The MU Helper can assist you killing monsters, and it can also allow you to hunt monsters while away from the keyboard! When you turn the helper on, it automatically hunts monsters and will even keep track of detailed hunting statistics! However, it's important to know that it costs zen to keep the helper running!

You can use the MU Helper Plus when you are hunting solo, or when you are the party leader. You cannot use helper plus when you are a member of someone else's party. The helper plus is for characters over level 400 hunting in high level maps. You can use the helper plus to automatically move to locations where monsters spawn. The helper will check if there is another player or party in the spot already. If another player or party is already in a spot, the helper will automatically move you and your party to another location until it finds and open spot. If no spot is available, the helper will move to the safe-zone and turn off. The helper plus will even automatically change servers to check spots on other servers.

Auto Pots In Zhypermu Free Download

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* If you have 100 free points and level 200 and you want to add the next 400 points into agility then you will write /addagi auto 400 

* What will happen? The free 100 points will be added into agility instantly, and the next 300 points that you gain, will also be added into agility - that means from level 200 to 260 all the points will be added into agility automatically even if you are AFK when doing the levels.

* What will happen? The free 100 points will be added into agility instantly, and the next 300 points that you gain, will also be added into agility - that means from level 200 to 260 all the points will be added into agility automatically even if you are AFK when doing the levels.

First you jump in the game, click the Elf Soldier (Shadow Phantom Soldier) to receive some bonus damage/defense, then you go to kill some mobs for level up. After killing some mobs, you will notice that you are not killing fast enough, so you need to search for some spells. Maybe you will find some in the shops. You can find shops in many maps, in safezones. You can buy some starting items from there, and some potions of healing and mana too. Shops are NPCs which are selling items to you for a certain amount of zen (zen is dropping from mobs). After you find some spells (don't worry if you won't find too many spells in shops, the most of spells are dropping from mobs in certain maps/spots) you can level up easier. 0852c4b9a8

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