I have been given a 24 floor Revit model to populate with lighting, I have already been through 24 AutoCAD Ceiling Layout drawings where I have placed some 11,000+ 2D blocks over them. Now I am being asked to transpose this into the Revit model.

My hope is I can import the Autocad Block layout and tell Revit to place/swap the 2D blocks for our Revit family, or maybe export the coordinates of the cad blocks and Revit does some magic with them.

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Revit Lighting Families need to be hosted to existing geometry. But it doesn't matter because you can't do what you want to do without doing it. If you get my meaning. In other words: there is no easy button. However, you could import the CAD to Revit Views and turn of all but the CAD's Lighting Symbols Layers and not place in Revit Lighting Families. Just have the CAD symbols representing the Light Fixtures in your Revit Views.

Yes we did know it would need to be done in Revit at some point. We haven't won the job yet but we needed quantities quickly so CAD was an easier choice as two people could work on it due to only me knowing how to use Revit in our office. Also the architect doesn't have a model with the ceilings/Ceiling Heights in it at the moment.

We recently got some really good feedback from our customer so fingers crossed we win the work and then I will need to populate the model. I am just working out timescales and best methods of doing the work with minimal duplication.

Step 4? Not the pub part! I May have to do that either way either out of absolute boredom placing 11000+ files or celebration that I managed to do it. Joking aside I think you right step 3 & 4 maybe an issue now. I have found the right question to ask google and have found a lot of others trying to do the similar things with not great results. I will give it a try for a giggle though as the code seems short.

I download a dwg drawing of a lighting unit and create a block. I use create an attribute with that units name and use the white color. I then add attributes, coloring each one of them differently and save that as a block. I then try to take that block and either copy/paste or use design center to put each block I have created with attributes into tool palette. Most of these blocks I have in my tool palette retain the individual colored attributes but some just turn some or all the attributes white. I have tried the "Manage Attributes", "Block Editor" and "Enhanced Attribute Editor" to return the attributes to their created colors but have no luck. I do have a drawing of all my blocks with colored attributes and when I copy/paste those to a new drawing they work, but not if I try to create a tool palette. I am very new to AutoCad and am teaching myself. Am I doing anything wrong or does this have to do with the Windows 10 update problem? I saved each block as I created it and then saved it again after I added the attributes with colors. Any help would be appreciated.

when put into the tool palette. These are from my master block file. I have also attached one of the two directly from my tool palette which is not working. I would have sent them both to you from the tool palette but suddenly one of them is now working. This is why I am asking whether this could be a Windows 10 update problem. I have had other strange intermittent problems like this. It has been driving me crazy. Thanks for your help.

In looking at your blocks, I think the problem you are facing is that you have the attributes nested in a block inside a block. If I modify the color of the attributes in the nested block and insert that it works fine.

I downloaded a drawing file, made it a block, saved it and then made it an attribute, colored white, called lekos. I then added attributes, in different colors and created it as a different block with a different name. I am totally new and training myself with the help of on line videos and thought this was the way to do it. I did it this way so when I selected a block to move or rotate the attributes would follow the unit. And I figured this way I always had a block without any attributes and one with the attributes I needed. I have done it this way almost 30 times and have had problems with the attributes. But now all but it seems the 2 I sent you didn't work and I couldn't figure how to make these 2 work. The strange thing is that the one labeled 50 degree has all of a sudden started working and keeping its colors. Have I gone about creating these blocks incorrectly? I am not sure how you got the colors to change. I used the Manage Attributes, Block Editor and Enhanced Attribute Editor and none of them worked. The Enhanced Attribute Editor shows the colors to be there but it doesn't transfer to the block.

I made a quick video that shows how you can edit the block that is nested inside the other block. You can simply copy the geometry and the attributes and create a new block. This new block should respect the colors of your attributes.

Sorry, I posted a reply but I guess it didn't go through. The explanation about how to create the block was good, thank you. Is the way I created the block with attributes on top of the other block wrong? Is that what is possibly causing my problems? The reason I created an empty block first and then gave it its own attribute is so if I wanted to shut off, lets say, all the 19 degree lekos for some reason I just would shut off that attribute. Now that I think about it, why would I want to shut off just the unit without shutting the attributes as well. Should I remake all my blocks the way you suggested? The visual you sent on how to repair the colors of the attributes that weren't working moved a little to fast for me to follow. I did somehow get it to work and for now have everything working. Thanks again for your help. I look forward to seeing your reply.

Yes, I suggest modifying the blocks so that they do not contain nested blocks. In my example, I merely opened the nested block with the Block Editor and copied all of the contents to the clipboard. Then I pasted into modelspace and created a new block form that content.

If you need to freeze certain parts of the block such as attributes, you can consider putting them onto unique layers inside of the block. That way if you freeze that layer, only that parts that are on that layer will disappear form the screen.

If I am understanding correctly, you could place the attribute definitions on specific layers. These layers could be the same for many block definitions. I recommend defining all the block geometry on layer 0.

I am guessing for a Fresnel, you might have two or three attributes some of which could be visible or invisible. That property can be set in the attribute definition. The attributes could be place on a LIGHT_ATT layer. You could use this layer for the attributes all fixture types. Then, you can draw all the geometry for each fixture type and all the geometry would reside on layer 0. Then, create the block for each fixture selecting its geometry and the attributes.

When you are viewing a fixture that has been inserted onto one of these layers, if the block geometry is created on layer 0 and the color and linetype is set to bylayer, it will assume the properties of the layer upon which it is inserted. The attributes will retain the colors of the layer they are created upon.

As far as ground lights vs lights on pipe, simply create a layer for the lights on the ground and one for the under pipe and lastly one for overpipe. Then when you insert a light, you insert it either on the ground layer or the pipe ones.

Lastly, as far as the IRIS attribute showing up or not, this too can be done in a Dynamic block with two Visibility states. This might be a bit beyond your current skill set but we can get it created.


I am having trouble when moving a lighting device to a different hang position. When I first insert a light fixture symbol to a hang position, the red triangle appears, it attaches to the pipe, adopts the hang position's name, and works when I use the "Auto-Number Positions" command.

When I then need to move the light to a different hang position, I click on the hang position, click the "Remove From Hang Position" on the light, but then when I go to move the light to a different position, the red triangle doesn't appear but it does attach to a tiny red dot on the hang position, it doesn't attach to the pipe, it doesn't adopt the hang position's name, and the "Auto-Number" command doesn't work.

Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

If you open up Document Settings - Spotlight Preferences and go to the Loads and Rigging tab, you'll see that there are two check boxes at the top: Auto-position loads when created and Auto-position loads when moved. You might have the first option checked but not the second option. The other thing to make sure is that there isn't anything between the lighting device and the hanging position, such as a locus or guideline (unless it's part of the position geometry). If you move a light onto something that is not a hanging position, even if a hanging position might be below that object, Vectorworks won't make the connection. 152ee80cbc

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