If you prefer NumPy or Google style docstrings over reStructuredText,you can also enable the napoleon extension.napoleon is a preprocessor that converts yourdocstrings to correct reStructuredText before autodoc processes them.

autodoc provides several directives that are versions of the usualpy:module, py:class and so forth. On parsing time, theyimport the corresponding module and extract the docstring of the given objects,inserting them into the page source under a suitable py:module,py:class etc. directive.

Autodoc .de

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Another example; If your class Foo has __str__ special method andautodoc directive has both inherited-members and special-members,__str__ will be documented as in the past, but other special methodthat are not implemented in your class Foo.

All autodoc directives support the no-index flag option that has thesame effect as for standard py:function etc. directives: noindex entries are generated for the documented object (and allautodocumented members).

If you document decorated functions or methods, keep in mind that autodocretrieves its docstrings by importing the module and inspecting the__doc__ attribute of the given function or method. That means that ifa decorator replaces the decorated function with another, it must copy theoriginal __doc__ to the new function.

This value is a list of autodoc directive flags that should be automaticallyapplied to all autodoc directives. The supported flags are 'members','undoc-members', 'private-members', 'special-members','inherited-members', 'show-inheritance', 'ignore-module-all'and 'exclude-members'.

If this boolean value is set to True (which is the default), autodoc willlook at the first line of the docstring for functions and methods, and if itlooks like a signature, use the line as the signature and remove it from thedocstring content.

If more than one enabled extension handles the autodoc-skip-memberevent, autodoc will use the first non-None value returned by a handler.Handlers should return None to fall back to the skipping behavior ofautodoc and other enabled extensions.

The code generated by namedtuple includes very generic docstrings that Sphinx's autodoc module picks up and includes. I'd rather document the class properly myself, without forgoing autodoc for the rest of the module.

I just tested this but it can not be done using :private-members: and or :special-members:. Not by writing either option in the .. automodule:: directive corresponding to the package. (Trying to set both options in autodoc_default_options gives the same result.)

As the title says. Is it possible? I tried clearing out a hospital because I mostly wanted an autodoc. I found one in there, but there were a crazy amount of zeds in there because there were two damn graveyards right next to the hospital... and me clearing it out with guns of course attracted all of them... I just felt cheated by the game because I almost managed to clear out the goddamn thing, and now I feel like I just really want that autodoc and that hospital can go f*** itself.

I have been trying to build docs on readthedocs for my debut python package QutiePy. Building the docs works fine locally, but when I try to build on readthedocs, autodoc fails to populate my sections and gives the following warning:

Since your autodoc is picking up some of the modules, it may be because the dependencies of the failed modules are either 1) not imported correctly or 2) not installed under your python environment. You will want to check if all the import statements work within your failed modules.

Am I missing something obvious, or is :noindex: not supposed to be used outside of .rst files? If that's the case then is there any way I can still leverage autodoc, in this case without explicitly defining MainModel and to functions in .rst?

All autodoc directives support the noindex flag option that has the same effect as for standard py:function etc. directives: no index entries are generated for the documented object (and all autodocumented members)

Try using sphhinx-autoapi extension ( -autoapi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) instead autodoc. This extension does not require to have the dependencies installed since it works statically by parsing the files directly instead of inspecting them dynamically.

sphinx-quickstart rapidly fires a series of prompts, the defaults are typically sensible, but enable autodoc when prompted. intersphinx might be useful if you have projects whose documentation may cross-reference eachother. viewcode adds links to source code from module listings, which could be helpful to end users. Make good use of the provided Makefile.

Assuming you enabled the autodoc extension, Sphinx can be set-up to automatically build a nice module index (such as the one found on the Goldilocks documentation) with links to documentation generated from the docstrings of your modules and classes; which is both pretty and a nice excuse to document your code properly too.

I find reStructuredText kinda grim for docstrings, so I use the sphinx-napoleon extension. This allows you to write numpy or Google style docstrings instead of dense blocks of quite difficult to read RST. As of Sphinx 1.3, the extension no longer needs to be manually installed and can be enabled in the same way as other extensions, like the autodoc:

autodoc_additional_template_folder: If you have additional custom sub-templates, use this setting to specify the location of additional AutoDoc templates. Note that if this field is left empty, only the default sub-templates folder is used.

