Qualities of a Trusted Auto Mechanic

Choosing a mechanic can be challenging since you want to make sure that you choose someone who can provide you quality work at a reasonable price. A trusted auto mechanic is certainly an asset, but how can you tell if you can trust the mechanic for major repairs such as engine replacement Mesa AZ. Here are five things to look for when evaluating an auto mechanic.


Trusted auto mechanics Mesa should be at very least have Auto Service Excellence (ASE) accreditation, and may also possess some manufacturer specific accreditation too. Look for accreditation certificates and logos when visiting the auto repair shop.


One sign of an auto mechanic that you can rely on is the recommendations of family and friends. Other sources you can look for recommendations are the Better Business Bureau or the local Chamber of Commerce.

Written Estimates

Reliable auto mechanics Mesa are generally willing to offer you an estimate in writing without any charge. If the mechanic you choose for Engine Replacement Mesa Az is unwilling to do so or wants to charge you for the estimate, they are much more likely to try and extend your bill when they repair your car.

Doing Necessary Work

A trusted auto mechanic mesa should only do work to your car that is essential, and even then will consult before doing anything more than the work you have asked for. Beware of auto mechanics who do additional work without any prior discussion with you.


Qualified auto mechanics Mesa will explain what the problem is and try to make sure that you understand everything in detail. Ask questions if you want to; your auto mechanic should be able to answer them to ensure your understanding before proceeding with the repair work of your car.

With these considerations, you will be able to choose the right auto mechanic for Engine Replacement Mesa AZ.