Cancel and Refund Avast

How Do I Cancel and Refund Avast Subscription?

Avast account portal was set up by the team to help the users manage all their subscriptions for the Avast product and devices. If you want to cancel and refund Avast, you can easily go through few simple steps listed below.

Are you fetching the same issue and looking for the ultimate steps to resolve it? Yes! Then have an immediate glimpse at the blow mentioned below.

Methods Fixing Cancellation of Avast Subscription

Method 1

Step 1: Go to the official website of Avast and search for the option of find order section.

Step 2: Type your order ID and password, and hit on the option of Find order button.

Step 3: You can find your order ID and password in the order confirmation email.

Step 4: If you can’t find the option of order ID, you can tap on the option of Forgot your order ID link.

Step 5: Enter your email address and last four digits of your credit card you used to make the purchase.

Step 6: Tap on the option of Unsubscribe next to the relevant subscription on the page of your subscription.

Step 7: Choose the option of Unsubscribe and let my subscription on MM/DD/YYYY.

Step 8: Finally, Hit on the Confirm button and with this your continuous subscription is over.

Cancel and Refund Avast Alternative Method

Step 1: The first thing, Go to the Avast official website to find your order.

Step 2: Under the option of Manage your Avast subscription, type your Order ID and Password in the required fields.

Step 3: Choose the option of Find order button to proceed.

Step 4: You can find your Order ID and password in the order confirmation email from the digital river.

Step 5: If you are failed to place this email, choose the option of Forgot your order ID? Link and follow the on-screen instructions.

Step 6: On the “subscriptions” page, select the “Unsubscribe” option provided next to the relevant subscription.

Step 7: Choose the option of Unsubscribe from future renewals and also let the subscription expire the date exposed.

Step 8: Now, Tap on the “Confirm” button to proceed further.

Step 9: Choose the option– Got it button.

Step 10: Always remember that the disabling option is managed separately for each subscription.

Step 11: To request a refund, Open the form– Avast refund request and keep following the on-screen instructions available on the display.

How to Team Up with Technical Expert to Fix the Issue Immediately?

We assume that the steps mentioned above have resolved all your problems totally in the way you want. However, if you are not satisfied with the steps given above, or have similar issues for which you need assistance, then you need to reach technical experts for assistance.