Call for Pre-print

Workshop Code


Important Dates

  • Deadline for workshop paper submission: Apr 20, 2021
  • Decision Notification: June 1, 2021
  • Final formatted version: June 15, 2021
  • Workshop session: September 19, 2021


As automated vehicles (AVs) becoming a part of the foreseeable future, our traffic environment will be populated with a mixture of AVs and human traffic partners (HTPs) such as pedestrians, cyclists and conventional human drivers. Thus, the opportunity of interactions between various AVs and HTPs is increasing. However, a bottleneck is that HTPs may not feel safe when they do not percept, understand and project the intentions of AVs. It may result in potential issues such as distrust, unsafety, inefficiency and bad pro-sociality. This potential issue could hinder the public acceptance and broad deployment of AVs. The current research focuses are on, e.g., identifying highly relevant real-world use cases of AVs-HTPs communication and safety factors between HTPs and AVs in mixed traffic environments, and the decision-making process in AVs-HTPs interactions. Besides, multiple studies discuss the relevant factors, e.g., positions, timing as well as types for human-machine Interfaces (HMI). Until now, there were some workshops which relate to behavioral research and transportation system modeling methods of the AV-human interaction in both IV and ITSC workshops. However, there has been no workshop topic focus on AVs-HTPs communication and even more discussed potential solutions to compensate the gap of this from a design perspective held jointly by IEEE IV and IEEE ITSC.

  • Topics for Discussion

(This workshop mainly discusses issues that are not limited to the following)

    • Why does AV need to communicate with HTPs?

    • In what kind of scenes does AV need to communicate with HTPs?

    • How does AV communicate with HTPs?

    • How does AV know that HTPs understands its conveyed intentions?

    • What contents between AV and HTPs are communicated?

    • How to promote HTPs’ safe behaviours through AVs-HTPs communication?

    • Is HMI a potential solution to compensate the gap of AVs-HTPs communication?

    • How to design and evaluate the external human-machine interface (eHMI) and internal human-machine interface (iHMI)?

    • Human-computer interaction theories, concepts and models

    • Typical ambiguous traffic scenarios

    • Implicit and explicit communication

    • Traffic partner behaviour research

    • Intention perception, understanding and prediction

    • Human factors (Situation awareness, trust)

Manuscript Submissions

    • We will use Papercept for workshop paper submissions HERE.

    • To submit a manuscript, you must have the following items readily available:

  • Type of submission: You can select Workshop Paper ( Workshop Code tg37s )

  • Title of the manuscript

  • Short 200 words text-only abstract of the manuscript

  • PINs of “ALL” co-authors (you can locate your co-authors’ PIN by following PIN link HERE

  • Keywords: you will be prompted for 1-3 conference specific keywords during the submission process

  • Manuscript file should be a PDF file (version 1.4 or higher), have all fonts embedded/subsetted, in US Letter page size, searchable, non-password protected document. Final papers sent to be part of the program of the conference MUST be format compliant according to the instructions provided HERE (shortcuts to preparing manuscript: LaTEX support and MS-Word support)

Page Limit

    • A manuscript in US Letter format can be of 1-6 pages (including references).


    • Workshop papers submitted through Papercept will be peer-reviewed via the same review process as regular and special session papers

    • The accepted workshop papers, if they are presented at this workshop, will be published in IEEE Xplore.