When I update the editable layer with ArcGIS Collector (or through any standard web map edit), the edit doesn't appear in the web app unless i refresh the web page. It doesn't appear just by panning the map. This refresh behaviour is unusual, and I would expect the edit to appear just by panning the map.

The response you are getting is expected. To get the app or any map to update without a refresh of the page you will need to go to the webmap feeding the app and set that layer to a specified refresh interval. Here is a help document that shows you where to go to set the interval.

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Now it doesn't automatically refresh. I have to go the View menu and click Refresh after each workarea update. My coworkers don't have this problem. I do enjoy adjusting settings in my .cdsenv file, but I don't know what I would have done to cause this.

I had a quick dig around and I can't see any way to stop the auto refresh (I assume you're talking about the auto-refresh spotting new libraries which have been added to the cds.lib and it does a "DB auto refresh" message in the library manager?). Note that this auto-refresh doesn't necessarily mean that virtuoso itself can see everything...

I don't see "DB auto refresh" anywhere. The refresh I'm talking about actually refreshes my cellviews if they were updated during the SOS workarea update. So if I've got a schematic open, and that schematic has changed since I opened it, it will refresh when I hit the OK button on the "Refresh Data From Disk" GUI that automatically pops up after my update. But now that GUI is no longer automatically coming up after my updates.

That is functionality that is part of ClioSoft's SOS interface - the fact that it triggers a refresh (equivalent to View->Refresh) after an update. Unfortunately I just found that my local SOS licenses have expired when I was about to test this, but the best thing to do would be to contact ClioSoft's customer support about this, since it's their tool.

I know I stumbled across this setting somwhere in the Admin panel but can't seem to find where I can set the auto-refresh interval for the main tickets page. I thought this could be set in the user account properties page but I don't see it there...

My question:I am Using Oauth 2.0 for my project , where Access token gets expired every 19 mins , I have to go and click on Get New Access Token Every time . Refresh Token is not working . can anybody please guide me to refresh Token

My work is set up with a dual monitor and I normmaly have Smartsheet opened on both of my monitors. Since the upgrade a few weeks ago, I have noticed that the screen will auto refresh or even sometimes while I am typing it will automatically refresh itself to match the other screen.

Craig's suggestions will be the first line of troubleshooting on this (I especially am fond of step 3 ). However, we do sometimes see refreshing like this if you have an extension enabled in the browser or on your desktop. One extension we see this with is Caffeine, which refreshes every 59 seconds.

I've tried clearing my cache, but still seeing the behavior, and see it replicated for other users as well. I am guessing the reports are designed to refresh and fetch new data every ~10 minutes, so that might be the cause?

However, when we create a new file for example from Bubble (and send the create api request to Dropbox) there is no way of automatically seeing that newly created file in the repeating group without hard refreshing the bubble app page.

I have integrated Airtable tables into Power Bi desktop using API key. Now I want to set up the auto refresh of data on Power Bi online and it asks for credentials. I am not sure what credentials I should be using as I tried API key & Bearer token, but nothing seems to work.

Teams will switch me to an inactive status despite being at my machine and I've tried various extensions that seem to only work for a day before no longer having any impact on teams. Is there a way I can set up a script to auto-refresh or perhaps another solution so that I no longer have to click teams every 5 minutes.

I find it annoying that I am working on a web page (ie checking off all the down nodes that are no longer down) only to find that the page refreshes and all my checkboxes are cleared. Can this behavior be changes -- that is put the web page in "no auto refresh" mode?

This leads to the discussion of the need for more dynamic content that doesn't require a refresh like AJAX or Shockwave. Hopefully SolarWinds is looking in that direction. A full page refresh seems odd IMHO in this day and age.

This leads also to the discussion of implementing RBAC. Instead of customizing menu bars on a per user basis, the menu bar should be defined by Role and users defined to a Role. Then if we add the "page refresh" parameter to the menu bar (instead of for everyone everywhere) we have a pretty good solution that takes us toward modern security/integrity themes like privacy/confidentiality (where a customer can only see its own view of the network) and integrity (where users/groups-of-users have access only to particular functions).

