in quickening wound repair processes and tissue regeneration. The clinical use of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields could represent a novel frontier in tissue repair and oral health, with an interesting clinical perspective. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of an extremely low-frequency sinusoidal electromagnetic field (SEMF) and an extremely low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) with flux densities of 1 mT on a model of oral healing process using gingival fibroblasts. An in vitro mechanical injury was produced to evaluate wound healing, migration, viability, metabolism, and the expression of selected cytokines and protease genes in fibroblasts exposed to or not exposed to the SEMF and the PEMF. Interleukin 6 (IL-6), transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-), metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) are involved in wound healing and tissue regeneration, favoring fibroblast proliferation, chemotaxis, and activation. Our results show that the exposure to each type of electromagnetic field increases the early expression of IL-6, TGF-, and iNOS, driving a shift from an inflammatory to a proliferative phase of wound repair. Additionally, a later induction of MMP-2, MCP-1, and HO-1 was observed after electromagnetic field exposure, which quickened the wound-healing process. Moreover, electromagnetic field exposure influenced the proliferation, migration, and metabolism of human gingival fibroblasts compared to sham-exposed cells. This study suggests that exposure to SEMF and PEMF could be an interesting new non-invasive treatment option for wound healing. However, additional studies are needed to elucidate the best exposure conditions to provide the desired in vivo treatment efficacy.

ke Gustafsson, then the grand old man of mutation breeding, went so far as to say that the Green Revolution was just the first step in Green Evolution. After all, mutations were the source of genetic variability. Most of that variability occurred naturally, spontaneously due to several causes such as radiation from space, over long stretches of time. But with modern technology -and particularly with induced radiation- that process could be directed and sped up. Bjrn Sigurbjrnsson wrote in 1971 that the work of the IAEA was "quickening the pulse of nature". Radiation promised to speed up the rate of spontaneous mutation to give researchers a larger number to work with50.

The Overture begins with a slow introduction that features an ornamental (quasi-exotic) solo for oboe, and is followed by an allegro with a main theme in the winds. A contrasting idea is a perky yet sinuous tune sung by an oboe, then flute. And, very much present and accounted for is a pulse-quickening episode that takes off like a locomotive getting up steam, that is, it gets faster and louder as it goes - a Rossini trademark for which the composer was both praised as well as damned.

Another reason to bring back our understanding of quickening is that it reminds modern readers of an important insight that was a truism in earlier times: Pregnancies are precarious in their early months. Before the modern understanding of embryology, people appreciated quickening as a medically significant indication of a successful pregnancy, and as a spiritually significant indication that it was time to experience oneself as pregnant with a baby and to expect the birth of a child. Today, we have the technology to detect conceptions less than two weeks after they take place. But of those conceptions, about 30 percent miscarry, mostly in the early months of pregnancy. From the point of modern embryology, quickening may be arbitrary, but from the perspective of a person experiencing pregnancy, it can make sense to look to quickening, rather than a positive home pregnancy test, for reassurance that a baby is on the way. And then, at quickening, we can remember Elizabeth, and joyfully appreciate the miracle that is new life.

He buys his custom-cut, French-cuffed duds in batches of 12 or 15, usually a couple of times a year when he's in town on scouting trips. The shirts are made off the premises, in a nearby village by a 60-something grandmother named Luisa. She can cut and sew approximately one shirt a day, and there is no quickening the pace of production. Though the shop employs several shirtmakers, Luisa alone fills all of Colangelo's orders in the interest of continuity. 589ccfa754

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