The reason the existing door block does not scale properly is because the arc width is not the same as the height by the difference of the door thickness and yet the scale is based on the width of the door. The arc will scale uniformly so the difference between the width and height of the arc will grow and shrink with the scale. The door thickness does not change with scaling of the opening, though, so the arc loses its alignment.

I am working on a block for doors. I'm trying to build it to where all the options will work independently from each other. For instance: I want to be able to have door adapters with or without mid rails or the door handing needs to be right hand on one and left hand on the other or both doors be right hand. There are also adapter plates that need to turn off and on. Also, need the ability to stretch the doors to the appropriate size, threshold height, etc.

Autocad Door Blocks Dwg Free Download

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The two move actions keep the flip parameters centered on the door they also assist with the position of the diagonal lines. The reason for the angle offsets (and the additional chained point parameters) is to facilitate the ability to flip the stretch angles. When you flip/rotate an action it changes the angle offset according EXCEPT that flips that change an angle offset from 0 to 180 or 180 to 0 are ignored. I have no idea why that is the case, but it just is. Because of this, the workaround of adding the chained point parameters is necessary so that the flips change the angle offset between 90 and 270. It would make more sense and be easier if angle offsets of 0 and 180 were able to be flipped but alas that isn't the case.

I'm basically trying to add a lookup controlling the door swing (from block "B") to all the functionality of block "A." I've tried a hundred variations and in each of them, there was at least one thing that didn't work.

Since you already have the visibility states for the different swing angles, I would add a door slab rectangle at each angle as well and eliminate the rotate parameter/action. At that point all you need to do is add the appropriate stretch actions with appropriate angle offsets for each vis state. In the screencast I show how to add the 45. You would need to do the same for the other anges with the additional stretch actions with appropriate angle offsets. Let me know if any part of it is confusing.

Thank you so much for this very thorough instructional video. I've been trying to get this solution to work all afternoon. As you can see from the attached block, when the door is flipped (from hinge to strike side) the doorway resizing starts to do some really wacky stuff. The fact that it happens at the 90 degree vis state as well leads me to believe that I did something wrong in following your instructions since it worked before.


I opened a large AutoCAD file with several xrefs in Rhino. Strangely, several blocks seemed to change their scale noticeably. At first I thought it was something related to the blocks within the xref (the dark circles in the image below are axis notations in a xref, and are very evident), but then I saw that the grey rectangles were blocks in the drawing itself.

image769388 29.3 KB

So in AutoCAD I made a drawing only with those blocks and then imported it to Rhino the same way I did the original. The result was as expected.

image697398 972 Bytes

As these are axis and notation blocks it may not be a problem in this particular file, but this is happening with certain door block as well. The image below is more or less the same area in another drawing. The door is pretty much scale 1000 times

image704540 173 KB

These last doors are blocks within other blocks within xref (which initially I thought was the problem) but then I found the example above that is a simple block in the AutoCAD drawing.

As title says, I'm wondering if there's a way to trim a block. For this problem I have a door which is a block, where part of it is behind a column. How can I trim part of the door block inside the column? Or would I have to draw over the door with the correct lines essentially getting rid of the block?

They move away from your door because the basepoint of the scale is not at the center of the arc. There's nothing wrong with the block Ojuris posted but the one I attached is a fair amount simpler. I changed the distance multiplier on your angled stretch actions to 0.5 as they should be - otherwise the total door width is larger than the opening when the opening is made larger. I changed the scale action to independent and moved its base point to the left arc center. I eliminated the straight stretch and added the jamb to the move action.

Does any body know how to correct this? I have checked the sample doors in Autocad that are opened 90 degrees, and they work with flipping. Not sure if it has to do with the 90 degrees or some other thing they have done.

As a bonus, if you could help me with one other thing... I also would like it if the flip would continue to stay centered even if I stretch the width or depth. So if I stretch the door from 700mm to 900mm it would not offset when flipping it, and if I would change the depth of the door it would stay centered on the wall.

I have created a pretty nice dynamic door block with flip parameters - size changes - and visibility parameters for jamb/no jamb. However I would like to add an option for changing the door from 90 degrees, 45 degrees and closed. I can't use the visibility parameter since I am using that for jamb/no jamb option. I was hoping to add a rotate parameter, but am having issue with the arc line. Is there a way to have the arc move with the swing in the door? If so, I can add that to the more refined door block. I have attached Drawing 2 (Door with just the rotate parameter) and Drawing3 (More refined door dynamic block without the swing option). Any advice would be much appreciated.

Basically you use an angular dimension instead of an arc so it actually "stretches" with the rotation parameter, so you're not limited to just 90 and 45. Demo below is for a duct elbow, but a door works the same.

My swing (ang. dim) always stay at a 90 degree arc no matter how big or small the angle of the leaf is opened and it doesn't want to fan in or fan out, it just rotates with the door leaf and the other end just doesn't want to get fixated to the jamb.

Your block seems to behave mostly correctly. The flip works fine and the various stretch actions work fine before and after the flip. The only real issue I see is that the arcs do not scale exactly right. That brings me to the main issue I see. The geometry itself does not seem correct to me. In reality, the door panel always rotates around the center of the hinge pin. That is not how you show it, and consequently, your open positions do not appear correct, nor do the swing arcs. It seems to me that the geometry should be corrected before attempting to correctly scale the arcs.

My block are nearly finish and every action goes well even though my geometry for swing are quite wrong coz' instead of pivoting in center of the the hinge i used the edge of the door. Anyways, what i can't figure out is adding another flip in "X" axis. I tried so many variation but i can't get through of it. Kindly have a look and see what i am missing.

I had attached the double door: the left is the one I would like to make something similar to this: =pk0lYt3whHA&t=39s 

I know I could download the share version from the description but I like to know how to do it myself.

The attached file also contains another double door version that I created but it's not that great compare to the youtube one...

Click the DOORin icon to open ADS.dwg in Autodesk AutoCAD Design Center. Insert _single_door_ads, _double_door_ads and/or _single_light_door_ads and _double_light_door_ads (use ... if you prefer working in Architectural Units Mode) from AutoDoorsSchedule.dwg (opened in the Design Center). You can import the DoorSchedule table style from the same file or use your own table style. Enter values for height, material and clearance for each block and set the frame thickness from the Properties bar for _single_door_ads and _double_door_ads. Freely copy, move and rotate block items and change their properties as necessary. Turning the opening angle inwards will make a door to be taken as swinging. ADS blocks have also got grips for moving the door label and rotating its text. There's a wipeout (in the "door_wipeout" layer; WIPEOUT>F>OFF hides the wipeout outlines) in each block that masks the part of the wall where the door is mounted, so it's not necessary to break the wall for the block. If you prefer to work in the usual way after all, freeze the "door_wipeout" layer and use the DOORfix and DOORfixall commands to break the walls between the jambs of selected doors. 2351a5e196

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