The extension listens to the autodoc-process-signature and autodoc-process-docstring Sphinx events. In the former,it strips the annotations from the function signature. In the latter, it injects the appropriate :type argname: and:rtype: directives into the docstring.

To use sphinx.ext.napoleon with sphinx-autodoc-typehints, makesure you load sphinx.ext.napoleon first, beforesphinx-autodoc-typehints. See Issue 15 on the issuetracker for more information.

Provides 50% more hp regen in rooms that currently have no monsters. Health regen from multiple modules stacks. Useful in a room near a chokepoint as heroes can retreat to heal quickly then return to the fight. Tends to be more useful than Bio-organic Transference modules in rooms with multiple heroes and against waves with fewer but stronger enemies (since healing is not dependent on kills). Autodoc Shards are also a fantastic way to combat Chimera Keepers - save food by building a room of autodocs and run away to heal up if the boss is too tough!

If you are using Jupyter Book for package documentation,it can be time-saving to use the sphinx autodoc extensionto automatically generate the API reference documentation.To do so,you first need to add the autodoc extension to _config.yaml:

The next time you build your book,autodoc will extract all the docstrings from that moduleand create a single documentation page for all of them.If you want more control and the table of contents in the right margin,you can add headings and functions individually:

Any item that was inserted using the autodoc syntax (e.g. ::: full.path.object1) is possible to link to by using the same identifier with the cross-reference syntax ([example][full.path.object1]). But the cross-references are also applicable to the items' children that get pulled in.

There are two ways you can add the plugin to your leiningen environment: add it to the project or add it to a user profile. This is described in the Leiningen plugin documentation. If generating autodoc is a regular artifact of your project, put autodoc in the project.clj. If you want to be able to generate autodoc for arbitrary projects that you may not own, it makes sense to add the plugin to your user profile.

In use by 2126, a full-sized autodoc is a machine like a giant coffin into which a patient climbs for sophisticated, automated medical care. In 2353, at the time the most complex unit ever built was aboard a safe ramscoop starship. It could create its own biochemicals, plastiskin and artificial organs. It could in theory cure anything and keep someone young and healthy indefinitely; it could also perform manicures, haircuts, and massage. By 2355 surgery was normally done by autodocs instead of Human doctors, and on the starship Angel's Pencil, a huge autodoc covered the back wall of the infirmary. Aboard the starship Lying Bastard in 2850-51 was a Puppeteer autodoc, shaped as a Puppeteer coffin. Smaller, more limited machines also existed; see desk doc.

While it is possible to use reStructuredText in the docstrings of yourPython code, the author prefers to stay with plain text. Plain textdocstrings still produce great HTML pages with autodoc.Ultimately, it is your choice.

Webcomics  Data Chasers: Lynn Tailor nearly lost her eggs (and more than likely her ovaries as well) due to a faulty Autodoc. A real doctor showed up and turned it off. In Escape from Terra, most households on Mars or Ceres supposedly have one that can repair a shot through the heart if gotten to soon enough. They're illegal on Terra, though, due to their ban on biotech and nanotech. Quantum Vibe has ubiquitous tank-based autodocs. Schlock Mercenary has one that was souped up a bit and actually tries to improve its patients, sometimes successfully. The Toughs dubs it the "magic cryokit" after a few such improvements. Other autodocs in the series, which eventually adopt many of the "magic cryokit"'s concepts, tend to consist of a tank full of nutrient fluid in which nanomachines can fix and reconstruct what they need to. In late installments, they can even rebuild someone from scratch needing only a few mental backups. Tales from the Interface has a machine that can heal or fix any injuries.

While autodocs lacked the ability to perform complex surgeries like a Pauling MedPod 720i, an autodoc could treat lesser wounds, infections, and was also able to reset broken bones. As it was also less expensive, the autodoc was more widespread than the Pauling, with almost every colony, station, and ship being equipped with at least one such device. e24fc04721

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