Well on the current version of NPM, changing the autorefresh to 0 causes the server to go nuts and deliver a bunch of 503 errors whenever the any page loads. Now I get to go rummage through the database to find out where to set it back to some number above zero.

After waiting for five minutes, neither alert screen auto-refreshed, both showed the alert as "ACK'ED". In order to show the alert's true state, I had to hit the browser refresh on both in order to show to correct status of "OPEN"

Okay, seems bound to cause frustration if new alerts can show up but existing ones don't have their status updated. I believe all other products I've used over the past 30 years refresh the entire list, I've never heard of a partial refresh. I suppose this isn't intended to perform as an NMS per se, but in my opinion auto-refresh should be all or nothing.

It appears we do already have a feature enhancement request logged for complete auto-refresh, so that is hopefully a feature we will see sometime in the near future. In the meantime, here is a plugin that may help.

The refresh of these applications could be stuck, which would prevent new refresh attempts to start. Type this into your terminal: snap changes. So long as you have a refresh taking place in some state, you might see something like:

I have this dashboard which contains a single-stat panel and is auto refreshed every 0.5 seconds. Data source is elasticsearch and there are no performance issues here. Now I would like to add a graph-panel with a month of data - I do not wish to auto-refresh this every 0.5 seconds. Any way of overriding the auto-refresh per panel?

I am doing an auto-refresh in a Alarm Journal Table using NOW(10000) in the END DATE expression.

but this is showing only around one day, The question is, how can I do the same autorefresh but showing now and the last 3 days Alarms?


It really does sound like you are looking for hot-reloading. hot-reloading restarts the server but it also refreshes the browser once the server is restarted. This is the default mode in the latest version of dash (Installation | Dash for Python Documentation | Plotly)

We have multiple applications that wants to use Okta for SSO. Each application has a different SSO mechanism like SAML and JWT. My app uses JWT tokens - both refresh and access token, and I would like to know if there is a way to keep the Okta session alive when refresh or access tokens are issued.


a) Based on other threads, it looks like Okta session does not extend automatically when a refresh token is issued. Is this accurate? We use refresh token rotation as well.

b) Can refreshing the session be configured in Okta itself instead of the app having the responsibility to keep the Okta session alive?

c) If the app should do this, are there any recommendations/documentation from Okta regarding the best way to implement it?

d) Since tokens should be stateless, self contained and independant, is it a good design to auto refresh Okta session when refresh tokens are issued? Or is it better to allow users to continue using the app even if their Okta session has expired because they have a valid refresh token?

Final note is that the user can refresh their own session (based on the session cookie they have set in the browser) using this request: Refresh current Session | Okta Developer. So if they do need to remain logged in to Okta based on their activity within your app(s), you can help extend the idle lifetime (note that the max session lifetime will still apply regardless).

I have a daily data set of relatively small size (100 rows) that gets refreshed every minute and one of the dataset fields is the time stamp, so the data set grows everyday until I reset it by filtering the "date" data field to the next day. I have connected the data to a Domo card, but although I can see the DataSet to refresh every minute, the card that I built and connected to the data set doesn't not refresh. How can i instruct the card to refresh as soon as the connected dara refreshes?

Generally, if you update the dataset, the card updates itself with the fresh data. I have also built a similar piperline where the data updates every 15 minutes. The card updates every 15 minutes to show fresh data. I wouldnt call it a refresh since the page doesnt refresh. The card just flickers and shows new data. 

Can you put a screenshot of your card with the dataset at the bottom.

So I want to get the Task Editor coffee screen working properly and auto updating correctly. I really need some help, @emre what could be causing this? What else can I try? Is there any debugging options I can enable to understand more about the messaging and where it is going wrong, or can you implement a way to debug it better so we can get to the bottom of this?

There are built in refreshes like when you submit tickets etc. But sometimes you may need auto refresh if you have a timer running like entity state minutes and it needs update without any other activity. 2351a5e196

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