Automated income systems sells ‘biz opp leads’ and ‘viral traffic packages’. You can’t buy these products as a retail customer though, the only way to purchase is to become an affiliate. Most companies will charge a ton more, so no worries.


The amount of leads you get depends on what ‘affiliate level’ you buy in at…

Free affiliate: no products, no cost.

  • Starter affiliate ($97): 10,000 biz opp leads and traffic package
  • Silver affiliate ($297): 50,000 biz opp leads and traffic package
  • Gold affiliate ($597): 100,000 biz opp leads and traffic package
  • Platinum affiliate ($997): 250,000 biz opp leads and traffic package
  • Diamond affiliate ($1,497) 500,000 biz opp leads and traffic package

When you recruit someone, you earn a set commission according to your rank, and the level they join at. The following is a break down of this so you know how it works…

Free affiliate: Join for free to earn $25 commissions for recruiting any ‘paid level’ affiliates.

Starter affiliate: Join for $97 to earn $50 commissions for recruiting any ‘paid level’ affiliates.

Silver affiliate: Join for $297 to earn $50 commission for Starter recruits and $200 for Silver recruits and above.

Gold affiliate: Join for $597 to earn $50 Starter, $200 Silver, and $500 commissions for Gold recruits and above.

Platinum affiliate: Join for $997 to earn $50 Starter, $200 Silver, $500 Gold, and $900 commission for Platinum and Diamond recruits.

Diamond affiliate: Same benefits as a Platinum affiliate, but earn $1,300 commission for Diamond recruits.

In addition, you can also earn ‘upgrade commissions’ so that if your referral upgrades their membership rank, you earn a commission. The amount you can earn depends on your rank, the rank they upgrade to, and the rank they upgraded from. In any case, this commission is capped at the maximum each ‘level’ can earn. So, don’t take your chances, make sure you go for the best rank that works for you and your budget.

For example: If you are a Silver affiliate and recruit a Starter affiliate, you make $50. But if that recruit upgrades to a Silver or higher, you will earn an addittional $150 commission. The total commission here is capped at $200, since the maximum commission eligible to be earned for Silver memberships is $200.

This is where the multi level marketing (MLM) aspect comes into play. The reason being, this is where you earn on not just one level (ie. your direct referrals) as you would a straight affiliate program. You also earn commissions on THEIR referrals too.

  • You
  • Your direct referral (your level 1)
  • Their direct referral (your level 2)

To participate in this aspect of the compensation plan, you must be either a Platinum or Diamond affiliate.


  • Free affiliate: $12.50 Starter/ $50 Silver/ $125 Gold/ $225 Platinum/ $325 Diamond
  • Starter affiliate: $37.50 Silver/ $112.50 Gold/ $212.50 Platinum/ $312.50 Diamond
  • Silver affiliate: $75 Gold/ $175 Platinum/ $275 Diamond
  • Gold affiliate: $100 Platinum/ $200 Diamond
  • Platinum affiliate: $100 Diamond

Learn more about the compensations and overrides.


  • Free affiliate: $25 Starter/ $100 Silver/ $250 Gold/ $450 Platinum/ $650 Diamond
  • Starter affiliate: $75 Silver/ $225 Gold/ $425 Platinum/ $625 Diamond
  • Silver affiliate: $150 Gold/ $350 Platinum/ $550 Diamond
  • Gold affiliate: $200 Platinum/ $400 Diamond
  • Platinum affiliate: $200 Diamond

Here’s how the “25-50% commissions” fits into the equation (using a quick example)…

  • Diamond affiliate (you)
  • Gold affiliate (your level 1)
  • Platinum affiliate (your level 2)

Your level 1 affiliate earns a $500 commission from the Platinum sale they made. But the total commission payable for any Platinum affiliate membership sale is $900. So there’s still $400 ‘up for grabs’. So (as a Diamond affiliate) you earn 50% of this $400, or $200.

This same principal applies if you’re a Platinum affiliate. Except in that same example you’d earn the lower 25% of $400, or $100.