Call for Papers

Building upon the success of the workshop at IJCAI 2023 Macau, we are excited to announce the call for papers for the upcoming workshop. This workshop aims to push the boundaries of research in the field by delving deeper into current trends such as large language models and visual language models, while also emphasizing the pivotal role of humans in AI-human interaction. 

This year, our focus is on exploring how non-programming end-users can seamlessly interact with, manage, and instruct AI-driven systems, thereby embracing a more intuitive, human-centric approach. We aim to ignite discussions and investigations into the effective integration of modern AI techniques, particularly in the realm of no-code digital copilots, where humans take on the role of supervisors guiding and teaching machines.

Themes and Topics

We invite submissions on a wide range of topics including, but not limited to:

SUBMISSION instructions 

We invite researchers and practitioners who are passionate about the various directions in which AI may revolutionize the no-code automation field to submit their work. Submissions can reflect on past work, in-progress projects, present challenges and approaches, identified opportunities, critical opinions, and software demonstrations

Submissions must be written in English, prepared using IJCAI24 style, formatted in PDF, and submitted through EasyChair

There are two submission formats:

All accepted papers are expected to be presented at the conference and at least one author is required to register to the conference. 

Submissions should be single-blind so the names of the authors will be visible to the reviewers and should be indicated on the submitted files. In justified cases, if you wish your submission to be handled anonymously (i.e., double-blind) please send an e-mail to explaining the reasons. You will receive instructions on how to proceed.


 Best papers will be invited for a special issue along with best papers from sister workshops

COVID Regulations

IJCAI-24 is planned to be a physical event. For details on up-to-date regulations click here.