Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Data Collection and Use

Our application is designed with your privacy in mind, ensuring that your personal data is not collected. Our primary commitment is to safeguard your privacy and protect the information you provide or do not provide.

Access to Gallery for Application Features

To enhance your experience and enable full functionality, our application may request access to your device's gallery, but only if you wish to use images from your phone's gallery within the application with only images you select. This access is strictly with your permission and is used solely for the purpose of integrating your chosen images into the application's features.

Commitment to Privacy

Data Retention and Security

Your Rights and Control


Our privacy policy reflects our commitment to ensuring your data remains private and under your control. By not collecting personal data and only accessing your gallery with your explicit permission, we prioritize your privacy and security. Should you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please feel free to contact us.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us: