The Avaritionist Website

NOTE: Do not expect to find everything about avaritionism all in this library, as it is a relatively new ideology.

"Libertarians think it's wrong that only the government can use force, so they propose nobody can use it. But that's impossible, it would mean asking starving people to just accept their death by starvation, because its the "right" thing to do, being morally against use of force is easy for people with comfortable lives but once you're put in a desperate situation you quickly realize how anti human that idea is. Avaritionism is like objectivism but taken a step futher, to be truly free to strive toward humans objective purpose of living, we need to have complete freedom to act on your own volition in all aspects. Objectivism completely falls apart when you realize the rational choice is many situations is to not respect people's "rights" .


"Avaritionism decentralises everything. The market already decentralises so hardcore it even deterritorializes shit like crazy. But Avaritionism goes further. Violence is in the hands of everyone. Not a select few. Everyone. Everyone has power in this sense. And violence isn’t bad. Nothing is really bad but violence is beautiful. Look at combat sports for example."
